Title: Arbitrage in Combinatorial Exchanges
1Arbitrage in Combinatorial Exchanges
- Andrew Gilpin and Tuomas Sandholm
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Computer Science Department
2Combinatorial exchanges
- Trading mechanism for bundles of items
- Expressive preferences
- Complementarity, substitutability
- More efficiency compared to traditional exchanges
- Examples FCC, BondConnect
3Other combinatorial exchange work
- Clearing problem is NP-complete
- Much harder than combinatorial auctions in
practice - Reasonable problem sizes solved with MIP and
special-purpose algorithms Sandholm et al - Still active research area
- Mechanism design Parkes, Kalagnanam, Eso
- Designing rules so that exchange achieves various
economic and strategic goals - Preference elicitation Smith, Sandholm, Simmons
4Uncovered additional problem Arbitrage
- Arbitrage is a risk-free profit opportunity
- Agents have endowment of money and items, and
wish to increase their utility by trading - How well can an agent without any endowment do?
- Where are the free lunches in combinatorial
5Related research Arbitrage in frictional markets
- Frictional markets Deng et al
- Assets traded in integer quantities
- Max limit on assets traded at a fixed price
- Many theories of finance assume no arbitrage
opportunity - But, computing arbitrage opportunities in
frictional markets is NP-complete - What about combinatorial markets?
- Model
- Existence
- Possibility
- Impossibility
- Curtailing arbitrage
- Detecting arbitraging bids
- Generating arbitraging bids
- Side constraints
- Conclusions
- M 1,,m items for sale
- Combinatorial bid is tuple demand of item i
(negative means supply) - price for bid j (negative means ask)
- We assume OR bidding language
- As we will see later, this is WLOG
8Clearing problem
- Maximize objective f(x)
- Surplus, unit volume, trade volume
- Such that supply meets demand
- With no free disposal, supply demand
- All 3 x 2 6 problems are NP-complete
9Arbitraging bids in a combinatorial exchange
- Arbitrage is a risk-free profit opportunity
- So price on bid is negative
- Agent has no endowment
- Bid only demands, no supply
10Impossibility of arbitrage
- Theorem. No arbitrage opportunity in
surplus-maximizing combinatorial exchange with
free disposal - Proof. Suppose there is. Consider allocation
without arbitraging bid - Supply still meets demand (arbitraging bid does
not supply anything) - Surplus is greater (arbitraging bid has negative
price). Contradiction
11Possibility of arbitrage in all 5 other settings
- M 1, 2
- B1 (-1,0), -8 (sell 1, ask 8)
- B2 (1,-1), 10 (buy 1, sell 2, pay 10)
- With no free disposal, this does not clear
- B3 (0,1), -1 (buy 2, ask 1)
- Now the exchange clears
- Same example works for unit/trade volume
maximizing exchanges with without free disposal
12Even in settings where arbitrage is possible, it
is not possible in every instance
- Consider surplus-maximization, no free disposal
- B1 (-1,0),-8 (sell 1, ask 8)
- B2 (1,-1),10 (buy 1, sell 2, pay 10)
- B3 (0,1), 2 (buy 2, pay 2)
- No arbitrage opportunity exists
13Possibility of arbitrage Summary
14Curtailing arbitrage opportunities
- Unit/trade volume-maximizing exchanges ignore
prices - Consider two bids
- B1 (1,0), 5 (buy 1, pay 5)
- B2 (1,0), -5 (buy 1, ask 5)
- In a unit/trade volume-maximizing exchange, these
bids are equivalent - Can we do something better?
15Curtailing arbitrage opportunities
- Run original clearing problem first
- Then, run surplus-maximizing clearing with
unit/trade volume constrained to maximum - This prevents situation from previous slide from
16Detecting arbitraging bids
- Arbitraging bid can be detected trivially
- Simply check for arbitrage conditions
- Theorem. Determining whether a new
arbitrage-attempting bid is in an optimal
allocation is NP-complete - even if given the optimal allocation before that
bid was submitted - Proof. Via reduction from SUBSET SUM
- Good news Hard for arbitrager to
generate-and-test arbitrage-attempting bids
17Relationship between feedback to bidders and
- Feedback
- Feedback ALL-BIDS provides enough information to
bidders for them to arbitrage
18Generating arbitraging bids (for any setting
except surplus-maximization with free disposal)
- If all bids are for integer quantities,
arbitrager can simply submit 1-unit 1-item demand
bids (of price ?) - Otherwise, arbitraging bids can be computed using
an optimization (related to clearing problem) - Item quantities are variables
- Problem is to find a bid price and demand bundle
such that the bid is arbitraging
19Side constraints
- Recall Arbitrage impossible in
surplus-maximization with free disposal - Exchange administrator may place side constraints
on the allocation, e.g. - volume/capacity constraints
- min/max winner constraints
- With certain side constraints, arbitrage becomes
20Side constraints Example
- Side constraint Minimum of 3 winners
- Suppose
- Only two bidders have submitted bids
- Without side constraint, exchange clears with
surplus S - Third bidder could place arbitraging bid with
price at least S - Thus, arbitrage possible in a surplus-maximizing
CE with free disposal and side constraints
21Bidding languages
- So far we have assumed OR bidding language
- All results hold for XOR, OR-of-XORs, XOR-of-ORs,
OR - Does not hurt since OR is special case
- Does not help since arbitraging bids do not need
to express substitutability
- Studied arbitrage in combinatorial exchanges
- Surplus-maximizing, free disposal Arbitrage
impossible - All 5 other settings Arbitrage sometimes
possible - Introduced combinatorial exchange mechanism that
eliminates particularly undesirable form of
arbitrage - Arbitraging bids can be detected trivially
- Determining whether a given arbitrage-attempting
bid arbitrages is NP-complete (makes
generate-and-test hard) - Giving all bids as feedback to bidders supports
arbitrage - If demand quantities are integers, easy to
generate a herd of bids that yields arbitrage - If not, arbitrage is an integer program
- Side constraints can give rise to arbitrage
opportunities even in surplus-maximization with
free disposal - The usual logical bidding languages do not affect
arbitrage possibilities