Title: Forage Management
1Forage Management
2Nutritional Requirements of Horses
- Pseudo-Ruminants
- ineffective ruminants high quality needed
- fiber required
- daily forage intake should gt1 bw
- Prefer 1/2 of daily intake to be forages
- Multiple Requirements
- Production Reproduction, Growth, Work
- Maintenance infrequently exercised, mature horse
3Forage Requirements of Horse Owners
- Nutrition
- High Quality needed
- Reduce feed costs
- Control of Toxic plants
- Exercise
- Daily requirements
- Soil compaction
- Aesthetics
4Forage Quality
- Digestibility is a function of maturity
- Crude protein is a function of maturity and soil
5Nitrogen rate effect on digestibility and crude
6Maturity effects on Digestibility and Crude
7Organic matter digestibility of bermudagrass
varieties over time
8Pasture Management
- Variety Selection
- Weed Control
- Fertilization
- Grazing Management
9Forage Selection
- Cool Season
- Annuals
- Ryegrass
- Small grains
- Clovers
- Perennials
- Tall Fescue toxin
- others
- Warm Season
- Annuals
- Crabgrass loams
- Millets Sand
- Perennials
- Bermudagrass hybrid nonhybrid
- Dallisgrass, others
10Warm Season Perennial Grasses adapted to Grayson
- Bermuda most popular
- Dallis wet clayey soils
- Johnsongrass toxic to horses
- Kleingrass toxic to horses
- Old World Bluestems other bunchgrasses Limited
11Hybrid Bermudagrass Variety yield response at
12Bermudagrass Variety yield response at Overton
13Ryegrass Variety Trial at Overton
14Bermudagrass and Ryegrass Growth Curve
- Review site, management style, etc., then pick a
forage species and variety - Know when you need forage
- Increased yield require increased inputs
- Comfort zone
16Weed Control
- Limited Herbicides
- Multiple options
- Integrated Management
- Multiple uses
- Multiple methods
17Why Control Weeds
- Economics forage quality and quantity
- Animal Health toxic
- Buttercup
- Tall fescue
- Spouse Nagging better listen
18Weed control and fertilizer effect on
Bermudagrass Yield (lbs./ac)
19Weed Control Methods
- Herbicides
- Defoliation
- Mowing
- Grazing
- Good Management
- Fertility
- Carbohydrate Management
- Shading
20Basic Principles of Chemical Weed Control
- Know your weeds
- Choose the right herbicide
- Calibrate your sprayer
- Spray at the proper time
21Know Your Weeds
- 300 different species in East Texas Pastures
22Only a Handful Economically Significant
- Woolly Croton Milkweed
- Pigweed Berryvine
- Ragweed Thistles
- Bitterweed Buttercup
- Horsenettle Grassburs
- Dogfennel Bahiagrass
- Dallisgrass Crabgrass
23Life Cycle
- Annual Seed germinates, plant grows, flowers and
seeds out in one growing season (crabgrass) - Biennial Seed germinates, plant grows, then
reproduces in following year (onion) - Perennial Seed germinates, and plant lives and
reproduces for several years (bermudagrass)
24Basic Principle
- Starve the weed, feed the crop
- Spray annual weeds when they are young and
actively growing - Spray perennial weeds when they are at full leaf
or fruit set
25Labeled Herbicides
- 2,4-D annual broadleaf
- Banvel Weedmaster
- Picloram Grazon PD
- Sulfanyl Urea Ally, Amber
- specific weed tolerance and susceptibility
- Roundup new uses
- Zorial only labeled pre-emerge
- Velparsmutgrass
26Chemical Desiccation of Dallisgrass Sod
- Weed management
- Weed Identification
- Integrated management
28Liebergs Law of Limits
29Soil Fertility
- Chemical
- Soil pH
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Secondary
- Micronutrients
- Physical
- Texture
- Structure
- Infiltration rate
- Utility
- Aesthetics
- Crop selectivity
30Nutrient removed (lbs./ac) by grazing and hay
31Fertility Management
- Nitrogen Bermudagrass
- Grazing180 units/year include recycled
- Hay most responsive with early harvests
- Hybrid Bermuda 100 units/cutting, split
- others 60 units/cutting
- Phosphorus
- 60 - 120 units per year
- pH dependent
- build up with manure
32Fertility Management
- Potassium Tricky
- Grazing limited
- Hay depletion
- First indication Winter kill
- Late application may be more important
- examine roots in late summer
- fertilize for Ryegrass Requirements
33Fertility Management
- Soil pH
- limits nutrient availability
- Cool season more intolerant
- Ryegrass/small grains pHgt5.8
- Clover
- pHlt7 crimson, arrowleaf, subterranean, lespedeza
- pHgt7alfalfa, berseem, sweetclover, vetch, medics
34Fertility Management
- Secondary Ca, Mg, S.
- Ca, Mg adjust with lime
- Sulfur becoming more important
- Micronutrients Zn, Cu, others
- pH regulates
- pHlt5.5 Zn, Cu, others
- pHgt7.5 Fe, others
- manure build up of Cu
- Maximum response
- Nitrogen
- Potassium
- Forage requirement
- Nutrient use
- Crop Compatibility
- Manage for cool season
36Intensive Grazing
37Rotational Stocking
- Advantages
- Flexibility
- clipping
- fertilizer
- overseeding
- Increased production (?)
- forages
- parasite
- Disadvantage
- Increased Fencing
- Increased Water
- Increased time (?)
- Possible compaction
38Animal gain, forage availability and stocking rate
- Forage availability decreases with increased
stocking rate and/or forage growth. - Increase animal production and forage
availability by decreasing stocking rate - Increased stocking rate increases soil compaction
- Rotate to meet forage needs
- Reduce concentrates, increase grazing area with
decreased forage growth rate - Sell marketable animals before predicted forage
production decreases, increase concentrates
40Quality Hay Characteristics
- High digestibility
- High nutrient content
- High palatability
- Easily consumed
- Free of toxic materials
- Easily handled
41Factors in Purchasing Hay
- Chemical Analysis
- Protein
- Digestibility
- other nutrients
- Physical Factors
- Anti-quality Factors
- toxins fescue, sorghum, kleingrass
- dust, etc.
42Physical Factors Affecting Quality Hay
- Stage of Maturity younger is better
- Foreign Material
- Dust, mold, etc.
- Metal, Toxic weeds
- Insects (blister beetles)
- Texture softer is better
- Leafiness more leaf, more digestible
- Color buyer factor