Title: HCM 381
1HCM 381
2 - Weve been discussing, thus far, organizations
and organizational theory, how strategy impacts
organizational design and effectiveness, various
fundamentals of organizational structure, the
external environment, inter-organizational
relationships, and various other elements (such
as organization size) that might influence
organizational structure.
3- The text does not provide a lot of information on
hospital structure or how structure in other
health care organizations is determined. - Some detail on that, from other sources, would be
of interest.
4The acute care hospital
- It would be far less complex if it fit the usual
organizational pyramid. Its management structure
differs substantially from the bureaucratic model
of other types of large organizations. - These differences are caused by the unusual
relationships between the formal authority of
position represented by the managerial hierarchy
and the authority of knowledge possessed by
members of the professional staff.
5- In the typical community hospital, the
professional staff members do not fit into the
pyramid as do staff who work for and are paid by
the hospital. - As a result, the organizational pattern is a dual
pyramid with the managerial hierarchy and the
medical staff hierarchy existing side by side. - Note that some acute care hospitals integrate the
professional staff into the organization
structure, which means its members are likely to
be salaried Dept. of Veterans Affairs hospitals
and military hospitals are examples.
6- Thus, a dual pyramid- two lines of authority-
violates the management principle of unity of
command, which contravenes a postulate of the
classicist Henri Fayol. One line extends from the
Governing Board to the CEO and from there into
the managerial structure and hierarchy. The other
extends from the Governing Board to the
professional staff.
7- These two intersect in departments such as
nursing, in which activities are both managerial
and clinical, forming a matrix set of
relationships. The complexity of this structure
is illustrated by the fact that many hospital
staff often have move than one immediate
superior. (next slide)
8- For example, the work of nurses in clinical areas
is directed by a head nurse, who is a first-level
manager in a functional department (nursing), as
well as by members of the professional staff,
usually physicians, in terms of specific orders
for a patient. These directions may be
contradictory because each group interprets
objectives and the means of attaining them in
terms of its own value systems and requirements.
- A dual hierarchy can exist. The medical staff can
be shown as separate from the hospital, and there
may be no clear line or reporting relationship
between it and the CEO. The professional staff,
in turn, my be accountable to a medical
10Put another way
- Mintzberg believed that almost all organizations
or systems could be included in one of five basic
designs based on configurations of the strategic
apex, operating core, middle line, the
techno-structure, and support staff. He labeled
these design alternatives as the simple
structure, the machine bureaucracy, the
professional bureaucracy, the divisionalized
form, and the adhocracy.
11The simple structure
- It represents the simplest organization design.
It has a strategic apex, which may be one person,
such as the owner and/or a physician in private
practice, or the director of a small ambulatory
care center. In addition, it has an operating
core consisting of a group of workers. The middle
line, techno-structure, and support staff
components are very small or missing.
12The machine bureaucracy
- This design is characterized by a large,
well-developed techno-structure and support staff
because there is a great emphasis on work
standardization and a focus on marketing and
financial and operational control systems.
13- Major decisions are made in the strategic apex,
which features rigid patterns of authority. Spans
of control are narrow, decision making is
centralized, and the organization is functionally
departmentalized . This design typifies
manufacturing organizations, although some
hospitals also exhibit elements of this design.
14The professional bureaucracy
- More typical, hospitals and other large HSOs, as
well as universities and other professionally
dominated organizations such as public accounting
firms, are organized as professional
bureaucracies. This form is characterized by an
operating core that is composed primarily of
professionals and that forms the heart of the
organization authority is decentralized to it.
15- The techno-structure is underdeveloped because
work is done largely by professionals who do not
need- indeed, do not permit- others to do their
work. - In larger professional bureaucracies, such as
hospitals, support staff may be highly developed
and diverse. This staff is needed to support the
professionalized operating core.
16The divisionalized form
- The divisionalized form of organization design
has independent units that are joined by a shared
administrative overlay. In contrast to other
designs this form is characterized by a large,
well-developed middle line because division
managers are responsible for their divisions and
may be given considerable decision-making
17- Examples of divisionlized forms include
corporations such as IBM, federal and large state
governments, and health systems, which may evolve
from mergers and consolidations within the health
care industry.
- The adhocracy, the fifth of Mintzbergs
organization designs, is the most difficult of
the five to describe or understand. It is both
complex and non-standardized. This form
contradicts much of what the classical design
concepts described earlier dictate- hierarchical
authority and control, standardization of work
and workers, and strategic direction from the top
level of the organization.
