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CEO funded by BHP Billiton 2. SEDA Private Sector Procurement Pilot Project 3 ... He employs an independent Bookkeeper to handle the financial management of the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Vol. 4, Issue 2 March/April 2006
Planning strategically
The General Board of Directors and Management of
the ZCB met in February to engage in an intensive
strategic planning workshop, the result being a
clear strategic direction for the organisation
into the future. Eight strategic objectives that
will ensure that the ZCB maintains its successes,
addresses shortfalls and faces future challenges
successfully were developed by the team. These
include finalising the restructuring of the
organisation focusing on the financial
sustainability of the organisation the promotion
of SMME and BEE development capacity building
and the facilitation of an environment conducive
to Local Economic Development (LED). The
meeting settled on a workable structure for the
organisation, which sees the umbrella
organisation being the ZCBF while both the ZCB
and BAC Zululand become autonomous
affiliates. That is to say that the facilitation
of development projects, the ZCBF Community Park,
Buscom Centre and shared services will be managed
by the current General Board of Directors, which
will be the Board of the ZCBF. The ZCB
activities will be managed by an independent
Executive Committee and BAC Zululand will
continue to be managed by its own Board of
Directors, with the two maintaining a close
association with the ZCBF Board. The ZCBF Board
will set strategic direction for the three, but
in every other respect they will operate as
autonomous organisations, save that they will
share common services such as Human Resources,
Finance and Administration and Marketing. I
believe that this is a step in the right
direction as legal issues surrounding the
ownership of organisational assets, and
specifically the section 21 status (or lack
thereof) of the
organisation has been hampering the finalisation
of the organisational structure up until now,
said CEO, Bongani Mqaise. See pg. 2 for
graphic representation
  • Organisational Structure 2
  • Getting A HeadCEO funded by BHP Billiton 2
  • SEDA Private Sector Procurement Pilot Project 3
  • The ZCB SAMPPF 3
  • DACT Entrepreneur takesthe cake 4
  • S A Host Training 4
  • RBCT committed toNtabeni 5
  • Careering ahead 5
  • New Chamber Members 6
  • Whos who at the BDC 6
  • Upcoming events 6

Zululand Chamber of Business P O Box 649,
Richards Bay, 3900 Tel 035 797 1800, Fax 035
797 3134
Business Against Crime Zululand P O Box 955,
Richards Bay, 3900 Tel 035 797 1865, Fax 035
797 1867
To advertise in the Buscom BuzzcontactHelen
Ludwig at the ZCBon 035 797 1822 or
Getting A Head
Organisational Structure
BHP Billiton Aluminium has committed to a further
years secondment of Bongani Mqaise to head up
the Zululand Chamber of Business Foundation
(ZCBF). The Aluminium giant initially seconded
Mqaise to head up BAC (Business Against Crime)
Zululand in 2004 for one year before agreeing to
second him for an additional year to head up the
ZCB/ZCBF. This two year secondment would have
come to an end in February this year, had the
organisation not agreed to extend the secondment
for a further year, to see the organisation
through to February 2007. The ZCB has been
undergoing a period of extensive change, with a
number of challenges to face in the past year,
says ZCB President BB Biyela. Consistency in
the management of the organisation is essential
at this point and we, the Board of the ZCB, are
extremely grateful to BHP Billiton Aluminium for
making it possible. During the past year or so,
the ZCB has undergone a period of intense
consolidation as it has moved towards refocusing
its efforts on business development. Various
ZCBF facilitated projects, such as the DACT and
Wonderkids have become separately registered
organisations independent of the ZCBF and
self-reliant, while others, such as Amangwe
Village are in the process of doing so. The ZCB
is intensifying its focus on its advocacy role,
and on small business development while the ZCBF
will continue to facilitate innovative
development initiatives. I am very pleased to
have an opportunity to carry out plans for the
future of the ZCB that I have helped to develop,
says Mqaise. Small business development is
something very close to my heart, and I am proud
to have an opportunity to make a difference
through the ZCB, and the excellent team we have.
