- Kee-Youn Yoo
- University of Houston
- kyyoo_at_math.uh.edu
2Todays Lecture
- Atmospheric Inorganic Aerosol Description
- Box Model Simulation
3Typical Inorganic Aerosol Constitutes(Secondary)
Sea Salt
Soil Dust
4Water - Hygroscopic Property
5Aerosol Water ?g/M-3
DRH Deliquescence Relative Humidity
8(No Transcript)
In the air
H2SO4 HO2?
In the air
- Concentration difference between aerosol surface
and air - Particle size, etc.
11Nitrate, Ammonium
- Condensation and Evaporation
- HNO3, NH3
12Sea Salt
Combustion Emissions Primary OC, EC
SO2 Emissions
Gas-Phase Photochemistry
HCl Emissions
Primary H2SO4
H, SO4- HSO4-
Primary OC, EC
Sea-Salt Emissions
NH3, OH-
Dust, Fly Ash Metals
NH3 Emissions
Condensible Organics
Secondary OC
NO3-, H
Ca2, Mg2 Fe3, etc.
Gas-Phase Photochemistry
Gas-Phase Photochemistry
Gaseous Organics Emissions
Dust, Fly Ash Emissions
NOx Emissions
14Surface Chemical Reactions
Solid Particle
- Surface Chemical Reaction Rates
- Particle size, etc.
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Aerosol Simulation Structure
18Dynamic Module
Aerosol Dynamic Equation
Thermodynamics Ex. SCAPE2
Gas-Phase Reaction Ex. CB4 with sulfate chemistry
19Internal vs. External mixtures
20Thermodynamic Module
21Typical Urban Aerosol
NH3 - 3.4 ?g/m3, H2SO4 9.143 ?g/m3, HNO3
1.953 ?g/m3
22Typical Marine Aerosol
Na 1.967 ?g/m3, NH3 0.020 ?g/m3, H2SO4
0.510 ?g/m3, HNO3 0.163 ?g/m33 HCl 3.121
- Key features
- Number of Chemical Species Treated
- Thermodynamic Models Activity Coefficients
- Solution Method to Thermodynamic Equilibriums
24(No Transcript)
25BOX model simulation
- Sulfate Nucleation Only Gas Phase
26- Sulfate Nucleation Only Aerosol Phase (Smaller
27- Sulfate Nucleation Only Aerosol Phase (Larger
28T 5 hr
29T 15 hr
30- Sulfate Nucleation NH3 condensation Gas Phase
31- Sulfate Nucleation NH3 condensation Smaller
32- Sulfate Nucleation NH3 condensation Larger
33T 5 hr
34T 15 hr
35- Pre-existing Aerosol Effect Gas Phase
36- Pre-existing Aerosol Effect Smaller Section
37- Pre-existing Aerosol Effect Larger Section
38T 5 hr
39T 15 hr
40Tomorrows Lecture
- Aerosol Thermodynamic Formulation
- Introduction to the UHAERO Core Part
42Tableau Method
- Linear algebraic approach to solving chemical
equilibrium problems - Basis for computer codes that solve chemical
equilibrium problems - Another means of getting a TOTH equation
- Key think of reactions as mathematical
equations H2O H OH- OH- H2O - H
François M.M. MorelIts a non-trivial problem.
43Tableau Method
- Pure water
- H2OT 55.5 M
- Reactions (Nrxn 1)
- H2O H OH-
- Species (Nspecies 3)
- H2O, H, and OH-
- Components
- Ncomp Nspecies Nrxn 2
- choose H2O and H
Its just a sign error.
44Tableau Method
- Cant have three components for pure water
- Choose too many componentsH2O, H, and OH-
- Cant have more than one way to make H2O with
components H2O (H2O) and H2O
(H) (OH-)
You must learn to think logarithmically.
45Tableau Method
- Add HAc to water
- H2OT 55.5 M
- HAcT 10-3 M
- Reactions (Nrxn 2)
- H2O H OH-
- HAc H Ac-
- Species (Nspecies 5)
- H2O, H, OH-, HAc, Ac-
- Components
- Ncomp Nspecies Nrxn 3
- choose H2O, H, HAc
I hope to have at least generally resisted a
natural propensity for reducing lively chemical
concepts to cold mathematics.
46Tableau Method
47Tableau Method
- Mass Balances
- TOTH20 H2O OH- 55.5 M
- TOTHAc HAc Ac- 10-3 M
- TOTH H OH- Ac- 0
- Proton Condition
H OH- Ac- 0
48Tableau Method
- Use TOTH to solve for pH graphically
- TOTH H OH- Ac- 0
H ? Ac-
49Tableau Method
- Add NaAc to water
- H2OT 55.5 M
- NaAcT 10-3 M
- Reactions (Nrxn 2)
- H2O H OH-
- HAc H Ac-
- Species (Nspecies 6)
- H2O, H, OH-, HAc, Ac-, Na
- Components
- Ncomp Nspecies Nrxn 4
- choose H2O, H, Ac-, Na
I hope to have at least generally resisted a
natural propensity for reducing lively chemical
concepts to cold mathematics.
50Tableau Method
51Tableau Method
- Mass Balances
- TOTH20 H2O OH- 55.5 M
- TOTAc HAc Ac- 10-3 M
- TOTNa Na 10-3 M
- TOTH H OH- HAc 0
- Proton Condition
H OH- HAc 0
52Tableau Method
- Use TOTH to solve for pH graphically
- TOTH H OH- HAc 0
HAc ? OH-
53Tableau Method
- Add sodium bicarbonate to water
- H2OT 55.5 M
- NaHCO3T 10-3 M
- Reactions (Nrxn 3)
- H2O H OH-
- H2CO3 H HCO3-
- HCO3- H CO32-
- Species (Nspecies 7)
- H2O, H, OH-, Na, H2CO3, HCO3-, CO32-
- Components
- Ncomp Nspecies Nrxn 4
- choose H2O, H, Na, HCO3-
For our purposes, the Boltzmann distribution may
be considered asGod-given.
54Tableau Method
55Tableau Method
- Mass Balances
- TOTH20 H2O OH- 55.5 M
- TOTHCO3 H2CO3 HCO3- CO32- 10-3 M
- TOTNa Na 10-3 M
- TOTH H OH- H2CO3 CO32- 0
- Proton Condition
H OH- H2CO3 CO32- 0
56Tableau Method
- Use TOTH to solve for pH graphically
- TOTH H OH- H2CO3 CO32- 0
H2CO3 ? CO32-
57More Religion (and Academic Ancestry)
James J. Morgan Marvin L. Goldberger Professor of
Environmental Engineering Science, California
Institute of Technology
58More Academic Ancestry
Werner Stumm Swiss Federal Institute for
Environmental Science and Technology
59Next Lecture
- Friday a lecture on the web, maybe
- Monday -- Alkalinity