19- Instead, adhocracies have a tremendously fluid
structure in which power is constantly shifting
and coordination and control are by mutual
adjustment through the informal communication and
interaction of competent experts. - The adhocracy often takes the form of a matrix
structure or project teams with emphasis on
activities in both the operating core and
20- The power in adhocracies shifts between
professionals and technical experts. This design
can be a free-form structure with frequently
changing job descriptions and a flexible concept
of authority. - HSOs might use adhocracy in multi-discplinary
programs for elderly or chronically ill people or
women, or in the research-oriented departments
(e.g., oncology, genetics) in academic health
21Choosing an Organization Design
- Typical HSOs have many different designs embedded
in them as various parts try to match structure
to objectives, management philosophies, the
preference of their workers, and environmental
22- In a large and complex HSO, such as a teaching
hospital, the dental clinic may have a simple
structure, the clinical laboratory may be
structured as a machine bureaucracy, and the
medical and surgical nursing units may be
professional bureaucracies. The hospital might be
one of several hospitals that form a health
system, with the system using the divisonalized
23- Simultaneously, the hospital could have a project
team of administrative experts in strategic
management, marketing, finance, and information
systems that, parallel to the team members
regular staff positions and structured as an
adhocracy, operates as a consulting firm selling
expertise to clients such as smaller hospitals
and physician groups.
24- Peter Drucker suggested that managers selecting
an organization design evaluate the options
against the following criteria - Clarity, as opposed to simplicity (A modern
office building is exceedingly simple in design,
but it is very easy to get lost in one. A Gothic
cathedral is not a simple design, but your
position inside it is clear you know where to
stand and where to go.)
25More from Drucker
- Economy of effort to maintain control and
minimize friction - Direction of vision toward the product rather
than the process, the result rather than the
effort - Understanding by each individual of his or her
own task, as well as that of the organization as
a whole
26And still more from Drucker
- Decision making that focuses on the right issues,
is action oriented, and is carried out as the
lowest possible level of management - Stability, as opposed to rigidity, to survive
turmoil, and adaptability to learn from it - Perpetuation and self-renewal, which requires
that an organization be able to product
tomorrows leaders from within, helping each
person develop continuously the structure also
must be open to new ideas.
27Ch. 6 - Designing Organizations for the
International Environment
- Organizations are increasingly reducing
boundaries and increasing collaboration between
companies. - Opportunities have been enhanced because of rapid
improvements in technology, communications, and
transportation. - Also, competitive forces have required many
companies to move from a domestic to a global
28The importance of the global economy
- Fortune magazines list of the Global 500, the
worlds 500 largest companies, indicates that
economic clout is being diffused across a broad
global scale. - In Exhibit 6.1, each circle represents the total
revenues of all Global 500 companies in each
country. Although the U.S. accounts for a
majority of the Global 500 revenues, a number of
smaller and less developed countries are growing
293 factors motivate companies to expand
- 1. Economies of Scale.
- 2. Economies of Scope.
- 3. Low-Cost Production Factors.
30Economies of Scale
- Building a global presence expands an
organizations scale of operations, enabling it
to realize economies of scale. -
- Note that economies of scale also enable
companies to obtain volume discounts from
suppliers, lowering the organizations cost of
31Economies of Scope
- Economies of Scope, where scope refers to the
number and variety of products and services a
company offers, as well as the number and variety
of regions, countries, and markets it serves. - Having a presence in multiple countries
provides marketing power and synergy. - Consider McDonalds, who does not have to
deal with individual suppliers - in each country.
32Low-Cost Production Factors
- One of the earliest, and still one of the most
powerful, motivations for U.S. companies to
invest abroad is the opportunity to obtain raw
materials and other resources (labor) at the
lowest possible cost.
33- No company can become a global giant overnight.
Managers have to adopt a strategy for global
development and growth. - Various stages of development span the move from
domestic to a global presence. - The domestic stage
- The international stage
- The multinational stage
- The global stage
34The domestic stage (stage 1)
- The company is domestically oriented, but
managers are aware of the global environment and
may want to consider initial foreign involvement
to expand production volume and realize economies
of scale. Market potential is limited to
primarily the home country.
