Production and Operation Managements

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Production and Operation Managements


Inventory is the stock of any item or resource used in an ... Breakage, spoilage, deterioration, and obsolescence; Opportunity cost of alternative investment; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Production and Operation Managements

Production and Operation Managements
Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand
Professor JIANG Zhibin Department of Industrial
Engineering Management Shanghai Jiao Tong
  • Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand
  • Contents
  • Types of Inventories
  • Motivation for Holding Inventories
  • Characteristics of Inventory System
  • Relevant Costs
  • The EOQ Model
  • EOQ Model with Finite Production Rate
  • Quantity Discount Models

  • Inventory is the stock of any item or resource
    used in an organization.
  • An inventory system is the set of policies and
    controls that monitors levels of inventory or
    determines what levels should be maintained.
  • Generally , inventory is being acquired or
    produced to meet the need of customers
  • Dependant demand system-the demand of components,
    subassemblies, and assemblies are intersected
    (lower levels depend on higher level)-MRP (
    Material Requirement Planning) system

  • The fundamental problem of inventory management
  • When to place order for replenish the stock ?
  • How much to order?
  • The complexity of the resulting model depends on
    the assumptions about the various parameters of
    the system
  • The major distinction is between models for
    known demand and random demand.

  • The current investment in inventories in USA is
  • It amounted up to 1.37 trillion in the last
    quarter of 1999
  • It accounts for 20-25 of the total annual GNP
    (general net product)
  • There exists enormous potential for improving the
    efficiency of economy by scientifically
    controlling inventories

Fig. 4-1 Breakdown of the Total Investment in
Inventories in the U.S. Economy (1999)
Inventory model discussed here are most
applicable to manufacturing, wholesale, and
retail sectors, composing 82 of the total .
Types of Inventories
  • A natural classification is by value added from
    manufacturing (the values are added to
    inventories at each level of the manufacturing
    operations, finally all values are cumulated with
    finished goods)
  • Raw materials-Resources required in the
    production or processing activity of the firm.
  • Components-Includes parts and subassemblies.
  • Work-in-process (WIP)-the inventory either
    waiting in the system for processing or being
  • It may includes component inventories and some
    raw materials
  • the level of WIP is taken as a measure of the
    efficiency of a production scheduling system.
  • JIT aims at reducing WIP to zero.
  • Finished good-also known as end items-the final

Why Hold Inventories
  • For economies of scale-It may be economical to
    produce a relatively large number of items in
    each production run and store them for future
  • Coping with Uncertainties
  • Uncertainty in demand
  • Uncertainty in lead time
  • Uncertainty in supply
  • For speculation-
  • Purchase large quantities at current low prices
    and store them for future use.
  • Cope with considerable fluctuation in price of
    costly commodities required in large quantities
  • Cope with labor strike

Why Hold Inventories
  • For Transportation
  • Pipeline inventories is the inventory moving from
    point to point, e.g., materials moving from
    suppliers to a plant, from one operation to the
    next in a plant.
  • It exists for purpose of transportation or
    materials handling in a plant
  • Smoothing-Producing and storing inventory in
    anticipation of peak demand helps to alleviate
    the disruptions caused by changing production
    rates and workforce level.
  • Logistics-To cope with constraints in purchasing,
    production, or distribution of items that may
    causes a system maintain inventory
  • Purchase an item in minimum quantities
  • Logistics of manufacture-zero inventory is
    impossible in order to keep continuity in
    manufacturing process
  • Control costs-More inventory need less and
    simpler control

Characteristics of Inventory Systems
  • Demand patterns and characteristics
  • Constant versus variable
  • Known versus random
  • Lead Time
  • Ordered from the outside
  • Produced internally
  • Review patterns
  • Continuous-supermarket
  • Periodic-regular stock-taking for a grocery
  • Excess demand-demand that cannot be filled
    immediately from stock backordered or lost.
  • Changing inventory
  • Limited shelf life- perishability
  • Become obsolete- obsolescence

Relevant Costs- Holding cost
  • Holding cost (carrying or inventory cost)-the sum
    of costs that are proportional to the amount of
    inventory physically on hand at any point in
  • Some items of holding costs
  • Cost of providing the physical space to store the
  • Taxes and insurance
  • Breakage, spoilage, deterioration, and
  • Opportunity cost of alternative investment

Relevant Costs- Holding cost
  • Use cost of capital to account for the
    opportunity cost
  • If we have 10,000RMB on hand, and save it in bank
    for one month at interest rate 0.25/month, then
    we may earn 25RMB/month from bank
  • If we use this amount money to by some goods and
    store them in warehouse, then we lose
  • Inventory cost fluctuates with time-inventory as
    a function of time

