- Arthur A. Teixeira
- Agricultural and Biological Engineering
- Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
- University of Florida, Gainesville
2Why Thermal Processing?Origins of the 12-D
3Complete destruction of 60 billion spores of B.
Botulinus (Esty and Meyer, 1922)
4Ideal destruction curve of B. botulinus strains
19, 23 and 97 grown in double strength veal
peptic digest at 37 C for 10 days, 60 billion in
M/15 PO4 solution.
(Esty and Meyer, 1922)
5Classical Thermal Death Time CurveC. Botulinum
in Phosphate Buffer
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7Exponential Decay in PopulationDriven by Random
Lethal Energy
8Public Health Significanceof12-D Concept
- 100 million persons consume canned foods each day
worldwide. - 100 million x 365 days/yr 3.65 x 1010/yr
- 3.65 x 1010/yr x 100 years 3.65 x 1012
- (12-D)
- 3-4 outbreaks in 100 years, or one outbreak every
25 years worldwide.
9Thermal Resistance of Spore Formersused as a
Basis for Thermal Processing
10Specification of Process Lethality
- 12-D concept for C. botulinum (D0.21)
- Economic spoilage probability of 10 5 for
Mesophiles such as C. sporogenes (D1.0) - Thermofilic spoilage probability of 10-2
- from B. stearothermophilus (D4.0)
F 0.21 x 12 2.5
F 1.0 x 5 5.0
F 4.0 x 2 8
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