35The international stage (stage 2)
- The company takes exports seriously and begins to
think multi-domestically. Multi-domestic means
competitive issues in each country are
independent of other countries the company deals
with each country individually. - Multiple countries are identified as a potential
market, and the Co. maintains contracts with
independent sales firms in the various countries.
36The multi-national stage (stage 3)
- Now the company has extensive experience in a
number of international markets and has
established marketing, manufacturing, or research
and development facilities in several foreign
countries. A large percentage of revenue comes
from sales outside the home country. - Think Sony of Japan or Coca-Cola of the U.S.
37The global stage (stage 4)
- Now the country transcends any single country.
- Global companies truly act in a global fashion,
and the entire world is their marketplace. - Global companies such as Nestle, Royal
Dutch/Shell, and Unilever are examples of global
38- One of the most popular ways companies get
involved in international operations is through
international strategic alliances. The average
large U.S. corporation, which had no alliances in
the early 90s, now has more than thirty, many of
those with international firms. - Typical alliances include licensing, joint
ventures, and consortia.
39Joint ventures
- A joint venture is a separate entity created with
two or more active firms as sponsors. This is a
popular approach to sharing development and
production costs and penetrating new markets. - Joint ventures may be with either customers or
competitors. - Sprint, Deutsche Telecom, and Telecom France.
- Consortia, or groups of independent companies,
including suppliers, customers, and even
competitors, that join together to share skills,
resources, costs, and access to one anothers
markets. - Airbus Industrie, for example, is a consortium
made up of French, British, and German aerospace
41Designing Structure to Fit Global Strategy
- One dilemma that managers face is choosing
whether to emphasize global standardization
versus national responsiveness. - They must decide whether they want each global
affiliate to act autonomously or whether
activities should be standardized across
countries. (Its the choice between globalization
versus a multi-domestic global strategy. See next
42- The globalization strategy means that product
design, manufacturing, and marketing strategy are
standardized throughout the world. - However, economic and social changes, including a
backlash against huge global corporations, have
prompted consumers to be less interested in
global brands and more in favor of products that
have a local feel.
43- A multi-domestic strategy means that competition
in each country is handled independently of
competition in other countries. Thus, a
multi-domestic strategy would encourage product
design, assembly, and marketing tailored to the
specific needs of each country. - Dominos Pizza knows that the basics of crust,
sauce, and cheese work for a pizza everywhere,
but beyond that , there are no hard and fast
44- As indicated in Exhibit 6.3, when forces for both
global standardization and national
responsiveness in many countries are low, simply
using an international division within the
domestic structure is an appropriate way to
handle international business. - However
45- When technological, social, or economic forces
may create a situation in which selling
standardized products worldwide provides a basis
for competitive advantage, a global product
structure is appropriate. - This structure provides product managers with
authority to handle their product lines on a
global basis and enables the company to take
advantage of a unified global marketplace.
46- In many instances, companies will need to respond
to both global and local opportunities
simultaneously, in which case the global matrix
structure can be used. - We wont get into this, but more detail on this
structure is discussed beginning on Page 218.
47- As companies begin to explore international
opportunities, they typically start with an
export department that grows into an
international division. - This division is challenged by greater complexity
and differentiation needs, the need for
integration (of services and functions), and the
problem of transferring knowledge and innovation
across a global firm.
48- Regarding increased complexity and
differentiation, companies have to create a
structure to operate in numerous countries that
differ in economic development, language,
political systems and government regulations,
cultural norms and values, and infrastructure
such as transportation and communication
49- Regarding need for integration, with multiple
products, divisions, departments, and positions
scattered across numerous countries, managers
face a tremendous integration challenge. - As described in Chapter 4, integration refers to
the quality of collaboration across
organizational units.
50- With regard to transfer of knowledge and
innovation, the diversity of the international
environment offers extraordinary opportunities
for learning and the development of diverse
capabilities. - Most organizations tap only a fraction of the
potential that is available from the
cross-boarder transfer of knowledge and
51Global Coordination Mechanisms
- Coordination can be enhanced by the use of global
teams (cross-border work groups), headquarters
planning (get headquarters involved in planning,
scheduling and control), and have expanded
coordination roles (by creating specific
organizational roles or positions for
52- At the same time, organizations must find ways to
effectively achieve coordination and
collaboration among far-flung units and
facilitate the development and transfer of
organizational knowledge and innovation for
global learning.
