Title: Food Irradiation
1Food Irradiation
- Is it hazardous to the consumer?
2Food Irradiation
- Means the blasting of food with gamma rays in
order to kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, and
insects, prolongs the life of food by treating
them with ionizing radiation.
3Historical Background
- Military wanted to find some way of keeping food
longer - Latest recall on meat and poultry
- Used in 1960s by other countries
- Astronauts use irradiated food
4Countries That Irradiate
5Regulated By
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- Food Safety and Inspection Service
- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
6- Petals-food
- Central circle-radiation source
- Broken outside circle- rays from the radiation
8Radiation Doses for Food
9Scientific Definitions
- Low dose kills insects on fruits and grains.
- Medium dose kills most of bacteria that cause
food borne illness and spoilage. - High dose sterilizes meat and other foods and
decontaminates herbs and spices.
11Food Safety Without Irradiation
13Irradiation of meat could prove to be another
important tool to protect consumers from
food-borne disease. The process has been shown to
be safe and to significantly reduce bacterial
- Michael A Friedman, Md.,
- Lead Deputy FDA Commissioner
14 15Cost Effective?
16Irradiated Foods
17Who recommends Food Irradiation?
- American Medical Association
- American Dietetic Association
- American Council on Science and Health
- Centers for Disease Control
- Council for Agriculture Science Technology
- National Food Processors Association
- United States Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
18Consumer Myths
- Irradiation wouldnt be necessary if food
production and process facilities were cleaner. - Irradiation will make food radioactive.
- -dont give off neutrons , therefore nothing
around them becomes radioactive - (As found at www.ccr.ucdavis.edu)
19- The research is pretty clear that when consumers
are told what irradiation is , a majority of
people support and will buy irradiated foods. - Christine Bruhn
- University of California-Davis
- Kills E. Coli and Salmonella
- Safe and Simple
- Kills harmful Pathogens
- Inexpensive
- Preserves shelf life
22Nutrition Lost
- Can lose 5 - 80 of many vitamins (A,C,E,K B
complex) - Amino Acids
- Essential Fatty Acids
- Damages natural digestive enzymes
- Natural nutrients from soil are also lost
23Inaccurate Information
- Based approval for poultry on only 5 of 441 tests
- Longest study ever done on humans 15 wks.
- No evidence of long term effects
- Doses were less than what the FDA had approved
- www.all-organic-food.com
- www.organicconsumers.org
24These studies reviewed in the 1982 literature
from the FDA were not adequate by 1982 standards,
and were even less accurate by 1993 standards to
evaluate the safety of any product, especially a
food product such as irradiated food.
- Marcia van Gemert, Ph.D., Toxicologist chairman
of FDA Committee of Irradiated Food
25Internal Effects
- Enlarged the hearts of mice 2-3 times
- Increased tumors
- Reproductive failures
- Kidney damage
26Contaminating Environment
- Georgia in 1998 radioactive water escaped from
facility. - Tax payers are stuck with 47 million in clean up
costs. - 1967 in Hawaii and 1982 in New Jersey radioactive
water was flushed into public sewer system.
27Food irradiation is not a cure-all for food
problems. Proper handling and storage by the
consumer are still important.
- Center for Consumer Research
- University of California-Davis
- Loss of nutrients and digestive enzymes
- Inaccurate information
- Caused internal problems in lab animals
- Contaminating environment
29Thank you
- Leander FFA
- Heather Peterson, Megan Dowdy, Kelsey Shipman and
Shelly Hammack
30(No Transcript)