C. Brunet, Canadian Space Agency P. Hogan,
Canadian Space Agency S. Nappert, SED Systems
Inc D. Showalter, Canadian Space Agency
1. CANSOC The Canadian Space Operation Centre
Key Characteristics Programs in Development
Emerging Partnerships 2. Satellite Simulators at
CSA RADARSAT-1 SCISAT-1 3. Trends Program
System Design 4. The CANSOC RSS Key
Requirements System Applications Program
Applications 5. Platform for Evolution System
Evolution System Trade-Offs Organization
Evolution 6. Challenges 7. Conclusions
31. CANSOC The Canadian Space Operation Centre
- A concept evolving in the Satellite Operation
Directorate of the Canadian Space Agency - Built upon the satellite operation infrastructure
developed and used for operation of RADARSAT-1 - Intended as a generic, multi-mission facility to
fly all CSA satellite programs - Also offering operational service to other
organizations - Canadian Govt. departments
- Canadian Industry lacking adequate capability
(S-band) - National space agencies requiring additional
capacity (antenna coverage of remote territory
accessible from Canada) - Global antenna networks
4CANSOC 2 Key Characteristics
- Long-term preservation of existing system
elements, experienced personnel, facilities, and
life-cycle support processes, rather than
throwing away, as in ancestral programs - Step-by-step evolution, taking advantage of
available program funds, rather than
re-construction from the ground up - A technical and operational petrie dish
- Opportunities for Canadian industry to develop
marketable products - Opportunities for other CSA organizations to use
their skills on real operational programs (RD,
technology development) - An environment for exploration of new concepts
for system and operational development - An environment for students, new grads,
5CANSOC 3 Programs In Development
- RADARSAT-1 Still flying beginning to show its
age - SCISAT-1 Mission Operation Centre (MOC)
currently in integration and verification will
fly the satellite during its 2-year mission
proposed as basis for follow-on missions - SMALLSAT/uSAT Program Collaborating with task
force, seeking industry proposal for standard
small satellite bus proposing CANSOC as baseline
- RADARSAT-2 Negotiating with MDA to conduct
satellite control - SAPPHIRE Collaborating with candidate prime
contractors in system concept definition phase
satellite control using an augmented MOC one
candidate to provide same bus as SCISAT-1
6CANSOC 4 Emerging Partnerships
- Finalizing an agreement with CNES for mutual TTC
support have already provided launch support to
ENVISAT and SPOT-5, and LEOP support to HELIOS-1B
and SPOT-5 - MOU signed with DLR/GSOC for mutual support in
various areas of satellite control currently
using GSOC-developed planning S/W in the SCISAT-1
MOC, and arranging for TTC support during LEOP - In informal discussions with ESA, SSC, ISRO, NASA
for cooperation - Have had informal discussion with USN, CSOC,
PRIORANET regarding participation in global
networks - Discussions with MDA on RADARSAT-2 may lead to
long-term partnership in commercial programs
pursued by MDA - Proposed to provide back-up TTC as part of a
Canadian company bid for operation of European
communication satellite program
- Real-time, dynamic satellite simulator (RSS-R1)
developed for RADARSAT-1 by a Canadian company,
based upon the GPSS kernel used in ESOC - RSS-R1 evolved over several years of flight into
powerful tool for system testing, personnel
training, and satellite trouble-shooting - RSS-R1 can be connected directly into front end
of real-time TTC system acts as surrogate
spacecraft - GPSS kernel difficult to adapt to new missions
now superceded by newer technologies - gt RSS-R1 not a suitable platform for new
missions - However, maintenance of RSS over several years
provided considerable insight into the use of a
simulator as a fundamental element of a satellite
control system
- Requirements established for a platform which
will become the standard, generic RSS platform
for future missions - MOC version (RSS-S1) will be prototype for
standard platform - SCISAT-1 will be beta test for prototype,
providing flight data for verification one of
the tricky aspects of simulator development - Essential collaboration with the S/C manufacturer
to ensure availability of design data - Bus supplier development platform same as MOC
real-time platform - gt promises good compatibility between S/C
and operational system - First version currently in procurement, to be
delivered Nov. 2002
93. TRENDS Program
- Scientific missions short duration, relatively
low complexity, single-string, higher mission
risk accepted Reduced budget commensurate with
lower expectations - Fewer large spacecraft missions (RADARSAT-n)
