Title: Instructor: Nachiket M' Kharalkar
1Introduction to Microcontrollers
- Instructor Nachiket M. Kharalkar
- Lecture 7
- Date 06/15/2007
- E-mail knachike_at_ece.utexas.edu
2Todays Agenda
- Quiz 1 June 18th
- Exam 1 June 25th
- Get multimeter wire stripper
- Page 2 instructions
- Recap
- Conditional branching
- Logical operations
- Shift operations
- Friendly program
- Stack
3mul an 8-bit by 8-bit into 16-bit unsigned
- The mul instruction takes two 8-bit inputs and
generates a 16-bit product. - Condition code bits are set after RAB.
- C R7, set if bit 7 of 16-bit result is one
4idiv performs 16-bit by 16-bit unsigned divide
- The idiv instruction takes two 16-bit inputs
and generates a 16-bit quotient and a 16-bit
remainder. - Condition code bits are set after
quotientdividend/divisor. - Z result is zero,
- V 0
- C divide by zero,
- Cnot(X15)not(X14)...not(X2)not(X1)not(X0)
5fdiv performs a 16-bit by 16-bit unsigned divide
- The fdiv instruction takes two 16-bit inputs
and generates a 16-bit quotient and a 16-bit
remainder. - Condition code bits are set after
R(65536D)/X. -
- Z result is zero,
- V overflow if RegX RegD, result gtFFFF
- C divide by zero,
6Multiply, divide instructions
- emul YD YD unsigned multiply
- emuls YD YD signed multiply
- ediv Y YD/X unsigned divide (D Reminder)
- edivs Y YD/X signed divide (D Reminder)
7Signed branches, branch if
- bge place greater than or equal to
- if (NV)0
- i.e., (NVNV)0
- bgt place greater than
- if (ZNV)0
- i.e., (ZNVNV)0
- ble place less than or equal to
- if (ZNV)1
- i.e., (ZNVNV)1
- blt place less than
- if (NV)1
- i.e., (NVNV)1
8Unsigned branches, branch if
- bhs place greater than or equal to
- if C0, same as bcc
- bhi place greater than
- if CZ0
- blo place less than
- if C1, same as bcs
- bls place less than or equal to
- if CZ1
9- It is important to know
- precision (e.g., 8-bit, 16-bit)
- format (e.g., unsigned, signed)
- It takes three steps
- read the first value into a register
- compare the first value with the second value
- conditional branch
- When testing for equal or not equal
- doesnt matter whether signed or unsigned
- still matters if 8-bit or 16-bit
- doesnt matter about load and compare order
108-bit if-then compare to zero examples
Assume G is an 8-bit global variable, signed or
118-bit if-then signed compare to zero examples
Assume sG is a signed 8-bit global variable
128-bit if-then compare examples
Assume G1 G2 are 8-bit global variables, signed
or unsigned
13Compare 8-bit versus 16-bit condition instructions
Assume G1 G2 are 8-bit global variables, signed
or unsigned Assume H1 H2 are 16-bit global
variables, signed or unsigned
14Compare the four possible inequalities
Assume uG is an unsigned 8-bit global variable
15for(uG0uGlt5uG) clr
uG loop ldaa uG cmpa 5 bhs next s
top when uGgt5 ????? body of while
loop inc uG bra loop next for(i
0ilt5i) // something 5 times ldaa 5
loop 5 down to 0 loop ????? body of for
loop dbne A,loop
16- do
- ?????
- while(uG lt 5)
- loop ????? body of while loop
- ldaa uG
- cmpa 5
- blo loop stop when uGgt5
17Assembly directives supported by TExaS
18- Form double byte
- (ltlabelgt) fdb ltexprgt(,ltexprgt,...,ltexprgt)
- (ltlabelgt) dc.w ltexprgt(,ltexprgt,...,ltexprgt)
- (ltlabelgt) dw ltexprgt(,ltexprgt,...,ltexprgt)
- (ltlabelgt) .word ltexprgt(,ltexprgt,...,ltexprgt)
- org FFFE
- fdb main
- Define 32-bit constant
- (ltlabelgt) dc.l ltexprgt(,ltexprgt,...,ltexprgt)
- (ltlabelgt) dl ltexprgt(,ltexprgt,...,ltexprgt)
- (ltlabelgt) .long ltexprgt(,ltexprgt,...,ltexprgt)
- S1 dl 100000,12345678
- S2 .long 1,1000,1000000,1000000000
- S3 dc.l -1,0,1
19Sample program
- org 3800
- size equ 5
- data rmb size
- org 4000
- sum ldaa size
- ldx data
- clrb
- loop addb 1,x
- dbne A,loop
- org FFFE
- fdb sum
20Logical operations
- The N bit will be set is the result is negative.