As explained on page 1, the restructuring of the
joint ZCBF/ZCB/BAC organisation was finalised at
a strategic planning workshop by the
organisations General Board of Directors and
management, as follows
Front L to R Debbie Mattioda (Financial
Superintendent BHPBA), BB Biyela (ZCBF
Chairman), Busi Nhlabathi (CSI Manager, BHPBA),
Bongani Mqaise (ZCBF CEO). Back L to R B
Bulunga (HR Manager, BHPBA), Gerald Mashinini
(General Manager BBDT) Raitt Marshall (General
Manager, Bayside Aluminium), Xolani Mkhwanazi
(COO President BHPBA Africa) Marius van
Tonder (General Manager Global Aluminium HSEC)
SEDA Private Sector Procurement Pilot Project
by Natasha Singh
The Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA),
in partnership with the Zululand Chamber of
Business has embarked on a Private Sector
Procurement Pilot Program, with the overall
objective of increasing the supply of good
quality SMME goods and services to private sector
supply chains through sustainable linkages. The
purpose of the program is to facilitate access to
private sector procurement opportunities for 15
SMMEs, with the anticipated results of enhancing
SMME supply capability linking SMMEs to private
sector opportunities increasing awareness of
SMMEs on procurement opportunities and improving
SMME turnover. Corporate companies in the area
where invited to assist the Chamber with this
project and commitments where made by BHP
Billiton Aluminium, Foskor Richards Bay, Mondi
Business Paper, NPA, RBCT and RBM. Thus far the
Chamber has hosted a Procurement Seminar which
involved both the Procurement managers of the
Corporates companies as well as the control group
of SMMEs. The programme was as follows
incorporated presentations by the Procurement
managers on the policies and procedures of their
procurement processes followed by one-on-one
sessions between each SMME and procurement
representative. The seminar was deemed a
success due to the many linkages that were formed
as well as the formation of a Procurement Forum.
The South Africa Mining Preferential Forum
(SAMPPF) was established by various mining houses
during early 2003 to assist them in complying
with a specific requirement as determined by the
Mining Charter to which all mining companies
subscribe (i.e., procurement reporting, which
includes an accreditation/rating process).
SAMPPF has been mandated to rate companies (on a
voluntary basis) in terms of the parameters set
out by the DTIs Broad Based Scorecard. Many
large companies in Richards Bay require potential
suppliers to present a SAMPPF rating certificate
(BEE Scorecard) before being added to their
vendor list. Through its association with the
South African Mining Preferential Forum (SAMPPF)
the ZCB is able to advise business owners on
their current status in relations to BEE
legislation and carry out audits which are
forwarded to SAMPPF in Pretoria for a rating
certificate. Essentially, the Chamber
facilitates the process and is able to clarify
queries on the rating process, which includes a
site visit, documentation and information
validation on site.  Companies undergoing an
assessment are required to provide information
relating to Ownership and management Skills
development and Training Employment equity
Corporate social investment Procurement and
Enterprise development. For further information
contact Dick Wheelwright at the ZCB on 035
DACT Entrepreneur takes the cake
Go getter, Ndumiso (Praiseman) Myeni has done the
DACT Project proud by being named Young
Entrepreneur of the Year at a gala event held in
March. The annual competition, sponsored by
Ithala, recognizes young achievers and small
businesses.  Ndumiso (Praiseman) Myeni, started
off as a trainee of the DAPP (Downstream
Aluminium Pilot Project) 3 years ago and was then
employed by the foundry itself. Finally,
recognising the opportunities open to him through
the incubator facility available at DACT, he
opted to become an entrepreneur, and hasnt
looked back since. Ndumisos business, known as
Ndubez Metalcraft Assembly, specialises in
manufacturing aluminium furniture, iron school
desks, gates, fences, burglar guards and
refurbishing old metal craft. Ndumiso strongly
believes that providing quality products can only
be achieved by developing the skills of your team
and training, therefore, is high on his agenda.
He employs an independent Bookkeeper to handle
the financial management of the business whilst
he is directly involved in promoting his products
through advertising and networking. The DAPP,
and later the DACT projects where established by
the ZCBF with funding from BHP Billiton Aluminium
and the Department of Trade and Industry
respectively. The DACT is now a section 21
company in its own right, providing incubator
facilities to eight groups of entrepreneurs in
the field of aluminium beneficiation.
Ndumisos future plans are to meet
international standards, whilst still retaining
an African identity. Lets hope that his Ithala
prize money helps him in that direction. Well
done Ndumiso!
DACT Entrepreneur Ndumiso Myeni joyfully displays
his Ithala Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
Attendees of a recent SA Host workshop organised
by the ZCB, and facilitated by Langeni Training.
