REVIEW 2005 Review of Fiscal
Developments, Public Expenditure Management and
Financial Accountability Issues 2003/04 -
2004/05 Joint Evaluation ReportMay 23,
2005 Golden Tullip Hotel, Dar es Salaam
- 7th year of PER consultative process in TZ
- PER FY05 distinguishing features
- Sector analytic work was suspended. Instead,
sectors pulled out strategic issues from previous
sector PERs - PER WGs f/work continued as in previous PERs
- External review retained but integrated with
financial accountability/fiduciary issues (1st
PEFAR for TZ). - Zanzibar PER/MTEF
- URT model implemented to support implementation
of ZPRP but constrained by resource constraints. - Evaluation Team
- WB, DFID, KfW, IMF, AfDB, EC, NPF Consultants
3I Aggregate Fiscal Performance
- Fiscal Prudence
- FD 3.3 of GDP. Better than comparators in
SSA. - FD widened fast from 2002
- Increased spending on social services permitted
by higher aid inflow
4Domestic Revenue Performance
- Good progress on revenue mobilization (R/GDP
12.1 gt13). - Tax admn. reforms paying-off. GoT urged to move
ahead with reforms - Domestic revenue still low relative to
expenditure needs - Focus on expanding tax base via creation of space
for private sector to invest and operate
5Foreign Aid increased but .
- Basket grants and HIPC grants were 25 below
budget - Education basket almost 50 below budget
- Program loans were 50 higher than budgeted
- Basket loans were 97 lower than budgeted
- Need to Improve Predictability
6Expected Effects of Large Aid Inflows not Apparent
- REER depreciated since 2002
- FDI stable at 15 of GDP
- X increased 16-18 of GDP
- Aid growing faster than domestic revenue
- Ext debt on the upswing since 2001 (US6.8 - 7.5
bn) - Large proportion of aid goes to non-tradables
- Domestic savings declined from 13 - 9.7
- Macro effects of large aid flows will need to
be managed carefully in the medium term. - gtEnsure robust growth higher revenue effort
- gtEnsure private sector participation when aid
goes via public sector
8Table 3 Government Expenditures, FY00 FY04 (
of GDP)
9Expenditure Performance
- GoT spending rose from 19.8 of GDP in FY03 to
22.5 of GDP in FY04 - gt esp. G services
- Pre-election expansionary fiscal policy not
established but.. - Significant differences in expenditure for first
1/2 of FY05 reported in EFR and BER need to be
reconciled. - GoT encouraged to adhere to Commitment control
10II Strategic Resource Allocation
- Public Investment Program
- Big projects (NA bldg, stadium, Airports,
bridges? - Ensure public investment program remains
strategic (growth,fiscal prudence) - Ensure a robust screening process for big projects
11Strategic Resource Allocation
- Composition of Expenditure
- 2/3 of the increase in FY04 recurrent exp went to
MDAs Vs regions/districts. - Most of the increase in MDAs recurrent exp. was
on admn - Most of the increase in recurrent social sector
exp. was on health. No increase for education - Most of the increase in devt. Exp went to social
12Strategic Resource Allocation
- Regional Distribution of Expenditure
- Recurrent expenditure more evenly distributed
across the regions. - 71.6 of annual regional devt expenditure spent
in only 7/20 regions! - Need for better regional targeting to address
geographic disparities improve growth/poverty
impacts of expenditure
13Public Expenditure vis-Ã -vis MKUKUTA
- Devt spending in the 90s had no clear bias toward
infrastructure - BG FY06-FY08 shows no major departure in favor of
infrastructure - Examine carefully the financing options
(infrastructure bond, special facility) - Integrate financing strategy into the macro
f/work. - Clearly define project selection, handling of
project risks, legal, regulatory, institutional
f/works. - Re-assess fiscal incentives f/work for
14III. Budget Consistency with Actual Expenditure
- Budget deviations (measured by absolute deviation
as of original budget) are inevitable - But large, across-the-board variances indicate a
lack of budget predictability
15Recurrent Budget Deviation at Vote Level
- Significant variances FY01-2 improvement in
FY03 - But, Overall deviations widened in FY04
- At functional level Recurrent bdgt deviations are
large ( 25 for CFS 45 for econ services)
16Recurrent Budget Deviation at Vote Level
- 33 votes (67) were within a reasonable range of
-10 to 10 - 16 votes (33) exhibited larger fluctuations.
Even after taking out votes affected by supp.