- The Z bit will be set if the result is zero.
- Clear V0 bit.
- anda w RegARegAw
- anda U RegARegAU
- andb w RegBRegBw
- andb U RegBRegBU
- bita w RegAw
- bita U RegAU
- bitb w RegBw
- bitb U RegBU
- coma RegAFF-RegA, RegARegA
- comb RegBFF-RegB, RegBRegB
- eora w RegARegA w
- eora U RegARegA U
- eorb w RegBRegB w
- eorb U RegBRegB U
- oraa w RegARegA w
- oraa U RegARegA U
21Friendly software
- Set bit 2 of port T
- ldaa 00000100
- oraa PTT
- staa PTT
- Clear bit 5 of port AD
- ldaa 11011111
- anda PTAD
- staa PTAD
22Shift operations
- The N bit is set if the result is negative.
- The Z bit is set if the result is zero.
- The V bit is set on a signed overflow, change in
the sign bit. - The C bit is the carry out after the shift.
- asla RegARegA2 (same as lsla)
- aslb RegBRegB2 (same as lslb)
- asld RegDRegD2 (same as lsld)
- lsla RegARegA2 (same as asla)
- lslb RegBRegB2 (same as aslb)
- lsld RegDRegD2 (same as asld)
- asra RegARegA/2 (signed)
- asrb RegBRegB/2 (signed)
- asrd RegDRegD/2 (signed)
- lsra RegARegA/2 (unsigned)
- lsrb RegBRegB/2 (unsigned)
- lsrd RegDRegD/2 (unsigned)
- rola RegArol(RegA) (C?A7??A0?C)
- rolb RegBrol(RegB) (C?B7??B0?C)
- rora RegAror(RegA) (C?A7??A0?C)
238-bit logical shift right
8-bit arithmetic shift right.
8-bit shift left
8-bit roll right and 8-bit roll left
24Subroutines and the stack
- classical definition of the stack
- push saves data on the top of the stack,
- pull removes data from the top of the stack
- stack implements last in first out (LIFO)
behavior - stack pointer (SP) points to top element
- many uses of the stack
- temporary calculations
- subroutine (function) return addresses
- subroutine (function) parameters
- local variables
25ldaa 1 psha
lds 4000
ldaa 2 psha
ldaa 3 psha
26- The push and pull instructions
- psha push Register A on the stack
- pshb push Register B on the stack
- pshx push Register X on the stack
- pshy push Register Y on the stack
- des S S-1 (reserve space)
- pula pull from stack into A
- pulb pull from stack into B
- pulx pull from stack into X
- puly pull from stack into Y
- ins SS1 (discard top of stack)
- The following are important transfer instructions
- tsx transfer S to X
- tsy transfer S to Y
- txs transfer X to S
27We use the term subroutine all functions or
- whether or not they return a value
- develop modular software
- called by either bsr or jsr
- subroutine returns using rts
28- org 4000
- main lds 4000 initialize stack
- clra
- loop bsr sub branch to subroutine
- bra loop
- Purpose increment a number
- Input RegA, range 0 to 255
- Output RegAInput1
- Errors Will overflow if input is 255
- sub inca adds one to Input
- rts
- org fffe
- fdb main
29Execution of the bsr instruction
- Opcode fetch R 0x4004 0x07 from EEPROM
- Operand fetch R 0x4005 0x02 from EEPROM
- Stack store lsbW 0x3FFF 0x06 to RAM
- Stack store msbW 0x3FFE 0x40 to RAM
30The stack before and after execution of the bsr
31Execution of the rts instruction
- Opcode fetch R 0x4009 0x3D from EEPROM
- Stack read msb R 0x3FFE 0x40 from RAM
- Stack read lsb R 0x3FFF 0x06 from RAM
32 The stack before and after execution of the rts