Title: The International Coastal Atlas Network ICAN
1The International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN)
Dawn Wright Oregon State University
Ned Dwyer Coastal Marine Resources Centre,
FGDC Marine Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee
Meeting, Oct 8, 2008
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Current Membership
- ICAN Workshop 3
- Interoperability Prototype
- Strategic Directions
- Conclusion
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
3Background Intellectual Merit
- Issues of regional governance, coordination
- Significant capacity, varying approaches
- Best practices?
- Widespread solutions needed
- Access to and documentation of data
- Integration of tools
- Decision support for coastal mgmt via atlases
- Semantic interoperability
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
4Emergence of Coastal Web Atlases
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
- A collection of digital maps and datasets with
supplementary tables, illustrations, and
information that systematically illustrate the
coast, oftentimes with cartographic and decision
support tools, all of which are accessible via
the Internet. - (ODea et al., 2007)
- Coastal Zone Management, Governance
- Governments, NGOs, Citizen Groups
5Emergence of Coastal Web Atlases
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
- Marine Irish Digital Atlas, mida.ucc.ie
Oregon Coastal Atlas, www.coastalatlas.net
6Oregon Coastal Atlas, USA
MIDA, Ireland
De Kustatlas, Belgium
Magic, UK
NOAA Digital Coast, USA
And many MORE
7Background Workshop 1, Cork, Ireland
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
- To create strengthen relationships between
experts in marine coastal mapping in North
America and Europe - To identify state of the art approaches to
coastal mapping and informatics
8Background Workshop 2, Corvallis, USA
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
- Improve searches between atlases
- metadata to ontologies
- Marine Metadata Interoperabilty
- Semantic interoperability
- Linkages to use cases, communities
- Proof-of-concept ontologies interoperability
prototype - Large, collaborative funding proposals
9ICAN Strategic Aims
- Share experiences and find common solutions to
coastal web atlas development - Knowledge portal Guides, cookbooks, engines,
discussion boards, code, use cases - Globally integrate and interoperate among
locally-maintained atlases - Inform regional decision- and policy-making
across several themes - Climate change - coastal vulnerability
- Coastal governance (boundaries, protected areas,
etc.) - Coastal hazards
- Population pressures
- Marine spatial planning
- Resource availability and exploitation
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
10Current Membership
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
11Workshop 3, Copenhagen, July 2008
- Advance actions in
- Technical developments
- Review of interoperability prototype
- Strategic directions
- Governance structure
- Welcome new members
- Link to European relevant activities
- Full proceedings at ican.science.oregonstate.edu
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
12Interoperability Prototype
- Integrate and facilitate access to several
distributed heterogeneous coastal atlases
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
13Technical Developments
- Focus on coastal erosion as a use-case
- Overarching view vulnerability of coastal
communities to climate change - Key Future work on prototype
- At least 6 new nodes
- Implement OGC WMS on all
- Implement WFS on advanced subset
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
14Strategic Directions
- Clarified vision and goals of ICAN
- Identified a range of key activities in following
areas - Technical project development
- Awareness raising and publicity
- Outreach and training activities
- Documentation of resources, tools, expertise
- Development of ICAN portal
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
15Governance Structure
- Generated Document outlining
- Committee structure
- Governance activities
- Pathway towards a sustainable funding model
- Develop a transition plan from ad-hoc steering to
formalized governance -
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
16ICAN Workshop 4
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
- UNESCO University Trieste, Italy
- Autumn 2009
17For More Information
- Workshop 1 in Cork, Workshop 2 in Corvallis
- workshop1.science.oregonstate.edu
- Workshop 3 in Copenhagen
- ican.science.oregonstate.edu
- ICAN Interoperability Prototype
- ican.ucc.ie
- Outline
- Background
- Strategic Aims
- Membership
- Workshop 3
- Prototype
- ICAN Future
- Conclusion
- U.S. National Science Foundation
- Irish National Development Plan
- Marine Institute (Ireland), Marine RTDI
Networking Technology Transfer Initiative - European Environment Agency
Oregon Coastal Mgmt Program