Budget - 13 votes (27) showed substantial variances from
their initially approved budgets.
17Recurrent Budget Deviation at Sub-Vote Level
- Var. higher in FY04 even discounting spending on
non-drought related suppl. items - Weakness in planning budgeting is one of the
main causal factors. - Improving budget formulation mgt is critical
- Greater Parliamentary scrutiny enforcement of
controls also imperative.
18(No Transcript)
19IV HR Planning, W-Bill Mgt Pay Reform Issues
- Integration of staffing levels and financial
resource allocations need to be improved. - Need to decentralize HCMIS to MDAs build
capacity for HR mgt in LGAs. - Surge in expenditure on employment allowances
- Urge completion of the review of allowances.
Consider rationalization/consolidation with pay. - Explore other ways e.g. review OC composition
possibility of moving resources out of OC to PE.
20V Achievements in Translating MKUKUTA into a
Budget Strategy
- Impressive effort made to enhance link btn
MKUKUTA, sector strategies budget allocations
via SBAS in prep of BG - (1) Overall Framework
- Need to match expenditure plans with available
resources for FY06 (aid proj. overly optimistic) - Develop strategic nature of BG (i) projections
for the appropriate level of Govt activity (ii)
upper/lower funding scenarios (iii) ceiling
implications .
21(2) Consolidated Views from MDAs
- Overall
- Substantive consultation with MOF.
- MDAs able to make substantial input into BG
- Flexibility allowed to MDAs to prepare
submissions against MKUKUTA categories or own
strategic plan. - -------------------------------------------------
------------ - Difficulties in aligning with MKUKUTA cluster
strategy categories directly - Future PER work to be more focused timely.
- Weaknesses handling crosscutting areas.
22(3) Areas for Devt of the BG
- Expenditure classification
- Exp. categories used to link MKUKUTA, MTEF exp.
classification need further rationalization - Decision making process
- Preferable that Cabinet decides on allocations at
vote level informed by MTEF/Program allocations - Sector PERs
- Involve all s/holders in the design/commissioning
of sector PERs - Robust Sector PER process provides forum for
scrutiny of analytic work - Tighten focus of PER studies (define generic TOR)
- PER process to help handle cross-cutting issues
23Areas for Devt of the BG
- SBAS development
- Challenge of ensuring SBAS-IFMS interface Â
- Cross cutting areas
- Collaboration across agencies/sectors remain a
challenge - Consultation
- PER WG Consultations unsatisfactory Develop TOR
for Macro group ensure regular discussions - Linkage with other processes
- Need to further articulate links between
MKUKUTA, Implementation, ME, budget process and
other processes of policy dialogue
24VI Fiscal Issues at the LG Level
- LG reform ground covered during the past two
years - formula-based grant allocation FY
Synchronization LG Financial mgt reforms Reform
of LG revenue structure  - Abolition of nuisance taxes led to some problems,
e.g. - Inadequacy of remaining revenue sources
- LGAs invented coping mechanisms (Collect more,
postpone activities) - Councils not transferring Village share of the
compensation grants - Few LGAs still levying abolished levies
- Erosion of the fiscal autonomy of LGAs
- Flow of the compensatory funds from MOF
unpredictable - No instructions from MOF to distinguish between
OC compensation - Little progress in compiling actual expenditure
data - Anecdotal evidence points to politically
motivated spending - Leakage of PEDP funds
25VII Zbar PER FY03 -Status
- Overall, implementation rather modest
- Lack of resources to leverage difficult/politicall
y sensitive reforms -
- Specifics
- PER Process for Zanzibar set-up along the URT
- JFC still establishing rules regulations for
URT-RGOZ fiscal relationship - Duplication of functions at MDA, regional,
district gt Strategy paper was prepared.
Implementation yet to be approved - Removal of monopoly of ZSTC Study done.
Preferred option is pending approval by RGOZ
26Zbar PER FY03 -Status
- Privatization and restructuring of remaining
parastatals - Some decisions taken but implementation stalled
- Measures to improve domestic revenue
mobilization - Some efforts have been made in terms of
identifying weaknesses in tax administration New
sources e.g. property tax taxation of the
informal sector in the pipeline. - RGOZ introduced a Central wage bill and Payroll
system in 2004 with support from AccGen URT - Strengthening control over debt commitments
- Debt Dept established. BoT providing support
- Pre-1997 arrears cleared. Those for 1998 todate
not - Public sector pay employment reforms TOR for a
comprehensive review of the Zbar civil service
done but still pending (funding process dragging