Title: ChE 413 213 Molecular SelfAssembly: A New EngineeringTool
1ChE 413/ 213Molecular Self-AssemblyA New
- Instructor Mitchell Anthamatten
- Chemical Engineering Department
- University of Rochester
2Course Objectives
- To understand the role of molecular interactions
in forming self-assembled structures. - To synthesize previous coursework in chemistry,
physics, and thermodynamics to enable new
technologies to be understood - To demonstrate creative and rational design of
new materials and technologies using the concepts
of molecular self-assembly.
3Self Assembly (SA) The action of independent
entities under distributed (non-central) control
to produce a larger structure or achieve a group
Self assembly can occur on any length scale. A
few examples
- Crystallization of water (2-3 Å)
- Host-guest crown ether coordination complex
(10-15 Å) - Organization of rod-shaped liquid crystals (30
Å) - Segregation of block copolymers (10 nm)
- Micelle/ emulsion formation (10 nm )
- Biological tissues (1 um)
- Capillary-assembled structures (O 10 um) see
e.g. Whitesides, PNAS, v99 (8) - Animal Behavior (O m)
- Astronomy, Eagle Nebula (light years)
molecular SA
Srinivasarao et. al Science 6 April 2001
4Why study self-assembly?
Frequency of Self-assembly in titles (SCI),
MRS Bulletin, October 2001
- valuable tool for nano- and micro- technology
- enables bottom-up route to designing materials
- will lead to better understanding of free
energy landscape
5Thermodynamics Primer (1/4)
process change of state physical (e.g.
melting, freezing, expansion) chemical
(new substance formed) work ability to change
height of mass in surroundings i.e. transfer of
energy that involves organized motion system
volume that we are interested in surroundings
everything else, where we make observations energy
capacity to do work heat thermal form of
energy transfer of energy that makes use of
chaotic motion of molecules
endothermic describes a process that absorbs
energy exothermic describes a process that
releases energy
internal energy U total energy of a system
1st Law DU q w
gt the change in U is equal to the energy that
passes through a systems boundary as heat or
gt the total energy of an isolated system is
6Thermodynamics Primer (2/4)
enthalpy H U PV Heat supplied at constant
pressure (so long as the system does no
additional work)
heat capacity _at_ const. pressure cp (?H/?T)P
Release of heat gt a decrease in enthalpy of a
system at const. pressure DH lt 0 exothermic
DH gt 0 endothermic
2nd Law of Thermo You cant convert heat into
work without some loss.
direction of spontaneous change toward a more
disordered form
(work not required)
DStot gt 0
(total entropy of an isolated system)
gt irreversible changes generate entropy gt
reversible changes do not generate entropy
of ways a system can be arranged to achieve
same energy lvl
S k ln W
k 1.38 10-23 J/K
7Thermodynamics Primer (3/4)
Thermodynamic Definition of entropy dS dq / T
gt DS ?dq / T Heat supplied at constant
pressure (so long as the system does no
additional work)
3rd law of thermo at T 0 K, all thermal
motions cease gt since S k ln W , S 0 !
Gibbs Free Energy GH-TS dGdH-TdS-SdT H
Gibbs-Helmholz Eqn.
(T-dependence of GFE)
8Thermodynamics Primer (4/4)
chemical potential of a substance j
(n all other components)
fundamental eqn. of thermodynamics
Always try to think in terms of G.F.E. to explain
9Solution mixing of polycation polyanion
Consider DG for this process Entropy gain due
to freeing of small ions (decreases DG) Entropy
gain due to formationof more random polymer
coils(decrease DG) Enthalpy gain due to
polymer-polymer interactions ( increase DG)
Vorn Overbeek in J. Cellular Comparative
Physiology 1957, 49, 7
coacervation is a complex function of pH, cnc,
mixing ratio, etc.
10Shape site-specific interactions
determinefinal structure.
tobaccomosaic virus
phospholipid bilayer
- Increasingly complex molecular entities generally
result in more complex, hierarchal structures.
11Self-assembly involves delicate balance among
non-covalent interactions and entropy.
- Key intermolecular interactions
- electrostatic (Coulombic)
- dipole-dipole, induced dipole
- H-bonding
- van der Waals
Sc lt Sn lt Si
shape (VDW) nematic ordering
site-specific interactions lipid bilayer
12Supramolecular structures exhibit error
- inherent reversibility
- self-healing of structures
- use covalent bonding to stabilize non-covalent
J. Org. Chem., 1995, v 60, 1033
13Examples of assisted and directed
Self-assembly is influenced by,
- temperature
- nature of solvent (if any)
- surfaces (boundaries)
- gradients
- events
Hammond, P.T. 1994, Macromolecules