Title: Determinants and Dynamics of Micronesian Emigration
1Determinants and Dynamicsof Micronesian
- A Brief Discussion
- for the
- Micronesian Voices in Hawaii Conference
- April 2008
- Ben Graham
- Foreword
- Guiding Questions
- Migration 101 What We Know
- WWII to Independence
- Micronesian Emigration Today
- The Numbers
- Development Intentions
- Issues and Indicators
- Summary
- Looking Forward
- Focus on
- international emigration (movement of persons
out of one country and into another) - from the FSM and the RMI into the United States
- Micronesia and Micronesians refer to FSM/RMI
and their citizens (Palau and other countries in
region not specifically discussed)
4Guiding Questions
- What are common drivers and characteristics of
global migration? - What do we know specifically about Micronesian
emigration over time? - What are key factors driving Micronesians to
leave their islands today? - What are main social, economic, and other issues
we must consider to better understand Micronesian
emigration? - Looking forward, what are some important issues
to consider?
5Migration 101 What We Know
- Humans have always migrated as a way to improve
their condition - Micronesians in particular have (over thousands
of years and out of basic necessity) always been
highly mobile people - Today, global migration pressures continue to
rise, mostly from the developing to the developed
world - Every year, millions of emigrants from developing
countries gain access into developed countries
via formal and legal processes - Every year many enter illegally
6Migration 101 What We Know
- US alone sees nearly two million entrants a year,
half a million of which are illegal - Earliest economic models for predicting
emigration (at individual level) identified the
following as major factors influencing decision - Earnings at home
- Potential earnings abroad
- Cost of migration
7Migration 101 What We Know
- Over time, and with more research, more variables
have been added. Common factors on sending
country side include - Poverty and hardship
- Unemployment
- Low wages
- High fertility
- Poor health and education services
- Conflict, insecurity, violence
- Governance issues
- Human rights abuse, persecution, discrimination
8Migration 101 What We Know
- On the receiving side, major factors include
- Stock of previous emigrants from home country now
residing in destination country (the friends and
relatives effect) - Demand for labor
- Potential for improved living standard
- Safety and security
- Political and religious freedom
- Family reunification
- Return to ethnic homeland
- Freedom from discrimination and persecution
9Migration 101 What We Know
- In the middle, some factors can enable or deter
the flow of migration from one country to
another, namely - Cost
- Distance
- Immigration policies
- In short, international migration is influenced
by a wide and complex set of factors on the
sending side, the receiving side, and in between.
Emigration theories and models developed over the
years can only partially explain and predict the
emigration phenomenon.
10Migration 101 What We Know
- A simplified framework for studying migration
11Migration 101 What We Know
- A few other important characteristics of
emigration - Contrary to popular belief, emigration from poor
countries typically increases as economic
development in these countries takes place - There has been observed a hump-shaped curve
reflecting the relationship between economic
development and emigration - Migration (in general) can have profound effects
on development, human capital accumulation,
poverty, and many other issues in both sending
and receiving countries - Internal migration (mostly in terms of urban
migration) and migration between developing
countries are also growing
12WWII to Independence
- 1950s and 1960s Movement Strategically Denied
- Post WWII years characterized by relatively
limited movement of people into and out of
Micronesia - US administration of TTPI emphasized control and
security - US policy of strategic denial in force
- However late 1960s saw entry of regularly
scheduled airline services (Continental
Micronesia) and Peace Corps
13WWII to Independence
- 1970s and 1980s Emigration for Education Begins
- Schools built in the 1950s and 1960s began
graduating students in 1960s and 1970s - Emigration for education began in the 1970s
- Most emigration out of Micronesia throughout the
1970s and 1980s was for education
14Micronesian Emigration Today
- The 1986 commencement of the Compacts the
defining moment in modern Micronesian emigration - Whereas education the initial driver, after 1986
we see a broadening of factors - Micronesians increasingly citing economic
opportunity and employment as the key drivers - While 15.6 percent of post-Compact migrants in
Hawaii in 1997 cited employment as their primary
reason in 2003 this increased to 18.2 percent - Other drivers gaining importance medical and
subsistence - Arkansas Marshallese cite employment as 1
15Micronesian Emigration Today
Reason for Migrating (post-Compact migrants),
Hawaii 1997 and 2003
Source Censuses of Micronesians in Hawaii.
