Title: Child Care Human Resources Sector Council Board Meeting
1Child Care Human Resources Sector Council Board
- May 28 and 29
- Vancouver, British Columbia
2Infra Budget June 2007-September 2008
3Infra June 2007-March 2008
Annual Budget
4Key Infra spending March 2008
- Overhead
- February Board meeting interpretation 4000
- Publications printing and Dissemination 15,000
for bulletin, reports - Travel
- Executive and Board meetings 15,000
- Professional fees
- Legal and audit expenses 7400
- RFP process review, contract review, legal advice
5Infra Consolidated Statement April 2008
6Key Infra Spending May-June 2008
- Overhead
- Regular monthly expenses
- Rent 2800/month Infra, projects LMI (500) and
WFS (200) - Bulletin printing costs 6000
- Hospitality and meeting room related to Board
- Travel
- Board Meeting 2000, EC 9000 Board
- Professional fees
- Audit fees 5000 were expensed in the fiscal year
2007-08 and will be incurred June 2,3,4 - Legal fees 3000
- Capital costs
- Windows XP operating system upgrade 1600 for 2
7Infra Amendment
- Present 16 month agreement until September 2008,
followed by amendment to extend Infra funding by
18 months to March 2010 - Budget for October 2008 to March 2010 is based on
500,000 funding per 12 months. - Budget is available
8Supporting Employers June 2007- March 2008
9Supporting Employers Key spending January- March
- Overhead
- Printing 11,000
- Translation 3000
- Focus group room rental and hospitality 6500
- Travel
- Focus groups 18,000
- Professional fees
- Consultant, bookkeeper, writer 30,000
10Supporting Employers Consolidated
StatementApril 2008
11Supporting Employers Key SpendingMay-June 2008
- Overhead Costs 800
- Conference calls, office supplies
- Professional fees 30,000
- Research consultant, project coordinator
- Travel 14,000
- Originally planned face to face will take place
at a later date
12Workforce Shortages November 2007-March 2008
13Workforce shortages Key spending
- Overhead
- Translation and office supplies 5000
- Travel 1200
- Professional fees 18,000
- Consultants, project officer, bookkeeper
- The amount budgeted for the face to face was
spent in April 2008, with approval by HRSDC
14Workforce Shortage Consolidated StatementApril
15Workforce Shortages Key Upcoming Spending
- Travel
- Primary data collection, KII, meetings with
stakeholders 10,000 - Overhead 4000
- Conference registration, office expenses
16Pathways to Credentialing
17Pathways to Credentialing ProjectSpring 2008
- Began February 2008
- Only 50 spent in first month, as budgeted
- Work on the Essential Skills profile will be the
first deliverable. - Travel (4000) and professional fees (10,000)
related to Essential skills consultant
18Labour Market Information
19Labour Market Information
- Costs related to professional fees (consultant)
and travel for first face to face are delayed. - REOI and RFP will be sent out in the upcoming