Title: BIRDS
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2 NERVOUS SYSTEM Central Nervous System
(CNS) brain and spinal cord (responsible for
integration and memory).Peripheral Nervous
System (PNS) cranial and spinal nerves,
autonomic nervous system, sense organs (both
sensory and motor components).I. CENTRAL
NERVOUS SYSTEM1) Brain same basic plan as in
reptiles and mammals, 3 Divisions a) Forebrain
(Cerebrum) integration, instinctive behavior,
intelligence b) Midbrain vision, muscular
coordination, physiological control c) Hindbrain
(medulla) links brain with spinal cord and
peripheral nervous system
3A) Forebrain- Different regions of cerebrum
become enlarged in birds and mammals. In mammals,
the outer layer (cortex) greatly enlarges to
become dominant and serves as the seat of higher
intelligence. Provides a great capacity for
learning.- In birds, the cortex is thin and
relatively undeveloped (thought to be the seat of
conditioned behavior) The corpus striatum
underneath grows to become dominant (serves as
the seat of learning and intelligence as well as
complex instinctual behaviors. SEE PG. 181,
GILL.- In general, the cortex appears
specialized for learning, the corpus striatum for
stereotypic behaviors Recent evidence, however,
suggests that birds are more capable of learning
than previously thought and can outperform
mammals in some advanced learning experiments
(e.g., counting).B) Midbrain- Birds with
large, well-developed cerebellum (largest among
the vertebrates), associated with very high
degree of muscular coordination necessary for
flight.- Very large optic lobes are present,
associated with the importance of vision in
birds.C) Spinal Cord - similar in structure to
other tetrapods, cervical and lumbar enlargements
associated with appendages.II. PERIPHERAL
NERVOUS SYSTEM - similar to the situation in
other vertebrates.