16The Numbers
- Emigration has grown rapidly especially since
beginning of the Compacts - But not unpredicted
- 1963 Solomon report in the long run ... certain
inflexible economic limitations of the area and
the increasing population pressure must
eventually compel substantial emigration of
Micronesians. - 1986 Fran Hezel There is every reason to believe
that the trickle of emigrants will increase
considerably in the near future Unless the
island nations of Micronesia are somehow able to
turn around their economies and create hundreds
of new jobs without the assistance of higher
levels of US aid, there is a good chance that
more young people will elect to leave home and
pursue jobs, wherever they are to be found.
17The Numbers
- Neither FSM nor RMI have systems to capture
emigration data - Recently discovered US Department of
Transportation database captures all movements of
airline passengers - Analyze air passenger movements into and out of
Micronesian and US airports (embarkations and
disembarkations) from the early 1990s to today - The following summarizes net embarkations
(departures over arrivals) of air passengers over
the 1991 to 2006 period - The data show very clearly over 16 year period
thousands more have departed than have arrived
18The Numbers
- FSM saw over 23,000 net embarkations while RMI
saw over 15,000 - Chuuk 12,423
- Pohnpei 8,490
- Kosrae 1,187
- Yap 991
- While absolute numbers of FSM embarkations
higher, RMI higher in percentage terms
19Net Embarkations (by air) FSM and RMI 1991 to
Source US Department of Transportation TranStats
Database Note data only for passenger movements
between FSM/RMI and US, FY for FSM and CY for RMI
20Net Embarkations (by air) FSM and RMI 1991 to
Source US Department of Transportation TranStats
Database Note data only for passenger movements
between FSM/RMI and US, FY for FSM and CY for RMI
21The Numbers
- For FSM, 1998, 2003, 2004, and 2006 banner years,
with more than 2,000 total net embarkations - For RMI, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2005 and 2006
over 1,000 net embarkations - Next graph shows three year trailing averages for
net embarkations for the 1993 to 2006 period - For FSM, since year 2000, average has been on an
upswing (except for the slight dip in 2006) - For RMI, average was high in the early 2000s but
has slowly leveled off
22Net Embarkations (by air) FSM and RMI, 3-Year
Trailing Average 1993 to 2006
Source US Department of Transportation TranStats
Database Note data only for passenger movements
between FSM/RMI and US, FY for FSM and CY for RMI
23Development Intentions
- Generally speaking, development goals,
intentions, and aspirations fairly clear - Adopted similar strategies for development,
prioritization on health and education sectors - Amended Compacts of Free Association prioritize
resource allocations to health, education and
supporting infrastructure - Pledged to promote sustainable growth by
supporting and facilitating private sector
development, efficient and effective basic public
services, protecting and managing natural
24Development Intentions
- Both countries have held national economic and
social summits - Both countries have formulated economic
development plans - Both have signed onto multiple international
treaties that commit them to achieving specific
development goals and targets (MDGs) - But neither the FSM nor the RMI have very clear
definitions of poverty and hardship and neither
has articulated poverty alleviation or social
protection strategy
25Issues and Indicators
Median Age 1999-2000
Source Secretariat of the Pacific Community
PRISM website, census reports
26Issues and Indicators
Population Pyramids for RMI, FSM 1999-2000
Source Secretariat of the Pacific Community
PRISM website, census reports
27Issues and Indicators
Average Household Size 1999-2000
Source census reports
28Issues and Indicators
- Both countries have rapidly growing working age
populations (2006) - FSM 60,500 and RMI 28,900
- In the labor force
- FSM 35,400 and RMI 14,800 (historically low
LFPRs) - Formally employed
- FSM 16,463 and RMI 9,810 (registered in the
Social Security databases) - In some areas, formal employment has contracted
over time
29Issues and Indicators
- Estimates for those in labor force but not
registered as being formally employed - FSM 18,978 and RMI 4,950 persons
- These nearly 24,000 people are either
- Formally employed but not registered
- Informally or self-employed
- Not employed
30Issues and Indicators
31Issues and Indicators
Estimated Labor Force and Formally Employed 1997
to 2006
Source FSM and RMI Economic Reviews FY2006,
author estimates
32Issues and Indicators
National Unemployment Rate 1999-2000
Source census reports
33Issues and Indicators
Average Annual Real Wages, Formally Employed
1995 to 2006
Source FSM Economic Review FY2006
34Issues and Indicators
