Title: Demand Responsive Transport DRT
1Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
- European Conference on Sustainable Goods and
Passenger Transport - 31 May 01 June 2005
2 Marion Mackay Principal Officer (Concessionary
Travel Community Transport) Public Transport
Unit Transportation Infrastructure Services
3Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
- DRT overview
- A2B dial-a-bus project
- - overall aim of the pilot project
- - how the services operate
- - aims objectives
- - the future
4Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
- Transport that is responsive to passenger needs
- Many types of DRT services
- A DRT trip will only operate when requested
- Cross between a bus and a taxi
- Can provide connections onto
- mainline bus services
5Examples of Types of DRT Service (1)
Semi-Fixed Route DRT Strathdon A2B dial-a-bus
6Examples of Types of DRT Service (2)
Area-Based DRT Central Buchan A2B dial-a-bus
7Demand Responsive Transport ( DRT)
- Benefits areas of low passenger demand
- - sparsely populated geographical areas
- - certain times of the day or week
- - where target users are dispersed among the
general population
8A2B dial-a-bus pilot project
- The overall aim of the project is .
- to demonstrate how the practical
co-ordination of rural transport services can be
achieved through a managed approach to the
development of DRT
9A2B comprises
- 5 A2B dial-a-bus services
- all door-to-door
- 8 wheelchair accessible vehicles
- TDC within Council offices in Aberdeen
- - 2 dedicated employees
- - Booking scheduling software
- - Bookings taken at least day before travel
10A2B dial-a-bus pilot project
- Testing different types of DRT
- what works where
- Variables
- - contrasting geographical areas
- - types of service
- - types of clients
- - vehicles drivers
11Aberdeenshire A2B Services
12Service Statistics
- 636 registered members
- - 77 of clients are women
- most clients aged over 60
yrs - Approx 350 passenger trips per week
- 85 of trips for shopping
13Strathdon A2B (Donside)
- Semi-fixed route
- - 6 fixed timing points
- - plus demand responsive area
- 8 seat minibus
- Open to general public
- Operated by Stagecoach
14Strathdon A2B Coverage
15Alford A2B
- Mostly area-based, vehicles free to roam
- Fixed route section on Wednesdays
- Council minibus and driver
- Service open to those eligible for concessionary
travel, and anyone who does not have access to
private transport
16Alford A2BCoverage
17Fraserburgh A2B Peterhead A2B (Buchan)
- Open to those who cannot use conventional bus
services - Operates approx 1000 1400 hrs
- Monday - Friday
- Operated in partnership with Buchan DAB
- Area based, vehicles free to roam
- Education minibuses
18Peterhead A2BCoverage
Tie-in with Shopmobility in Peterhead
19Fraserburgh A2B Coverage
Additional vehicle - continuation of Social Work
dial-a-ride service
20Central Buchan A2B
- Replaced conventional local bus service
- Open to the general public
- Operated by Kininmonth Cabs
- Three 7-seat taxi-buses
- Area based, vehicles free to roam
- Operates 0830 1830 hrs
- Monday -Saturday
21Central Buchan A2B Coverage
Connections and through-tickets onto mainline bus
22A2B Dial-a-Bus Project Aims Objectives (1)
- to provide a better service for new and existing
passengers through improved accessibility to
local communities and services - new services
- replacement services serve wider geographical
area, and use better vehicles
23A2B Dial-a-Bus Project Aims Objectives (2)
- to maximise local vehicle resources owned by the
Council and others - using Council owned minibuses
- Education and Social Work
- using vehicles of other locally based bus and
taxi operators ( C.T.) - talks with Scottish Ambulance Service
24A2B Dial-a-Bus Project Aims Objectives (3)
- to investigate and demonstrate how DRT software
can be used effectively in fleet management, and
in particular real-time scheduling - Trapeze booking/scheduling/despatch software
- direct communication with vehicles
- potential for booking via internet
25A2B Dial-a-Bus Project Aims Objectives (4)
- to understand how transport provision can be
better targeted at need - consulted with communities and operators
- by their nature the services provide trips when
and where people want to travel (within
operational restrictions) - extensive monitoring
26A2B Dial-a-Bus Project Aims Objectives (5)
- to monitor the effectiveness of the system
through changes in accessibility and modal shift - consultants interim report confirms an increase
in accessibility - very limited modal shift to date
27The Future of A2B
- Same-day bookings of A2B trips
- Bookings for community transport provider
- Review existing A2B services
- Introduce new A2B services
- Pilot findings to inform the Scottish Executive
and others on good practice in DRT
28A2B - Conclusion
- Pilot ongoing final report in Dec 05
- Services generally well-received by passengers
- More efficient use of vehicles
- Services enable people to continue to live in
their communities - Potential for modal shift
29Thanks for listening!
- Marion Mackay
- marion.mackay_at_aberdeenshire.gov.uk
- www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/publictransport