Title: ELVIS Ecosystem Location Visualization and Information System
1Ebiquity CAIN RMBL Mindswap
Semantic Prototypes in Research Ecoinformatics
Web Ontologies For intelligent agents
ELVIS Ecosystem Location Visualization and
Information System What are likely predators and
prey of an invader in a new environment?
Evidence Provider Examine evidence for predicted
Species List Constructor Click a county, get a
species list.
Food Web Constructor Predict food web links using
database and taxonomic reasoning.
SpireEcoConcepts Food web database concepts
and results of Food Web Constructor ETHAN Evolut
ionary Trees and Natural History For online
scientific data-bases about species and higher
taxonomic levels
TripleShop A SPARQL Workshop for Triples Use the
semantic web to find and share body masses of
fish that eat fish.
Create a dataset Find semantic web docs that can
answer query.
Get results Apply query to dataset with semantic
Query Enter a SPARQL query.
PREFIX rdf lthttp//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-synt
ax-nsgt PREFIX rdfs lthttp//www.w3.org/2000/01/rd
f-schemagt PREFIX spec lthttp//spire.umbc.edu/ont
ologies/SpireEcoConcepts.owlgt PREFIX ethan
lthttp//spire.umbc.edu/ontologies/ethan.owlgt PREF
IX kw lthttp//spire.umbc.edu/ontologies/ethan_key
words.owlgt SELECT DISTINCT ?predator ?prey
?preymaxmass ?predatormaxmass WHERE
?link rdftype specConfirmedFoodWebLink .
?link specpredator ?predator .
?link specprey ?prey . ?predator
rdfssubClassOf ethanActinopterygii .
?prey rdfssubClassOf ethanActinopterygii .
OPTIONAL ?prey kwmass_kg_high
?preymaxmass . OPTIONAL ?predator
kwmass_kg_high ?predatormaxmass
webs_publisher.php? published_study11
Export results for further analysis (e.g. in
Food Web Constructor).
UMich Animal Diversity Web http//www.animaldivers
Name, tag, and share with group members or public.