- As with real wages, over the long run real GDP
per capita in FSM and RMI has fallen - FSM real GDP per capita (1998 ) fell from 2,107
in 1995 to 1,888 in FY2006 - In RMI the decline (in 2000 ) from 2,693 to
35Issues and Indicators
Percent of Population Living Below Basic Needs
Poverty Line 1999-2000
Source ADB Hardship in the Pacific series
36Issues and Indicators
- Participatory Poverty Assessments conducted in
2002 (for RMI) and 2004 (for FSM) by ADB - Conclusion that while extreme poverty does not
currently exist, many feel that hardship being
experienced by many families in both urban and
rural areas - Some families find it increasingly difficult to
earn cash needed to meet living expenses - In 2006 RMI Community Survey, 27 percent of
households indicated overall quality of life has
gotten worse or much worse in recent years
37Issues and Indicators
Public Expenditure on Education ( of GDP) 2003
Source IMF
38Issues and Indicators
Public Expenditure on Health ( of GDP) 2003
Source IMF
39Issues and Indicators
Annual Average Per Capita Spending for
Education/Health () 2005
Source World Bank
40Issues and Indicators
World Health Organization Global Rankings on
Overall Performance of Health Systems (191
countries) 2000
Source WHO
41Issues and Indicators
Life Expectancy, Male and Female (from latest
Source Secretariat of the Pacific Community,
PRISM website
42Issues and Indicators
Retention Rates, Grades 1,8,9,12
Source World Bank and Hezel, F. (2002). Taking
Responsibility for our Schools. PREL.
43Issues and Indicators
44Issues and Indicators
45Issues and Indicators
Is RMI Government (2006) Responsive to Community
Source 2006 RMI Community Survey
- Young population structures continued high
growth in working ages, labor force - Micronesia will have excess labor supply for long
time, but employment opportunities at home
growing slowly - Unemployment and inactivity high, especially
among youth - Real incomes have fallen since 1990s, many
households below basic needs lines - FSM and RMI spend far more on health/education
but much room for improvement - In governance, both countries can make
47Looking Forward
- No reason to believe that magnitude of emigration
will dramatically change any time soon - many
push, pull, enabling factors at play
48Looking Forward
- PUSH hardship, unemployment, low wages, limited
education and health services, general lack of
economic security, boredom all will continue to
push Micronesians - PULL plentiful jobs, better wages, education
opportunities, health services, growing pool of
friends and relatives, prospects of improved
living standards, economic security, citizenship,
more US and other employers directly hiring from
Micronesia (?) all will continue to pull
Micronesians - ENABLERS open door access under Compact, friends
and relatives covering emigration costs, short
distances to some destinations (Guam, Honolulu)
49Looking Forward
- Some key questions and issues to also consider
- Is the open access under the Compact permanent?
- What about companies now directly recruiting
Micronesians from home (covering costs, etc.)? - What about climate change and sea level rise?
- What about seasonal work schemes (e.g., Guam,
Taiwan, etc.)? - What about growth in tourism?
- What about remittances (financial, governance,
etc.)? - Other issues?
50Looking Forward
- Both countries have promised to improve human
development, economies, and quality of life - Some indicators confirm this is happening but
most indicators suggest major improvements can be
made, especially in health and education
performance and outcomes - But improving health and education alone will not
be enough - Economic policy commitments should translate into
real economic and employment growth
51Looking Forward
- Most pubic money spent on education and health,
so should highest priority be to ensure all
citizens are able to complete high quality
education? Shouldnt quality of health care
(preventative, diagnosis) dramatically improve? - Improving human development, social and economic
outcomes is the most effective way to ensure all
Micronesians (wherever they chose to live) are
able to not only survive but truly succeed in
their environments
52Looking Forward
- FSM 3rd Economic Summit (2004)
- To achieve moderate growth in incomes and to
avoid rising out-migration rates need to
maintain fiscal discipline support essential
services implement a moderate program of reforms
to improve the environment for domestic and
foreign investment reform program would be
required - All of these principles (fiscal discipline,
reform, etc.) should be pursued, however while
development and rising incomes will improve the
lives of Micronesians, this may not necessarily
stem the heavy tide of emigration we have now
witnessed for over two decades
54Hawaii specific issues
Source CNN Money website (www.cnnmoney.com)