Title: Preparations for home visits
1Preparationsfor home visits
2Preparations for home visits
- Go through parish records, with parish priest and
secretary and list - Unknown Catholics
- Catholics known not to go to church
- Divide parish into manageable areas and deal with
one area at a time
3Preparations for home visits
- Prepare a letter to send to listed households
- See KIT handbook page 32
- Prepare a bookmark/card with contact details to
accompany letter
4Preparations for home visits
- Prepare materials to take with you on visits,
which could include - Calling card
- Prayer of blessing for the home
- Photo card signed by the parish priest
- Copy of weekly parish newsletter
- List of parish organisations with contact numbers
- List of help lines
- Little bookmarks or cards for any children
5Calling card
- Keeping in Touch (KIT)
- We called on you today
- We are sorry we have missed you,
- But hope to call again shortly
- St Josephs Catholic Church. Tel
- (address)
- KIT Tel ..
6I D Photo Card
- Mr Steve Wilcox has kindly agreed to supply ID
Cards for use by members of parishes - His address is
- Synergraphics Ltd
- The Haymill Centre
- 112 Burnham Lane
- Slough, Bucks. SL1 6LZ Tel
01628-666696 - email steve_at_synergraphics.ltd.uk
- The charge would be 30 to set up and 3.00 for
each coloured and laminated photo ID card bearing
the signature of the Parish Priest. This is a
discount on what he normally charges. - Digital photos can be sent to him by email and he
would need a separate black signature of the
ParishPriest so this can be scanned on the card.
7A prayer of blessing for the home
- Heavenly Father, we ask you to visit this home
- all who live here.
- Drive far from them whatever has power
- to harm or divide them.
- May your Holy Spirit be with them to keep them
- in your harmony, love and peace
- and may your blessing be always upon them.
- We ask this, through your Son, Jesus Christ our
Lord. - AMEN
8Preparations for home visits
- Divide group into twos
- Go through coat hangers
- see KIT pages 14-15
9Home visits Statistics Parish N (1999)
- 392 letters
- 52 no visit please
- 340 visits made
- 21 not at home
- 20 not Catholic
- 33 not interested
- 39 other church
- 227 welcomed visitors
10Preparations for home visits