53- Just as social and cultural values differ from
country to country, the management values and
organizational norms of international companies
tend to vary depending on the organizations home
54- Studies have attempted to determine how national
value systems influence management and
organizations. - Two dimensions in particular have a strong impact
on how organizations operate. - Power distance
- Uncertainty avoidance
55- Power distance or the degree to which people
accept inequality in power among institutions,
organizations, and people. Low power distance
means that people expect equality in power high
means people accept inequality in power among
institutions, organizations, and people.
56- With regard to uncertainty avoidance, if you are
high in this, you feel uncomfortable with
uncertainty and ambiguity and thus support
beliefs that promise certainty and conformity.
Low uncertainty avoidance means that people have
a high tolerance for the unstructured, the
unclear, and the unpredictable.
- There are three different national approaches to
coordination and control (the Japanese, American
and European models). - Japanese companies have centralized coordination,
where top managers at headquarters actively
direct and control overseas operations. - European Firms have a decentralized approach,
where international units tend to have a high
level of independence and decision-making
58- And the American model of coordination through
formalization. - In our approach organizations have delegated
responsibility to international divisions, yet
retained overall control of the enterprise
through the use of sophisticated management
control systems and the development of specialist
headquarters staff.
59- Lastly, the transnational model of organization
represents the most advanced kind of
international organization. The transnational
model creates an integrated network of individual
operations that are linked together to achieve
the multi-dimentional goals of the overall
60- In this model, structures are flexible and
ever-changing. Subsidiary managers initiate
strategy and innovations that might become
strategy for the corporation as a whole.
Coordination is achieved through corporate
culture, shared vision and values, and management
style, rather than through structures and systems.
61Ch. 7 Manufacturing And Service Technologies
- This chapter explores service and manufacturing
technologies and how technology is related to
organizational structure. - Technology refers to the tools, techniques,
machines, and actions used to transform
organizational inputs (materials, information and
ideas) into outputs (products and services). - Technology is an organizations production
process and includes work procedures as well as
- How should the organizational structure be
designed to accommodate and facilitate the
production process is the issue being addressed. - An early study completed by Joan Woodward in the
1950s may give us insight. - Woodward developed a scale and organized the
firms in the study according to technical
complexity of the manufacturing process.
63Woodwards three basic categories of technical
- Group I Small-batch and unit production
- Custom work, i.e. Steinway and Sons
- Group II Large-batch and mass production
- Production runs of standardized parts, i.e. auto
assembly lines. - Group III Continuous process production
- There is no starting and stopping. This
represents mechanization and standardization one
step beyond those in an assembly line, i.e.
chemical and nuclear power plants, etc.
64In response to technology complexity...
- The number of management levels and the
manager/total personnel ratio increase as
technology complexity increases from unit
production to the continuous process. - Put another way, greater management intensity is
needed to manage complex technology. - Woodward also discovered that successful firms
tended to be those that had complementary
structures and technologies. - Thus, strategy, structure, and technology need to
be aligned in a changing competitive environment.
65Since Woodward and the 70s...
- New developments have occurred in manufacturing
technology, to include robots, numerically
controlled machine tools, and computerized
software for product design, engineering
analysis, and remote control of machinery. - The ultimate technology is called
computer-integrated manufacturing where mass
customization is possible.
66Regarding service firms and tech.
- Whereas manufacturing organizations achieve their
primary purpose through the production of
products, service organizations accomplish their
primary purpose through the production and
provision of services, such as education, health
care, transportation, etc. - The characteristics of service technology are
outlined in Exhibit 7.7 on page 260 and in the
following slide.
67Differences Between Manufacturing and Service
Sources Based on F. F. Reichheld and W. E.
Sasser, Jr., Zero Defections Quality Comes to
Services, Harvard Business Review 68
(September-October 1990) 105-11 and David E.
Bowen, Caren Siehl, and Benjamin Schneider, A
Framework for Analyzing Customer Service
Orientations in Manufacturing, Academy of
Management Review 14 (1989) 75-95.
68Service Technology characteristics
- intangible output (vs. tangible product)
- production and consumption take place at the same
time - labor and knowledge intensive (vs. capital asset
intensive) - the human element is very important (vs. little
direct customer interaction).
69More service tech. characteristics
- quality is perceived and difficult to measure
- rapid response time is usually necessary (vs.
longer response time being acceptable) - site of the facility is extremely important.
