Title: 2. Simple Markovian
12. Simple Markovian Birth-Death Queueing Models
2.1 M/M/1 Queueing Model 2.2 Methods of Solving
Steady-State Difference Equations 2.3
M/M/c Queueing Model 2.4 M/M/c/K Queueing
Model 2.5 Erlangs Formula (M/M/c/c) 2.6 M/M/?
Queueing Model 2.7 Finite Source Queues 2.8
State-Dependent Service 2.9 Queues with
Impatience 2.10 Transient Behavior 2.11 Busy
Period Analysis
22.1 M/M/1 Queueing Model
- M/M/1 is a Birth-Death Markov Process
32.1 M/M/1 Queueing Model
- Stochastic Balance, Flow Conservation Law
- At a given state, the average total flow into
the - state equals the average total flow out of
the state.
Global Balance Eqs.
42.1 M/M/1 Queueing Model
- Detailed (Local) Balance Equations
52.2 Methods of Solving S-S Difference Equations
- Iterative Method for M/M/1 Queue
62.2 Methods of Solving S-S Difference Equations
- Solving pn by Generating Functions
Global Balanced Eqs.
72.2 Methods of Solving S-S Difference Equations
- Solving pn by Generating Functions
82.2 Methods of Solving S-S Difference Equations
- Solving pn by Using Recurrence Equation
Global Balanced Eqs.
92.2.4 Measures of Effectiveness
102.2.4 Measures of Effectiveness
112.2.4 Measures of Effectiveness
- Mean Queue Size of Nonempty Queues
122.2.4 Measures of Effectiveness
- System Waiting Time and Queueing Delay
By Littles Formulas
132.2.4 Measures of Effectiveness
- Example
- Hair-Cut Shop,
- Poisson arrivals with rate of 5/hr,
- Customer processing time is exponential with
- mean of 10 min.
The average no. waiting when there is at least
one person waiting
The percent of time an arrival without waiting
If only 4 seats at present, Prfinding no seat?
142.2.4 Measures of Effectiveness
- Waiting Time Distributions
152.2.4 Measures of Effectiveness
- Waiting Time Distributions
162.2.4 Measures of Effectiveness
- System Time Distributions
Similarly, one can derive that
The system time has an exponential distribution
with parameter (???).
172.3 M/M/c Queueing Model
Local Balanced Eq.
182.3 M/M/c Queueing Model
- Measures of Effectiveness
192.3 M/M/c Queueing Model
- Waiting Time Distributions
202.3 M/M/c Queueing Model
- Waiting Time Distributions
- System Time Distributions
212.3 M/M/c Queueing Model
- System Time Distributions
222.3 M/M/c Queueing Model
- Example
- Eye Clinic, free vision tests, 3 doctors
on duty, - Poisson arrivals with rate of 6/hr,
- Test time is exponential with mean of 20 min.
232.4 M/M/c/K Queueing Model
Exercise consider the cases K ?, c 1.
242.4 M/M/c/K Queueing Model
- Measures of Effectiveness
How about ? 1 ?
252.4 M/M/c/K Queueing Model
- Measures of Effectiveness
For M/M/1/K
262.4 M/M/c/K Queueing Model
- Waiting Time Distributions
272.4 M/M/c/K Queueing Model
- Waiting Time Distributions
282.4 M/M/c/K Queueing Model
- Example
- Automobile inspection station, 3 inspection
stalls, - each with room for only one car, the station
can - accommodate at most 4 cars waiting at one
time, - Poisson arrivals with rate of 1 car/min,
- Inspection time is exponential with mean of
6 min.
292.5 Erlangs Formula M/M/c/c
302.6 M/M/? Queueing Model
- Example turning on TV sets Poisson with ?
customers choose 5 TV stations at random,
viewing time Exponential with 1/? 1.5 hrs.
Ave. no. of viewers/station
312.7 Finite Source Queues
- Transition Diagram for M Sources
322.7 Finite Source Queues
- Example
- A company has 5 robots, 2 repair people,
- When one is fixed, the time until the next
breakdown is - exponential with mean 30 hr,
- Repair time is exponential with mean of 3 hr.
332.7 Finite Source Queues
- Transition Diagram for M Sources and Y Spares
342.7 Finite Source Queues
- Transition Diagram for M Sources and Y Spares
352.7 Finite Source Queues
- Waiting Time Distribution
362.8 State-Dependent Service
- Markovian Queues with State-Dependent Service
372.8 State-Dependent Service
- Example
- Car-polishing machine has 2 speeds, 40 min
on average at - low speed, and 20 min on average at the high
speed, to - polish a car, the actual switching time is
exponential. - Poisson arrivals with mean interarrival time
of 30 min, - Switching Policies switching to high speed
if there are any - customer waiting, or switching to high speed
only when - more than one customer is waiting,
382.9 Queues with Impatience
Possible examples for bn
If n people are in the system, an estimate for
the average waiting time might be n/? .
M/M/1/K is a special case of balking where bi 1
for 0 ? i ? K and 0 otherwise.
392.9 Queues with Impatience
Reneging function r(n)
A good possibility for the reneging function r(n)
is e?n/?, n?2.
402.10.1 Transient Behavior of M/M/1/1
412.10.2 Transient Behavior of M/M/1
422.10.2 Transient Behavior of M/M/1/?
- Solve the Inverse Laplace Transform
432.10.3 Transient Behavior of M/M/?
442.11 Busy Period Analysis
Busy Period begin with the arrival to an idle
channel, and end when the channel next become
Idle Period if the arrival process is Poisson,
the idle period is exponential.
Transition Diagram for Busy Period no transition
from state 0 to state 1, and p1(0) 1.
452.11 Busy Period Analysis
ETbp mean of busy period ETbc
mean of busy cycle
462.11 Busy Period Analysis
i-channel busy period begin with an arrival at
the system at an instant when there are i-1 in
the system, and end at the very next point in
time when the system size dips to i-1. The system
busy period is the case where i 1.
47End of Chapter 2