Title: The City of Youngstown
1The City of Youngstown Youngstown State University
2Format of Tonights Meeting
- Presentation30 Minutes
- SpeakersJay Williams, CDA Director, Bill
DAvignon, Deputy Director of Planning and
Anthony Kobak, Chief Planner - Your Comments90 Minutes
3Purpose for Tonights Meeting A planning process,
not a gripe session
- Identify clear, specific and achievable goals for
the neighborhood - Set the priorities
- Create a checklist of targets (big small) that
can be achieved by 2010
4The Vision
Accepting that we are a smaller city Youngstown
should strive to be a model of a sustainable
mid-sized city
Defining Youngstowns role in the new regional
economy Youngstown must align itself with the
realities of the new regional economy
Improving Youngstowns image enhancing quality
of life Making Youngstown a healthier and better
place to live and work
A call to action An achievable and practical
action-oriented plan to make things happen
5Youngstown Salt Springs/ Steelton Neighborhood
Salt Springs/ Steelton
6Salt Springs/ Steelton Cluster
7Population1990 - 2000
Citywide (14.3)
Salt Springs/ Steelton (2.8)
Median Income1989 - 1999
Citywide 37
Salt Springs/ Steelton 45
8Housing Units
Citywide (9)
Salt Springs/ Steelton 1.6
Housing Value
Citywide 29
Salt Springs/ Steelton 32
9The Neighborhood - Current Land Use What it is
now ? What should it be?
10Salt Springs/ Steelton Cluster Structure
11Salt Springs/ Steelton Neighborhood Development
12Current Projects Shovels in the dirt or ground
soon to be broken.
711 Overpass
- Other Projects
- Ohio Works Industrial Park
- Division St. Bridge
- Salt Springs Industrial Park
13Issues for Discussion
- Recreational Activity in Your Neighborhood
- Residential Activity in Your Neighborhood
- Retail and Commercial Activity in Your
Neighborhood - Industrial Activity in Your Neighborhood
- Transportation Accessibility in Your
Neighborhood - Improving the Image and the Quality of Life in
Your Neighborhood
14Recreational Activity in Your Neighborhood
Natural Amenities Committee Recommendations for
the Salt Springs/ Steelton Cluster
Restore the riparian zone of the Mahoning River.
- Protect and expand the riparian zone in the Ohio
Works Industrial Park. - .
- Develop the Ohio Works Industrial Park as a
green industrial park.
- Restore, rehabilitate and expand the clusters
existing green infrastructure, i.e. Kochis Park
and the undeveloped greenways between Meridian
Road and the River.
15- Recreational Activity in Your Neighborhood
- Is there enough? What should it be?
- Where should it go?
16Residential Activity in Your Neighborhood To
stabilize at a population of 80,000, Youngstown
has an excess of over 3,000 housing units. Any
new housing construction effectively calls for
the elimination of existing stock elsewhere.
Housing Committee Recommendations
- Keep the green buffer separating the adjacent
industrial area from the neighborhood - In the Steelton Neighborhood, fund and encourage
housing rehabilitation rather than demolition and
rebuilding. - Enforce existing housing codes and business codes
for appearance. - Encourage the celebration of the ethnicity of the
area - Utilize vacant lots where appropriate for mini
playgrounds - Strengthen bonds between neighborhood and churches
17Residential Activity in Your Neighborhood
Housing Committee Recommendations
- Encourage religious festivals and celebrations
- Support Church tours to create exposure and
economic opportunity - Develop small retail establishments to support a
walking population - Use congregational ties as a marketing tool for
real estate - The area west of Salt Springs Road and in between
the green space and SR711 is relatively stable
residential and should be kept as such.
18Regional Retail and Commercial Activity
19City Retail and Commercial Activity
20Salt Springs/ Steelton Neighborhood Retail
Commercial Activity
21Industrial Activity in Your Neighborhood Does it
belong here? Is there enough? Where should it go?
22Transportation Accessibility in Your
Neighborhood Where should new improvements go?
23Transportation accessibility in Your
Neighborhood Western Reserve Transportation Bus
24Improving the Image and the Quality of Life in
Your Neighborhood
- Make education everybodys business
- Improve neighborhood safety
- Celebrate the diversity within our community
- Capitalize on the authentic urban environment
- Create a greener community
- Restore and re-energize the Mahoning River
- Fix broken windows
- Make government more efficient
25Issues for Discussion
- Recreational Activity in Your Neighborhood
- Residential Activity in Your Neighborhood
- Retail and Commercial Activity in Your
Neighborhood - Industrial Activity in Your Neighborhood
- Transportation Accessibility in Your
Neighborhood - Improving the Image and the Quality of Life in
Your Neighborhood
26Next Steps
- Identify clear, specific and achievable goals for
the plan - Set the priorities
- Create a checklist of targets (big small) that
can be achieved by 2010 - Monitor and Celebrate Successful Achievements
27Next Steps Continued
- Comments will be distilled into a draft land use
plan - The plan and projects will be posted on the 2010
homepage for review. - Comments will be taken and further distilled
- The city wide land use plan will be unveiled
January 27th, 7pm at Stambaugh Auditorium
28Send us your comments! Youngstown 2010 City Hall,
6th Floor 26 S. Phelps Street Youngstown, OH
44503 Phone 330-742-8842
330-742-8997 Email youngstown2010_at_cityofyoungstow
noh.com Watch for draft plan and project postings
at www.youngstown2010.com