Relevant Costs- Holding cost
Relevant Costs- Order cost
  • It depend on the amount of inventory that is
    ordered or produced.
  • Two components
  • The fixed cost K independent of size of order as
    long as it is not zero
  • The variable cost c incurred on per-unit basis

Relevant Costs- Order cost
Relevant Costs- Penalty Cost
  • Also know as shortage cost or stock-out cost-is
    the cost of not having sufficient stock on hand
    to satisfy a demand when it occurs.
  • Two interprets
  • In back-order case include whatever bookkeeping
    and/or delay costs may be involved
  • In lost-sale case include of loss-of-goodwill
    cost, a measure of customer satisfaction.
  • Two approaches
  • Penalty cost, p, is charged per-unit basis. Each
    time a demand occurs that cannot be satisfied
    immediately, a cost p is incurred independent of
    how long it takes to eventually fill the demand.
  • Charge the penalty cost on a per-unit-time basis.

The EOQ Model-Basic Model
  • EOQ-economic order quantity model is the simplest
    and most fundamental of all inventory models.
  • The basic assumption
  • Known and constant demand rate ? (units/unit
    time, yr)
  • No shortage
  • No order lead time (will be relaxed)
  • Costs include
  • Set up cost at K per positive order placed
  • Proportional order cost at c per unit ordered
  • Holding cost at h per unit held per unit time

The EOQ Model-Basic Model
  • Considerations
  • On-hand inventory level at the time zero is zero
  • An order must be placed at time zero
  • Q is the size of the order (lot size)
  • Next order is placed just when the inventory
    level drops to zero
  • The order cycle TQ/ ?

Average holding cost is Q/2
  • The objective is to choose Q to minimize the
    average cost per unit time (usually, a year)

The EOQ Model-Basic Model
  • Express the average annual cost as a function of
    the lot size
  • Order cost in each order cycle C(Q)KcQ
  • The average holding cost during one order cycle
    is hQ/2
  • The average annual cost (suppose there are n
    cycles in a year)

Average holding cost for one cycle that for one
The EOQ Model-Basic Model
  • Since Qgt0,G(Q) is convex function of Q
  • G(Q) is minimized at Q--economic order quantity,
  • Notes
  • Q is the value of Q where the two curves
  • The constant order cost component, c, does not
    appear explicitly in the expression of Q, since
    ?c is independent from Q in the C(Q)
  • Because ?c is constant, it is ignored while
    computing average cost.

The EOQ Model-Basic Model
  • Example 4.1
  • Pencils are sold at a fairly steady rate of 60
    per week
  • Pencils cost 2 cents each and sell for 15 cents
  • Cost 12 to initiate an order, and holding costs
    are based on annual interest rate of 25.
  • Determine the optimal number of pencils for the
    book store to purchase each time and the time
    between placement of orders
  • Solutions
  • Annual demand rate ??60??523,120
  • The holding cost is the product of the variable
    cost of the pencil and the annual interest-h0.02

The EOQ Model-Considering Lead Time
  • Since there exits lead time ? (4 moths for
    Example 4.1), order should be placed some time
    ahead of the end of a cycle
  • Reorder point R-determines when to place order in
    term of inventory on hand, rather than time.

The EOQ Model-Considering Lead Time
  • Determine the reorder point when the lead time
    exceeds a cycle.

Computing R for placing order 2.31 cycles ahead
is the same as that 0.31 cycle ahead.
  • Example
  • EOQ25
  • ?500/yr
  • ?6 wks
  • T25/5002.6 wks
  • ?/T2.31---2.31 cycles are included in LT.
  • Action place every order 2.31 cycles in advance.

The EOQ Model- Sensitivity
  • How sensitive is the annual cost function to
    errors in the calculation of Q?
  • Considering Example 4.1. Suppose that the
    bookstore orders pencils in batches of 1,000,
    rather than 3,870 as the optimal solution
    indicates. What additional cost is it incurring
    by using a suboptimal solution?

By substituting Q1,000, we can find the average
annual cost for this lot size.
Which is considerably larger than the optimal
cost of 19.35.
The EOQ Model- Sensitivity
  • Lets obtain a universal solution to the
    sensitivity problem.
  • Let G be the average annual holding and setup
    cost at the optimal solution. Then

The EOQ Model- Sensitivity
  • To see how one would use this result, consider
    using a suboptimal lot size in Example 4.1. The
    optimal solution was Q3,870, and we wished to
    evaluate the cost error of using Q1,000. Forming
    the ratio Q/Q gives 3.87. Hence,
    This says that the average annual holding and
    setup cost with Q1,000 is 2.06 times the optimal
    average holding and setup cost.
  • In general, the cost function G(Q) is relative
    insensitive to errors in Q. For example, if Q is
    twice as large as Q, then G/Q1.25 , meaning
    that an error of 100 in Q will generate an error
    of 25 in annual average cost.
  • And suppose that the order quantity differed from
    the optimal by ?Q units. A value of QQ ?Q
    would result in a lower average annual cost than
    a value of QQ- ?Q. ---Not symmetric.

