Title: North American Young Generation in Nuclear
1North American Young Generation in
Nuclear Professional Development Workshop May
15-16, 2005 The Fairmont Washington, D.C.
2What is NA-YGN?
Shannon Bragg-Sitton President of NA-YGN NASA
Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL
3Our Mission Statement
- The North American Young Generation in Nuclear
unites young professionals who - believe in nuclear science and technology and are
working together to share their passion for a
field that is alive and kicking.
4Young Professionals
The members of NA-YGN are 35 or under OR are in
the first 10 years of their careers working
throughout the fields of nuclear science and
The members of NA-YGN share a personal
conviction that nuclear science and technology
make important and valuable contributions to our
society and will continue to do so in the future.
6Working Together
The NA-YGN brings together the different sectors
of Nuclear Science and Technology to speak with a
united voice for a common goal, and to provide
professional development opportunities for its
7Share Their Passion
The NA-YGN shares its passion for nuclear
science and technology by communicating with the
public about the many ways in which these
technologies impact their daily lives.
Community Outreach
School Presentations
Public Forums/Events
Local International Venues
8Alive and Kicking
Nuclear science and technology is alive and
kicking, making tremendous advances in some areas
and brimming with possibilities in others.
9Members by Country
10Fraction Renewed in 2005
11(No Transcript)
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13What do we do?
- Workshops for Members
- Professional Development
- Public Communication
- Community Outreach
- Participation in ESP Public Forums
- Teacher Workshops
- Food Irradiation Education Program
- Professional Society Involvement
- American Nuclear Society
- Canadian Nuclear Society
- Mexican Nuclear Society
- Health Physics Society (establishing)
14What do we do?
- International Activities
- International Youth Nuclear Congress
- International Climate Change Negotiations
- Student Outreach
- Annual Drawing Contest
- Career Fairs
- Seminars at ANS student conferences
1518 Local Sections!
- Bruce Power
- Washington DC
- Dominion Generation (2 chapters)
- Duke Power
- Framatome ANP
- Midlands (SC)
- New Brunswick
- Pacific Gas Electric
- PSEG Nuclear
- Southern Maryland
- Southern Nuclear (4 chapters)
- University of Wisconsin Madison
- Westinghouse Electric Company (Pittsburgh)
16Getting Involved
- Join a Committee!
- Public Information
- Publications
- Program
- Join Discussion Forum!
- Reactor Engineering
- Safety Analysis
- Submit a Paper!
- IYNC 2006
- NA-YGN Sessions at ANS