Title: Fair Value Accounting: Hero or Villain
1Fair Value AccountingHero or Villain?
- Alfred M. King
- Vice Chairman
- Marshall Stevens, Inc.
2Theory vs. Practice
- Current Values are Better than Historical Cost
- Current Values Represent Actual/Potential Cash
Flows to Market Participants - Business Decisions are Made Using Current Values
- Same Asset Can Have Different Values to Different
Market Participants at the same time
3Objective of Financial Statements
- Provide information useful to creditors and
investors for projecting cash flowsQUESTION
Does the provision of FV information, on assets
that can not or will not be sold, provide useful
information to help investors and creditors
project cash flows?
4How Do You Use the FV of an Asset That Will Not
Be Sold?
- Example
- Exxons service stations
- Coca Colas Trade Name
- Microsofts Windows Software
- In 40 years, no client has ever asked me to
determine the FV of an asset which is not
potentially for sale - FV of readily marketable financial instruments
may be useful if there is a market and they can
be sold
5Fair Value vs. Fair Market Value
- FASB threw out the baby with the bath
- 115 years of experience with FMV
- It worked
- IRS used it
- Courts used it
- FASB wanted to start with a clean slate and
they succeeded! - FV, unfortunately, is not how business people
think or act
6Oracle Purchases PeopleSoft
- Ellison buys PeopleSoft to obtain their customer
base - Has no use for, or need of, PeopleSofts software
or trade name - Under todays SFAS 157 and 141R Oracle would have
to place a value on the trade name and software,
even though they wont use it and wont (cant)
sell it - Result Instant Impairment!
7Assets Can (And Do) Have More Than One Value
- Last parcel in a block for a real estate
developer - State of the art facility to produce hula hoops
- OEM customer relationship with Ford and Toyota
- Empty 100-bed hospital building
8Level 3 Subprime Mortgages
- Who is a market participant?
- For some securities recently there have been no
buyers at any reasonable price - Should holders take a big writedown today, and a
writepup next quarter? - If so, who gains what useful information?
9Who Is A Market Participant?
- In performing an allocation of purchase price
under SFAS 141 (R) you get different answers if
you assume market participants are financial
buyers, vs. strategic buyers
10Why Did FASB Go Off The Track?
- One word ENRON
- Enron valued their own derivatives and claimed
instant earnings - Had Enron tried to sell their derivatives to
Goldman or Lehman the value would have been far
less - FASB the leaped the chasm and said that ALL
values have to be based solely on market
11Buyers Acquire Assets For Use Not For Resale
- Values should be based on the intended use, not
what someone else theoretically would pay - Fair Market Value for 115 years took this
approach - FASB simply decided to go in a different direction
12Fair Value Hero or Villain?
- Appraisers relying on 115 years of experience
are the heroes - FASB, with a totally theoretical approach, are
the Villains - Unfortunately, the villains have the authority to
have written the rules! - We will all pay the price in financial statements
that are less useful than they could be
13Discussion from Panel and Participants
- The views expressed may appear controversial
- There is virtually unanimous support by valuation
specialists for the views expressed - Accounting rule makers have had their say
- Problems for PREPARERS
- Problems for AUDITORS