The EOQ Model for Finite Production Rate
  • The simple EOQ model is based on assumption that
    the items are obtained from an outside supplier,
    and thus entire lot is delivered at the same
  • EOQ model is also effective when units are
    internally produced, based on assumption that
    production rate is infinite
  • If the production rate is finite and comparable
    to the rate of demand, the simple EOQ model will
    be ineffective.
  • Assumption
  • Items are produced at a rate P during a
    production run
  • Pgt??? for feasibility
  • Let
  • Q is the lot size of each production run
  • T is the cycle length, the time between
    successive startups. TT1T2 , where T1 is
    production time, while T2 is the downtime (no
  • Note that the maximum level of on-hand inventory
    during a cycle is no longer Q.

The EOQ Model for Finite Production Rate
  • The number of units consumed in each cycle is ?T
  • The number of units produced at rate P in a
    production run T is QT1P
  • ?TT1P?Q?T1Q/P
  • The maximum level of inventory on hand is HT1(P-
    ?)Q(1- ?/P)
  • Since average inventory level is H/2, thus the
    annual average inventory cost follows

The EOQ Model for Finite Production Rate
Example 4.3
  • Determine
  • Optimized size of a production run Q
  • The length of each production run T
  • The average annual cost of holding cost and
  • Maximum level of inventory on hand.
  • Given
  • P10,000 units/yr
  • K50
  • ??2,500 units/yr
  • h2?0.30.6
  • Solutions
  • hh(1- ? / P)0.6(1- 2,500 / 10,000)0.45
  • Q(2K ?/h)1/2745
  • TQ/ ?745/2,5000.298 yr
  • The production time (uptime) T1Q/P0.0745 yr
  • The downtime is T2T-T10.2235 yr
  • G(Q)K ? / QhQ/2335.41
  • HQ(1- ?/P)559 units

Quantity Discount Model
  • The suppliers may charge less per unit for larger
    orders to encourage the customer to buy their
    products in larger batches.
  • Two popular ways of discounts
  • All-units discount is applied to all of the
    units in an order
  • Incremental only applied to additional units
    beyond the breakpoints
  • Example 4.4 Weighty Trash Bag Companys pricing
    schedule for its large trash can liners
  • For orders of less than 500 bags, charges 30
    cents per bag
  • for orders of 500 or more but fewer than 1,000
    bags, charges 29 cents per bag and
  • for orders of 1,000 or more, charges 28 cents per

Quantity Discount Model
  • The breakpoints are 500 and 1,000. The discount
    schedule is all-units
  • The order cost function C(Q) is defined as

Quantity Discount Model- Optimal Policy for
All-Units Discount Schedule
  • Example 4.4 If Weighty uses trash bags at a
    fairly constant rate of 600 per yr, how to place
  • Suppose that fixed cost of placing an order is
    8, and holding costs are based on 20 annual
    interest rate.
  • First compute EOQ values corresponding to each of
    the unit cost.

Quantity Discount Model- Optimal Policy for
All-Units Discount Schedule
  • Each curve is valid only for certain values of Q,
    thus the average annual cost function is given by
    discontinuous curves.
  • An EOQ value is realizable, if it falls within
    the interval of EOQ that corresponds to the unit
    cost that has been used to compute it. (Q0 for
    the example)

Quantity Discount Model- Optimal Policy for
All-Units Discount Schedule
  • The goal is to find the minimum of this
    discontinuous curve, which corresponds to the
  • Generally, the optimal solution will be either
    the largest realizable EOQ or one of the
    breakpoints that exceeds it.
  • The three candidates are 400, 500, and 1,000.

Conclusion the optimal solution is to place a
standing order for 500 units with Weighty at an
annual cost of 198.10.
Quantity Discount Model- Incremental Quality
The order function follows
The average annual cost function follows
G(Q)?C(Q)/QK ?/QIC(Q)Q/2
G(Q) has been divided into three segments G1(Q),
G2(Q), and G3(Q), each of which is obtained by
using one of the three segments of C(Q) .
Quantity Discount Model- Incremental Quality
  • The optimal solution occurs at the minimum of one
    of the three average annual cost curves.
  • Procedures
  • Compute the three minima of the three curves
  • Find the realizable values (the minimum falls
    into correct interval)

(3) Compare G at these realizable values, one
with the smallest G is the optimal
solution. Q0400 (R), Q1519 (R), Q2702
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