Title: 2002 KAS fall
1Density Power Spectra of Turbulence in Molecular
Korea Astronomy Observatory Jongsoo Kim Chungnam
National University, Korea Dongsu Ryu, Song Chan
2Observed Density Power Spectra
- Interstellar scintillation, etc electron
density - 21 cm - neutral Hydrogen
- CO line observations - molecular clouds
- Optical polarization of star lights dust
- etc.
- ? Observers said that most of their observational
results on density PS may be explained by a
Kolmogorov slope. - ? However, I would like to remind that they
observed column-density (not volume-density) PS.
3Armstrong et al. 1995 ApJ, Nature 1981
11/33.66 the slope of Komogorov 3D PS
- Electron density PS
- Composite PS from observations of ISM velocity,
RM, DM, ISS fluctuations, etc. - A dotted line represents the Komogorov PS
- A dash-dotted line does the PS with a -4 slope
4Crovisier and Dickey 1983
- PS of HI 21cm observations
- Observed with WSRT, Nancay and Arecibo
- l52.5, b0.0
- Easy to find PS from the visibility of
- interferometric observations
- The slopes of PS are -3 for WSRT observations
- and -2 for single dish observations
-2 for Nancay(x) and Arecibo(o)
-3 Westerbork()
5Stenholm 1984
- B5, a molecular cloud
- Power spectra of peak line temperatures along N-S
scans - The mean spectral slope is around -1.67
(Komogorov type spectra) - density PS vs column-density PS.
6Simulated Density Power Spectra Motivation of
this study
Cho and Larzarian, astroph/0411031
- Compressible MHD simulations
- As Mrms increases, the density PS (dotted line in
each pannel) becomes flat.
7 - Isothermal Hydrodynamic equations
- Periodic Boundary Condition
- Isothermal TVD Code (Kim, et al. 1998)
8Velocity power spectra from 1D HD simulations
- Resolution 8196
- Because of 1D, there are only sound waves (no
eddy motions). - Slopes of the spectra are nearly equal to -2,
irrespective of Mrms numbers.
9Density power spectra from 1D HD simulations
- Resolution 8196
- For subsonic (Mrms0.8) or mildly supersonic
(Mrms1.7) cases, the slopes of the spectra - are still nearly -2.
- Slopes of the spectra with higher
- Mach numbers becomes flat especially in the low
wavenumber region. - Flat density spectra are not related to B-fields
and dimensionality.
10Time evolution of velocity and density fields
(I) Mrms0.8
- 1D isothermal HD simulation with 8196 cells
- (Step function-like) Discontinuities in both
velocity and density fields develop on top of
sinusoidal perturbations with long-wavelengths - FT of the step function gives -2 spectral slope.
11Time evolution of velocity and density fields
(II) Mrms6.0
- 1D isothermal HD simulation with 8196 cells
- Step function-like (spectrum with a slope -2)
velocity discontinuities are from by shock
interactions. - Interactions of strong shocks make density peaks,
whose functional shape is similar to a delta
function (flat spectrum).
12Velocity power spectra from 3D HD simulations
- Resolution 5123
- The slope of a spectrum with Mrms1 is nearly
equal to the Komogorov slope, -5/3. - As Mrms increases, the absolute value of the
spectral slope increases.
13Density power spectra from 3D HD simulations
- Resolution 5123
- As Mrms increases, the slope becomes flat in the
shorter wavenumber region.
14Comparison of sliced density images
- As the Mrms of compressible turbulent flow
increases, the density power spectrum becomes
flat. This is due to (delta function-like)
density peaks formed by shock interactions. - The spectral slopes of density and velocity
fields from 1D isothermal simulations are -2,
irrespectively of Mrms. - The density spectral slopes of the subsonic and
mildly supersonic flows may be explained by the
Kolmogorov slope. - Because observations tell us only column-density
PS, it is better to compare observed and
simulated column-density PS. We are working on
this project.