Title: Magnetic Field: General Phenomena
1Magnetic Field General Phenomena
Electric Field (E) Magnetic Field
q, -q
North and south poles
Like/dislike charges repel/attract
Like/dislike poles repel/attract
There is no magnetic monopole north and south
poles ALWAYS come in pairs
Magnetic field Outside a magnet N to S
Inside a magnet S to N
Magnetic field lines always close on themselves
no source or drain.
2General Phenomena Continue
- Magnets only attract certain materials
- Magnetic materials Fe, Co, Ni some rare earths
Sm. Nd.
- Some magnetic materials can generate magnetic
field Permanent magnet
2. Action at distance (through field) demo
- only magnetic materials can shield magnetic
3Charges in a magnetic field
Right hand Rule
Concept Check
In which situation does the magnetic field points
to the left?
Answer (A)
(A) (B) (C)
4Magnetic Force on a MOVING charges Continue
2. If F?B (or V?B ), what type of motion does a
charge have?
Circular motion accelerator, mass spectrometer
- B field can be used to change the direction of
a moving charge
- magnetic force cannot do work on a charge.
Magnetic field cannot change the speed of a
charge, only E field can
Net EM force on a charge
5Circular Motion General
6Circular Motion Plane ? B
Helical path V?0
Circular path V0