wider distribution of risk and financial burden - Increased govt. industry partnership
- Increased specialization of instruments
- Smaller satellites in 100 300kg category
10TRENDS 2 Space System Design
- Minimize cost, schedule for new mission
development - Smaller satellites, reduced budget gt search for
economies - Standard spacecraft design for each key category,
reminiscent of the 70's in communication
satellites (PAM-D, PAM-D2) - Standardization in Satellite Control System (SCS)
design Preserve and re-use SCS elements as much
as practicable - Standardized SCS a "protoflight" for future
114. THE CANSOC RSS Key Requirements
- Functional Requirements
- System integration, verification, including
operational database) - Personnel operational training, including
end-to-end system - On-orbit spacecraft configuration management,
including routine database, S/W changes, and
anomaly resolution - Performance Requirements
- Connect directly into front end of real-time
system stimulus strictly normal telecommands
generated in real-time - Act as surrogate spacecraft operators can "fly
the simulator" - Replicates timing, dynamics of real spacecraft
12THE CANSOC RSS 2 Development Applications
- RSS-S1 to be prototype for RSS used in all small
satellite missions in the near-term (SCISAT-1,
SAPPHIRE, SMALLSATs) - RSS-S1 to be fundamental element of the CANSOC
SCS evolves along with the SCS through
adaptation to each new mission - Development to be managed by CANSOC, not by S/C
manufacturer - S/C design must consider total SCS design,
including RSS design driven by operational
environment, an indicator of operational cost - Organize partnership between Operations, RD,
Industry to manage evolution of the platform,
introduction of new technology - Engage technology organizations in hands-on
development and maintenance gt provide platform
for RD
13THE CANSOC RSS 3 Program Applications
- RSS fundamental elements of SCS pre-existing
condition - Any useful satellite program is an operational
program - SCS involved in requirement definition phase of
new mission adaptation, at the very beginning of
mission system development - Program development schedule and cost partly
driven by SCS adaptation Design overall system
to meet requirements - Compatibility with existing system a spacecraft
design requirement - Conduct trade-offs to optimize overall system
cost, schedule - SCS, including RSS, and S/C design evolve in
145. PLATFORM FOR EVOLUTION System Evolution
- RSS design begins with prototype designed for
first mission, evolves with SCS through each new
mission - In-flight (real) data supports on-going
validation - Introduction of new technology supported through
preservation of the framework (functional
requirements, interfaces, program approach) - Environment for hard investigation of key
simulator issues H/W-in-loop, flight S/W
emulation, validation, HMI
- Cost, schedule of S/C vs. SCS modification to
existing designs - Reduced cost, schedule of new S/C design
- Designing S/C for ease of operation choice of
TC, TM scheme, physical location of on-board
units, accessibility of status information for
anomaly investigation, configuration changes - Reduced operation cost
- "Automation" vs. manual operation
- Partnerships between govt. and industry system
and technology evolution - Creation of "resource centers" in other CSA
branches - Application of skill groups not commonly found in
operation - Matrix management to optimize use of skill groups
- Lend a flavour of RD to RSS evolution
- Support development of new personnel (students,
grads, researchers) - Provide leadership to other organizations outside
of CSA in development of space mission capability
- Resistance to change
- S/C manufacturers designs have already evolved
- Natural reluctance to adopt untried PM methods
- Traditionally low priority placed upon operation
in early development - S/C design traditionally driven by application
requirements - Difficult for operational organization to get
involved in development in early stages, gain
significant control of S/C design requirements - Need to re-align program thinking to recognize
operation as equally important to a mission as
the design of the S/C - Degree of applicability varies between programs
- "Flying the simulator" refers not only to the
operator on console, but also to floating a new
approach to program management and organizational
cooperation - RSS concept addresses most key objectives of
CANSOC - First test of the concept will be the success of
the RSS-S1, expected to be in full operation
within 6 months - Next step is to explore how RSS can be applied to
bolster our emerging international partnerships