Title: Check Homework Answers
1Check Homework Answers
2Independent/Dependent Variables Interpreting
- Wednesday, November 04, 2009
3Independent Dependent
- From Graphs
- Independent variable is on the x-axis.
- Dependent variable is on the y-axis.
- From Tables
- Independent variable is in the left column or top
row. - Dependent variable is in the right column or
bottom row.
4Independent Dependent
- From equations
- The independent variable is the one in the
expression (usually x). - The dependent variable is the one set equal to
some expression (usually y). - Example
5EX identify the ind. and dep. variables.
Ind Decade Dep Average Salary
Ind m Dep C
Ind Time Dep Number of drinks
6Example Describe what the graph tells you.
- The person starts walking slowly away from home
and speeds up. - Then stops for a little bit.
- Then walks away from home quickly.
- Stops again.
- Walks quickly back towards home.
- Stops again.
- Walks quickly back home and slows down as she
gets really close to home.
Sketch a graph of the altitude of a pelican, from
take off from shore to diving to the water to
catch a fish. Label each section.
- Suppose you drink the remaining soda from a can
in 10 seconds at a steady rate. Describe the
graph of the change in height of the liquid over
time. - The graph would be a straight line from the
original height at time 0 to zero height after 10
Use the graph for questions 13. 1.
Why does this graph not start at zero? 2. Why is
the graph not a straight slanted line? 3. What
does the flat part at the top of the graph
A persons height is not zero when born.
A straight line represents a constant rate of
growth and people do not grow that way.
The person has stayed the same height over a long
period of time.
4. Would a horizontal line, a straight slanted
line, a curve, or a jagged curve best represent
the calories you burn during the day?
a jagged curve