70Re Departmental Technology...
- Charles Perrow described two dimensions of
departmental activities that were relevant to
organizational structure and process. - The first was the number of exceptions in the
work, or the variety of the work. - The second concerned the analyzability of work
activities. When the work is analyzable, it can
be reduced to mechanical steps.
71More on Perrow...
- His dimensions of variety and analyzability form
the basis for four major categories of
technology - routine technology (little task variety)
- craft technology (tasks require extensive
training and experience) - engineering technology (complex with substantial
varieties in the tasks performed) - non-routine technology (high task variety and the
conversion process is not analyzable).
72- Once the nature of a departments technology has
been identified, then the appropriate structure
can be determined. - Such things as formalization, decentralization,
worker skill level, span of control, and
communication and coordination, will be affected
by a departments technology.
73- Specifically, for non-routine tasks, the
structure can be less formal and less
standardized. - In routine technologies, most decision making
about task activities is centralized to
management. - Work staff in routine technologies typically
require little education or experience, which is
congruent with repetitious work activities. - The span of control is smaller when the work
tasks are more complex and non-routine. - Lastly, the communication activity and frequency
increase as task variety increases.
74Thus far we have examined how org. and dept.
technologies influence structural design.
- This chapter also examines how technology
influences structure in terms of interdependence.
- Interdependence means the extent to which
departments depend on each other for resources or
materials to accomplish their tasks. - James Thompson defined three types of
interdependence that influence organization
structure pooled sequential and reciprocal
75Pooled Interdependence
- Lowest form of interdependence among departments.
- Work does not flow between units.
- McDonalds Restaurants or branch banks are
examples of pooled interdependence. - Pooled interdependence exists in firms with
mediating technologies. - Banks, brokerage firms, and real estate offices
all mediate between buyers and sellers, but the
offices work independently within the org.
76Sequential Interdependence
- This occurs when parts produced in one department
become inputs to another department. - Sequential interdependence occurs in what
Thompson calls long-linked technology. - Large orgs. that use assembly line production,
such as in the auto industry, use long-linked
technologies and are characterized by sequential
77Reciprocal Interdependence
- The highest level of interdependence.
- Exists when the output of operation A is the
input to operation B, and the output of operation
B is the input back again to operation A. - Occurs in orgs. with what Thompson called
intensive technologies. - Hospitals are an example, where a patient may
move back and forth between different depts.
78How does technology affect job design?
- Job design includes the assignment of goals and
tasks to be accomplished by employees. - Job rotation (moving workers from job to job to
give them more variety), job simplification
(reducing the variety and difficulty of tasks
performed by a single person), job enrichment
(greater responsibility, recognition, etc),
and/or job enlargement (expansion of tasks
performed) may be ways to improve productivity or
79The sociotechnical systems approach...
- In addition to job design, this approach
recognizes the importance of human needs. - The socio portion of the approach refers to the
people and groups who work in organizations and
how work is organized and coordinated. The
technical portion refers to the materials, tools,
machines, and processes used to transform
organizational inputs into outputs. - Joint optimization, then, means that the org.
functions best when the social and technical
systems fit the needs of one another.
80Ch. 8 - Information Technology and Control
- This chapter reviews the importance of
information technology and knowledge management. - It is estimated that managers spend up to 80 of
their time actively exchanging information. - Note that first line supervisors deal with
problems about operational issues and past
events, while top mgt. deals with uncertain,
ambiguous issues, such as strategy and planning.
81- Initially computers were used to improve
efficiency, i.e. reducing labor costs by having
computers take over some tasks. - Known as transaction processing systems (TPS)
- Now computers are used in data warehousing (use
of huge databases that allow users to access data
directly) and in data mining (looking for
patterns of data to aid in decision making).
82Data mining is similar to MIS
- A management information system is a
computer-based system that provides information
and support for managerial decision making. - The MIS is supported by the organizations
transaction processing systems and by
organizational databases. - Related concepts include the EIS (executive
information system) and the DSS (decision support
83- In the past, most organizations relied on
financial accounting measures as the primary
basis for measuring performance. - Today most companies realize that a balanced view
of both financial and operational measures is
needed for successful organizational control, and
as a means to evaluate effectiveness. See Ex. 8.5
84Major Perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard
Financial Do actions
contribute to improving financial performance?
