Title: The Gathering Perfect Storm
1The Gathering Perfect Storm
- Consequences for Alberta Agriculture
2The Agri-Food Industry is at a Fracture Point
- Agriculture is facing new opportunities, also
new and serious challenges - Same situation as energy Peak Oil Peak
Food energy has some options - Agriculture demand constrained to supply
constrained - Must double food production in 20 years
- Canada has best set of natural resources must
have understanding, belief and will - Must develop belief, understanding, and will
3Peak Food Occurs Between2018 2022 . . . Why?
- Climate change is real global warming is the
process reduction of 20 or more in productive
capacity traditional cropping areas are
disrupted - 1.0 billion new, middle class consumers in Asia
next 10 years equivalent to 3 new U.S.A.s in
demand - Population growth ¼ population of world 1960
first 7 ½ years of 21st century -
4Global Society FacingPerfect Storm
- Four universal elements
- No person untouched anywhere in world
- Agriculture offers the broadest options to
mitigate the Perfect Storm - Potential effects could leave 2.0 billion
5Four Elements toPerfect Storm
- Global Warming leads to climate change
- Health Care crisis
- Search for Energy Security and alternatives
- Need for ample, secure supplies of fresh water
6Global Warming ? Climate Change
- Causes are debated physical effects are real
- July 15th, 2007 Britisher swims at North Pole
2008 takes shipload of tourists - Glaciers are melting all over the world
- Glaciers in Himalayas are source of fresh water
to 2.0 billion people in S.E. Asia - North west passage open for only second time
2008 1st commercial East/West ship through the
North West Passage. - Arctic Ocean forecast to be free of ice 2030
- University of Colorado arctic ice melt 20 to
30 years ahead of climatologists models
7The Health Care Crisis
- Competing agenda different issues
- 2 billion people overfed, overweight
- 2 billion people underfed, underweight
- 66 - US population overweight 26 obese
- If unchanged 41 US adults obese by 2015
- 923 million near or at starvation daily
increase of 149 million in 3 years
8The Health Care Crisis continued
- Current 2 to 19 year olds in developed world
are first generation likely to die ahead of
parents - Will be in health care system at same time as
parents - Level of obesity in this group has tripled last
30 years - Obese at 13 75 obese for life
- Epidemic of diabetes and other metabolic
diseases underway
9Dr. Richard CarmonaU.S. Surgeon General 2002-2006
Obesity is the terror within. The magnitude of
the dilemma will dwarf 9/11 or any other
terrorist attempt We must stop overweightness
and obesity. To fail will incapacitate the
nation. Food and health must converge on the
same agenda
10Search for Energy Security and Alternatives
- High energy prices high volatility over last
decade - Western society built on availability of
ample cheap oil
11Search for Energy Security and Alternatives
- Historical position of Petroleum Industry
- no shortage of oil or gas
- cheap easy-to-reach oil may be diminishing
- large discoveries yet to be made
- But, in 2007, the message changed
12Search for Energy Security and Alternatives
- National Petroleum Council (US)
- delivered report to US Secretary of Energy on
July 18th, 2007 - looked to 2030 Facing the Hard Truth about
13Two Major Changes in Message
- We are running out of cheap oil - not making the
big new discoveries demand around the world has
spiked consumption - We must align consumption with discovery
annually - The last year that goal 2 was achieved was 1990.
14International Energy Agency Forecast Late October
2008 Sober Thoughts
- Investments of 360 Billion per year are needed
to meet the future energy demands of China,
India, and others in South East Asia. - Current annual rate of decline of existing
producing oilfields 6.4 - need to bring on
line 60 Million barrels per day by 2020 to
maintain the status quo. - Conventional pumping fields daily capacity
globally 100 to 105 Million barrels per day.
Consumption will average over 86 Million barrels
per day in 2008 not much head room.
15Access to Safe, Ample Supplies of Fresh Water
- Fresh water is a different element
- no replacement
- no alternatives
- fresh water is the foundation of life for
humans, animals and plants - must be able to access daily
16Access to Safe, Ample Supplies of Fresh Water
Daily continued
- Today we are pumping 104 out of each 100
replenished 4 annual deficit - Agriculture consumes 70 of fresh water
annually - 20-25 of fresh water in the world is in the
Great Lakes basin - Canada has ½ of one percent world population
has 10 of world fresh water even in Canada,
fresh water is not distributed where needed
global warming has huge impact on water
availability, when available
17Canadians are used to Certainty
- Certain we . . .
- had ample secure, economical supplies of fossil
fuel energy - had easily accessible, safe, volumes of fresh
water - could access a health professional when needed
- that next years climate would be this years
with minor variation - The Perfect Storm removes all certainty
18Canadian AgricultureIts Future Role in the World
- Agriculture globally has breadth to mitigate
elements of perfect storm - Industry and Society must recognize fracture
point - Society must recognize peak food possibility
- Must be seen as a solution provider to society
- water use and management
- second generation bio-fuels
- greenhouse gas reduction and capture
- quality nutrition ? preventative medicine
19What Can We Do?
- Recognize that science is the basis and
foundation of the solutions we put forward must
invest in new technology must partner with
professionals in health and environmental
sciences technology offers the best chance of
managing the gap between supply and demand. - Accept that we must become equally socially,
economically, and environmentally responsible
cannot let one leg of the stool overtip the other
two must become triple bottom line
20What Can We Do? (Continued)
- Must be committed to long term sustainability
we cannot let short term opportunism mine our
soil and water resources in a way that we are
unable to sustain them for the future - Agriculture in total must accept a new leadership
role we must believe we are the foundation
industry within all society
21The Gathering Perfect Storm Effects on
Alberta Agriculture
- Sustainability
- The Northern Great Plains
- Energy and Agriculture
- Animal Protein
- The Activists Plan
22Sustainability The Word in Media and Business
- Sustainability means leaving our soil, air, and
water in better shape for future generations - Alberta has much to gain and learn
- Must stop taking fresh water access for granted
- Must develop a fresh water strategy
23Northern Great Plains
- One of the great food baskets of the world
- Reno Nevada to North of Red Deer
- Will be hit hard by global warming
- Scenario planning for the next 20 years
- Alberta brings knowledge and resources to
managing changes ahead
24Energy and Agriculture
- 30,000 foot view of Alberta
- Energy is a big industry well organized,
lobbies government and public with one voice - Agriculture 1000 fragmented voices
- Very partisan no single voice or uniform
message - Hook both industries together alignment cap
and trade greenhouse gas management opportunity
for both - Outcome for Alberta, Canada bigger, stronger,
25Animal Protein
- Industry will grow three or four times over the
next 15 years animal protein revolution ahead - Centre of gravity switches to Asia
- China and India alone will represent 31 of
global market - 1 billion new, middle class consumers coming on
stream over the next decade - Globally increased demand of three United States
just ahead.
26The Activists
- Livestock practices in particular are a target
good TV - Consumers drive food industry to product life
cycle assessment - Sustainability Indexes under review by the
Grocery Products Manufacturers - Consumers will buy using index information
- Could see environmental footprint labelling
27Summary Conclusions
- Huge demand for animal protein is heating up in
Asia Canada must lead in food quality, food
safety, and food security. - Fresh water access trumps everything else with
10 of the world fresh water supply, Canadian
producers are the envy of the world we must
manage this resource prudently. - Global warming is real. Climate change is
happening. The Agriculture and Food Industry
must take the lead in sustainability practices.
28If We Believe If We Have the WillWe Can Do It!
Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It!