Title: A Model for Population's Involvement in Healthcare Management
1A Model for Population's Involvement in
Healthcare Management
Ruzanna Melyan Public Education Team
Leader Primary Health Care Reform
Project USAID/Armenia
- Local communities mobilizing to promote healthy
lifestyles - Building rural NGO capacity to increase
health-seeking behavior/promote healthy behaviors
3Creating Health Ownership
- Empowering a person with the knowledge and tools
to manage and improve their health status - Espousing a preventive outlook on personal health
issues - Strong health ownership creates empowerment an
individual owns his or her health - Behavior change individuals must evaluate their
own actions, habits, behaviors.
Health Ownership a Common thread through top
down and bottom up HE activities
4Three Tenets of Health Behavior Change
Skills How to
5Utilizing Participatory Approach
Tell me and I forget Teach me and I may
remember Let me DO and I will learn Confucius
6Utilizing Principles of Peer Education
What is Peer Education? In the content of this
model, it is the process whereby well-trained
and motivated community members undertake
informal or organized educational activities
with their peers (other members of the same
7Components of Community Mobilization Program
- Community assessments and Participatory Rural
Appraisal (PRA) - Identifying the health issues and behaviors
affecting communities - Form Community Health Committees (CHC)
- Village leaders and motivated individuals
- Create TOT capacity building and health training
modules for CHC - Enable CHC to work as group (Phase 1)
- Training in health issues (Phase 2)
- Select and Train NGOs to train CHCs
- Competitive selection for grant funding
- TOT in Phase 1 and Phase 2 modules
- CHCs trained by NGO
- CHC-led health education initiatives in their
8Capacity Building and Health Education Modules
CHC Health Education ToT Modules
CHC Capacity BuildingToT Modules
- PHC Services
- Child Nutrition and Hygiene
- Child Injury Prevention
- Child Immunization
- Safe Sexual Behavior
- Diabetes prevention and management
- Calcium and healthy bones
- Hypertension prevention and management
- The Role of CHC in Community Development Process
- Adult Learning Strategies
- Participatory Methods
- Interactive Teaching
- Cooperative Teaching and Team Building
- Conflict management
- Behavior Change Communication
- Project Design and Management
- Advocacy
9Using PRA Methodology for Community Health Risk
Behavior Assessment
10PRA Sessions in Rural Communities
11NGOs Trainings
12CHC Health Education Training Results
13CHC Health Education Training Results
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Survey, by
intervention and comparison group
14CHC Health Education Training Results
15(No Transcript)
16Thank you
Be the Owner of Your Health