Title: 5 A Day
15 A Day
Eating five portions of fruits and vegetables is
a very important part of a healthy lifestyle. It
keeps you healthy and protects against a variety
of health problems
- Here are 5 great reasons to eat 5 portions of
fruit and vegetables A DAY - They're packed with vitamins and minerals.
- They can help you to maintain a healthy weight.
- They're an excellent source of fibre and
antioxidants. - They help reduce the risk of heart disease,
stroke and some cancers. - They taste delicious and there's so much variety
to choose from.
25 A Day
junk food refers to any food that is high in
calories, fat, salt, and sugar . Junk food taste
good but its not good for your health as it can
cause a lot of health problems. It can cause
obesity. To much fat is not good as it can
build-up fatty deposits on the inner walls of the
blood vessels that supply the blood and if the
heart cant pump out blood to the rest of the
body it can cause Heart attacks and strokes. Not
only that it can cause a lot of other problem
such as heart diseases. Living on fats and sugars
can cause kids to have shorter attention spans,
growth problems, and suffer from tooth decay and
weak bone structure early in life. Children dont
get any nutrients which they need to grow and
have a healthy life style from this food.
35 A Day
Fruits dont seem exciting to eat so why not make
them exciting to look at and eat, like
- Or you could try adding up your portions during
the day.For example, you could have - a glass of juice and a sliced banana with your
cereal at breakfast - a side salad at lunch
- a apple as an afternoon snack
- a portion of peas or other vegetables with your
evening meal
Make some thing like this
And not only that you could choose fruits and veg
from variety of colour group
Make it into a flower shape
Make it into a flower bouquet
45 A Day
Eating healthy is important as it help you grow
and helps you to stay healthy. A lot of disease
can be caused from eating unhealthy food such as
obesity, diabetes, heart disease.
So have 5 a Day!
How healthy you are? Well you can find out by
taking part in my Reality Check quiz and see if
you need more fruits and veg in your diet.