Title: Welcome to EOE 414
1Welcome to EOE 414
Implementation of Outdoor Education
Programs Sustaining Wellbeing through Health,
Outdoor and Physical Education (HOPE) Pedagogy
in education
2Agenda for today
- Articulating your passion.
- Lafleche Learnings
3- Definitions of passion
- a strong feeling or emotion
- heat the trait of being intensely emotional
- rage something that is desired intensely "his
rage for fame destroyed him" - mania an irrational but irresistible motive
for a belief or action - a feeling of strong sexual desire
- love any object of warm affection or devotion
4The Element
- Aptitude I get it!
- Passion I love it!
- Attitude I want it!
- Opportunity Where is it!
5Aptitude I get it!
aptitude ( p t -t d , -ty d ) n. 1. An
inherent ability, as for learning a talent. See
Synonyms at ability. 2. Quickness in learning and
understanding intelligence. 3. The condition or
quality of being suitable appropriateness.
6Passion I love it!
passion (p sh n) n. 1. A powerful emotion,
such as love, joy, hatred, or anger. 2. a.
Ardent love. b. The object of such love or
desire. 3. a. Boundless enthusiasm His skills
as a player don't quite match his passion for the
game. b. The object of such enthusiasm Soccer is
her passion.
7Attitude I want it!
attitude ( t -t d , -ty d ) n. 1. A
position of the body or manner of carrying
oneself stood in a graceful attitude. See
Synonyms at posture. 2. a. A state of mind or a
feeling disposition had a positive attitude
about work. b. An arrogant or hostile state of
mind or disposition.
8Opportunity Where is it!
opportunity ( p r-t n -t , -ty -) n. pl.
opportunities 1. a. A favorable or
advantageous circumstance or combination of
circumstances. b. A favorable or suitable
occasion or time. 2. A chance for progress or
9Articulating your passion
- Stopping and contemplating your life experience
to date - Catch something from it and learn about it
- Prepare jot notes and compile resources that
support your passion
- Share your ideas and way of thinking
- Develop a text considering
- an introduction
- the development and,
- the conclusions to be drawn
- Articulating your passion.
- Stopping and contemplating on your experience
to date
10Next Experience
Continuing the journey