Examples of measures profits, return on
Internal Business Processes Does the chain of
internal activities and processes add value for
customers and shareholders? Examples of measures
order-rate fulfillment, cost-per-order
Customers How well do we serve
our customers? Examples of measures customer
satisfaction, customer loyalty
Mission Strategy Goals
Learning and Growth Are we learning and
changing? Examples of measures continuous
process improvement, employee retention, new
product introductions
Sources Based on Robert S. Kaplan and David P.
Norton, Using The Balanced Scorecard as a
Strategic Management System, Harvard Business
Review, January-February 1996, 71-79 Chee W.
Chow, Kamal M. Haddad, and James E. Williamson,
Applying the Balanced Scorecard to Small
Companies, Management Accounting 79, No. 2
(August 1997), 21-27 and Cathy Lazere, All
Together Now, CFO, February 1998, 28-36.
85Info. technology as a strategic weapon...
- Using information technology as a strategic
weapon is the highest level of application. - Information technology can build and enhance
strategy by providing better data and information
within the org. as well as help redefine and
support external relationships.
86Examples of internal applications
- Networking- links people and departments.
- Intranets-a network- a private company wide
information system. - ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems which
collect, process, and provide information about a
companys entire enterprise, including order
processing, product design, purchasing,
inventory, etc.
87External applications...
- Extranets- gives access to key partners,
suppliers, or customers. - E-commerce-essentially augments or replaces the
swapping of products or money with the exchange
of information between computer systems. This is
business to business purchasing online.
88Recall low-cost leadership and differentiation as
competitive strategies...
- Information technology can lower cost through
operational efficiency gains. - The use of ERP systems can automatically control
operations ranging from the procurement of
supplies to shop floor manufacturing. - A way to differentiate a company is to lock in
customers with information technology. - Things such as improving customer service can
differentiate a company from competitors.
89Info. Technologies impact on Org. design
- May lead to smaller organizations due to
outsourcing of many functions and thus less need
for in-house resources. - May lead to decentralized organizations due to
reduced layers of management and ease of
communication. - May lead to improved internal and external
coordination. - May lead to hiring of additional staff to use and
maintain the system. - May lead to greater employee participation.
90IT may also be used in knowledge management.
- It may be desirable to systematically find,
organize, and make available a companys
intellectual capital as well as to foster a
culture of continuous learning and knowledge
sharing- build on what is already known.
91- Note that knowledge is not the same thing as
data. Data are simple, absolute facts and figures
that in and of themselves are not necessarily
useful. - Information, though, is data that has been linked
to other data and converted into a useful
context. - Knowledge goes a step further it takes
information, connects it to other information,
and from that makes decisions.
92Explicit vs. tacit knowledge
- Explicit knowledge is formal, systematic
knowledge that can be codified, written down, and
passed on to others in documents or general
instructions. - Tacit knowledge is based on personal experience,
rules of thumb, intuition, and judgement. It
includes professional know-how and expertise,
individual insight and experience, and creative
solutions that are often difficult to communicate
and pass on to others.
93- Explicit knowledge may be equated with knowing
about whereas tacit knowledge is equated with
knowing how. - Data warehousing and data mining, knowledge
mapping (where knowledge is located in the
organization), and electronic libraries are ways
to manage explicit knowledge. - Dialogue, learning histories (through
storytelling), and communities of practice are
ways to manage tacit knowledge.
94Ch.9- Org. Size, Life Cycle, and Decline
- This chapter examines large vs. small firms and
how size is related to structure and control - The chapter also examines a firms life cycle and
structural characteristics at each stage. - This chapter also examines bureaucracy.
95Large vs. small
- Organizations feel compelled to grow.
- Advantages to a large organization may include
economies of scale, a global reach, a vertical
hierarchy and standardization, stabilization of a
market, and job security. - Advantages of a small firm include the fact that
they may be more responsive and flexible, have a
regional reach, have a flatter structure, be
simpler, and encourage entrepreneurship.
96Note a paradox
- The advantages of small companies enable them to
succeed, and hence, grow large. - As a result a small company may become a victim
of its own success, shifting to a mechanistic
structure emphasizing vertical hierarchies and
spawning organization men vs. entrepreneurs.
97Solutions to becoming too big
- Big company / small company hybrid, where you try
to combine a big companys resources and reach
with a small companys simplicity and flexibility
(the divisional structure). - Front / back approach, where the company is
divided into different units with different
roles. The back part of the org. focuses on
creating and producing products and services,
while the front focuses on integrating and
delivering products and services to customers.