RBCT committed to Ntabeni
The fifth phase of development of Ntabeni School
in Esikhawini, funded by Richards Bay Coal
Terminal is underway. After the completion of
this phase of development, RBCT will have
developed the school from virtually nothing to
fully fledged primary school sporting 12
classrooms, electricity, an ablution block, walk
ways, an admin block, concrete quad area and
office equipment RBCTs passion for developing
the school began in 2002, after receiving a plea
for assistance from Thandi Magubane, a teacher
who at the time was on loan from a neighbouring
school as acting principal. 150 children were
found crammed into one small room, with no
furniture or equipment. But, the commitment of
their teachers and the community (who had
exhausted all their limited resources in an
attempt to build additional classrooms) inspired
RBCT to help out. And their vote of confidence
has proven to be well placed. For example, while
RBCT has funded the construction of the kitchen,
the school has tiled it themselves. The new
kitchen will go a long way to improving the
schools feeding scheme, food for which is
currently prepared out in the open. Today the
schools original 150 pupils have swelled to in
excess of 400, the school has been officially
registered with the Department of Education as a
Primary School, and Thandi Magubane has been
appointed Principal. With any luck the solid
educational start they are getting thanks to RBCT
will see the children of Ntabeni Primary School
achieving great things for themselves and their
community in the future. The Ntabeni School
development project has been managed on behalf of
RBCT by the Zululand Chamber of Business
Foundation (ZCBF).
Over 400 children now enjoy the benefit of
receiving and education in a proper school
facility thanks to Richards Bay Coal Terminal.
Margaretha De Clercq of the ZCB with . At
Ntabeni Primary School.
Careering ahead
Celebrating the newest ZCBF/Umfolozi College
partnership Doris Sithole of the Foskor Media
Resource Centre, Bongani Mqaise (CEO ZCB) Piet
van Schalkwyk (Rector Umfolozi College FET)
Mark Botha (Zululand Career Centre) Natasha
Bothma (Student Support Services Umfolozi
College) Freddie Ndlovu and Shelley Vawdrey,
both of the Zululand Career Centre. Umfolozi
College and the ZCBF (Zululand Chamber of
Business Foundation) have concluded a partnership
deal that involves Umfolozi College taking over
the management and administration of the Zululand
Career Centre, Foskor Media Resource Centre and
Edupark rental activities at the ZCBF
New Members
Whos who at the BDC
The ZCB would like to extend a hearty welcome to
the following new members who have joined the
Chamber in the last 2 months. We look forward to
being of service to you and helping to add value
to your business.
Natasha Singh Functions Events Co-ordinator
Helen LudwigActing ManagerZCB
BusinessDevelopment Centre
Sharon NiemandZCB BDCAdministrator
  • AC DT Construction Harvesting
  • Blue Eye Trading
  • Broadbill Trading 82
  • Classic Enterprises
  • Damelin uMhlathuze
  • Delta Blue Trading 139 cc
  • Dream-Plus (Pty) Ltd
  • Edison Jehamo Power
  • Elani Faulds - Health Care Broker
  • Green Mile Investments 340 cc
  • Hydraulic Industrial Supplies
  • Ikhaya Construction
  • Imvo Technologies and System (Pty) Ltd
  • Logan Govender
  • Mandla Printers
  • Masise Consulting Engineers
  • MTM Civils
  • North Coast Office Equipment (Zululand)
  • Nzameko Trading

Dick Wheelwright Business AdvisorBusiness
SupportSAMPPF Accreditations
Jabulani Makhaye Business AdvisorAccreditations
NokuhlengwaGumedeMember StakeholderLiaison
Zothile Xulu HelpdeskCC, VAT TaxRegistrations
Percy Modiselle Business AdvisorAccreditations
Ravin Yellaya DatabaseAdministrator
Upcoming ZCB Events
  • May
  • 9 R/Bay Divisional Meeting
  • JSE Listing
  • 10 MS Excel Advanced Course
  • MS Powerpoint Advanced Course
  • MS Outlook Introduction Course
  • 15 Introduction to PCs
  • ZCB Networking Lunch, R/BayGuest speaker Johan
    van Bargen
  • 17 Empangeni Divisional Meeting
  • 17 MS Access Introduction
  • 18 MS Access Intermediate
  • 22 23 Pastel Introduction
  • 23 BBEE Workshop
  • 25 MS Word Advanced
  • 26 Internet Explorer
  • 27 ZCB Annual Golf Day
  • 30 Outlook Intermediate
  • June
  • Richards Bay Divisional Meeting
  • Empangeni Divisional Meeting

Business Against Crime Zululand P O Box 955,
Richards Bay, 3900 Tel 035 797 1865, Fax 035
797 1867
Zululand Chamber of Business ZCBF P O Box 649,
Richards Bay, 3900 Tel 035 797 1800, Fax 035
797 3134
For more information on ZCB divisional meetings
contact Sharon at 035 797 1858 or e-mail For additional
info on workshops or other events contact Natasha
on 035 797 1807 or e-mail natasha_at_zululandchamber.
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