98Org. life cycle
- Entrepreneurial Stage- the emphasis is on
creating a product and surviving in the
marketplace. - Problems include the need for leadership.
- Collectivity Stage-departments are established
along with a hierarchy of authority, job
assignments, and a beginning division of labor. - Problems include the need for delegation.
99More on life cycle...
- Formalization Stage- involves the installation
and use of rules, procedures, and control
systems. - Problems include too much red tape.
- Elaboration Stage-the solution to the red tape
crisis is a new sense of collaboration and
teamwork. - Problems include the need for revitalization.
- 84 of businesses that make it past the first
year still fail within five years because they
cant make the transition from the
entrepreneurial stage.
101Organization Characteristics During Four Stages
of Life Cycle
Sources Adapted from Larry E. Greiner,
Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow,
Harvard Business Review 50 (July-August 1972)
37-46 G. L. Lippitt and W. H. Schmidt, Crises
in a Developing Organization, Harvard Business
Review 45 (November-December 1967) 102-12 B.
R. Scott, The Industrial State Old Myths and
New Realities, Harvard Business Review 51
(March-April 1973) 133-48 Robert E. Quinn and
Kim Cameron Organizational Life Cycles and
Shifting Criteria of Effectiveness, Management
Science 29 (1983) 33-51.
102Org. characteristics during the various stages of
life cycle
- As the org. moves through the stages of life
cycle, changes take place in structure, control
systems, innovation, and goals. - Entrepreneurial the org. is small,
non-bureaucratic, and a one person show. - Collectivity the org. is in its youth. Growth is
rapid employees are excited. The structure is
informal though procedures are emerging.
103- Formalization midlife, and bureaucratic
characteristics emerge. Support staff are added,
procedures are formalized, and there is a clear
hierarchy and division of labor. - Elaboration the mature organization that is
large and bureaucratic, with extensive control
systems, rules, and procedures.
104As organizations grow, they become more
- Max Weber perceived bureaucracy as a threat to
basic personal liberties, but also recognized it
as the most efficient possible system of
organizing. - Rules and standard procedures enable
organizational activities to be performed in a
predictable, routine manner. - Large orgs. rely on rules, procedures, and
paperwork to achieve standardization and control
of large numbers of employees and departments,
whereas top mgrs. can use personal observation to
control a small org.
105- Bureaucracy exists in more centralized
organizations. In centralized orgs. decisions
tend to be made at the top, in decentralized
orgs., decisions are made at lower levels. - Re personnel ratios, the ratio of top
administration to total employees is smaller in
large organizations. However, the number of
administrators to clerical and professional
support staff tends to increase as the firm
grows. Why?
106Different approaches to control
- Bureaucratic Control
- Relies on the use of rules, policies, hierarchy
of authority, written documentation,
standardization, etc. - Market Control
- Occurs when price competition is used to evaluate
the output and productivity of an organization. - Clan Control
- The use of social characteristics, such as
corporate culture, shared values, commitment,
traditions, and beliefs to control behavior.
107Re bureaucratic control...
- Bases of control in this system include
- Rational-legal authority, based on employees
belief in the legality of rules and the right of
those elevated to positions to authority to issue
commands. - Traditional authority is the belief in traditions
and in the legitimacy of the status of people
exercising authority. - Charismatic authority is based on devotion to the
exemplary character or to the heroism of an ind.
108- Organizations may use a combination of
bureaucratic, market, and clan control to best
meet the needs of various departments and the
total organization.
109- Lastly, organizational decline and downsizing
might occur in the absence of decisive and
appropriate management. - Organizational atrophy occurs when organizations
grow older and become inefficient and overly
bureaucratized. - Consider Blockbuster Inc., which was the king of
the video-store industry in the 80s and 90s, and
now has had trouble adapting to the new world of
video-on-demand and upstarts like Netflix.
110- These organizations in decline also find
themselves vulnerable. This can sometimes happen
to small organizations that are not yet fully
established, and they are vulnerable to shifts in
consumer tastes or in the economic health of the
larger community.
111- Lastly, environmental decline, or reduced energy
and resources available to support an
organization can lead to organizational decline. - A model of decline stages will be discussed with
the Chapter 13 material.