Title: Session 4: Inspection
1Session 4Inspection
2Sampling nematodes - Legal foundation
- Council Directive 69/465/EEC Plots for
production of seed potatoes have to be under
investigation and uncontaminated by Potato Cyst
Eelworm - production of seed potatoes
- growing prohibition
- no rules about sampling
- Transferred into National law in Germany
- Regulation for control of nematodes and Canker
of potatoes, - Directive for soil sampler in Brandenburg
- Council Directive 2007/33/EC
- rules about size and number of samples
- to be transferred into National law by 1 July 2010
3Nematodes - Type of inspections
- Sampling soil
- in the field
- production of seed potatoes
- production of ware potatoes
- production of plants for planting
- (picture)
4Soil sampling for nematodesSize and number
potato plants
- 2007/33/EC new
- least 1500 ml soil / ha
- least 100 cores / ha not less 5 metres by 20
- exception 400 ml soil in certain cases
- Directive for soil sampler in Brandenburg
- 8 samples per hectare
- every sample 250 cm³ soil
- Discussion divide the big samples in more low
samples for better practical survey?
5Soil sampling for nematodes- other than potato
- At least 400 ml soil / ha
- official survey
- ware or other potatoes
- plants for planting
- Discussion
- there are listed only the plants in annex 1
2007/33/EC - application to other plants of annex V A1
directive 2000/29/EC
6Soil sampling for nematodes - preparation and
- application from the farmer to the authorized
soil sampler - prepare a site plan with sampling squares to
record every sample (picture) - taking samples with a sample drill (picture)
- the soil had to be moist, not wet
- without stones and weeds
- every spot should be min. 5 cm³
- using small cases or bags
- paper bags better than film (polythene) bags
(going mouldy) - numbering the cases or bags by labels, also
numbering the containers too - Discussion
- Quality - sampling by hand drill or by machine
7Soil sampling for nematodes - preparation for
- filling out the record (picture)
- if necessary, store samples for only a short
time, cool and dry - sending the samples to the diagnostic laboratory
- testing by lavage
- or testing by biological test
- Discussion
- Lavage - very quick, but no safety about
viability - Biological test 8 weeks, destination only of
viable cysts
8Sampling for nematodes - potato tubers
- Application
- in stores
- sampling samples of supplies
- testing potato crops for seed testing if there is
a suspicion - Realization
- collect soil from the store floor or the carriage
floor - secure that the soil is only from this crop or
roll the potato bags on the flour to recover soil - testing soil by lavage
- taking tubers in the store or at the carriage
distributed through the whole crop normally 200
tubers (the size to test quarantine bacterial
diseases) - lavaging the tubers in a specific cane and
filtrating out the cysts - Attention This can be only a random sample!
9Sampling for quarantine bacteria - legal
- Commission Directive 2006/63/EC
- amending the Annexes to Council Directive
98/57/EC on the control of Ralstonia solanacearum
- Commission Directive 2006/56/EC
- amending the Annexes to Council Directive
93/85/EEC on the control of potato ring rot - Transferred into National law in Germany
- Regulation for control of bacterial ring rot
and potato brown rot disease of potatoes - Directive on the control of bacterial ring rot
10Sampling for quarantine bacteria - plant
potatoes for planting
- plant potatoes for planting have to be free from
Clavibacter michiganensis sepedonicus and
Ralstonia solanacearumDirective 2000/29/EC - plant potatoes have to been tested to plant pass
and to recognitionIt is appropriate to sample
both objects together - sampling in Germany average 2 -3 weeks before
harvest, tubers should be matured - size of the sample 200 tubers
- basic seed one sample / 1 ha
- certificated seed one sample / 3 ha
- picking tubers distributed through this destined
part of the crop (1 or 3 ha) (picture)
11Sampling for quarantine bacteria - tubers during
or past harvest
- potatoes have to be free from Clavibacter
michiganensis sepedonicus and Ralstonia
solanacearum - Directive 2000/29/EC - Systematic official surveys
- Random samples during or post-harvest
- Replanting and ware potatoes
- test of replanting potatoes is not required but
imperative - ware potatoes in plant potato farms
- ware potato farms have been tested average 3
years - During harvest picking tubers from some carriages
- Post-harvest picking tubers in the store
distributed through the whole lot (picture) - Size of the sample 200 tubers
- Discussion how often to inspect farmers of ware
potatoes, how many crops to test in every farm,
independent of the growing area
12Sampling for quarantine bacteria - tubers
before, during or post-harvest
- controlling in farms which are infested,
contaminated or suspicious by bacterial ring rot
and potato brown rot disease of potatoes - in the case of finding an infested crop, sample
all crops on the farm - one sample / 3 ha, in the case of big homogeneous
crops 5 ha - Discussion maximum ha / sample
- to support the diagnosis test cutting of tubers
and visual examination for symptoms (picture) - Visual damage on the potato skin can point to
many pests. - Attention If tubers are rotted there are many
other bacteria and fungi present, so the
diagnosis test will be difficult or impossible - Discussion how to deal with such crops
13Sampling for quarantine bacteria - hygiene
- Cleanness of all tools and material
- Clean and disinfect of every tool (potato fork,
knife) - Use rubber gloves and rubber shoes - change them
between each sampled plot or field - Use new cases and bags for each sample
- Paper bags are most appropriate (pictures)
- Close them with seals
- Avoid contamination between the sampled plots or
fields - Attention Not one tuber may change in another
sample. If one tuber in the sample is infected
the whole plot is declared to be infected - Attention Avoid contact between samples. The
infection may be spread by tubers from one to the
other sample - Discussion which other proposals for hygiene?
14Sampling quarantine bacteriosis Packing and
sending the samples
- Tools
- Paper bags best. Possible jute sacks. Avoid
plastic bags - seals, stable string
- protocols (picture)
- Procedure
- Registering the protocol in the database -
inspector and laboratory exchange information
through the database - Quick delivery of the sample (by inspectors or by
courier) to the laboratory - Discussion which other proposals to register the
samples and inform the laboratory?
15Inspection for quarantine bacteria - potato
- High risk cases
- sampling of potato plants on the fields
- Timing as late as possible to determine the
pathogen - Observing symptoms wilted plants and browning
- Cutting stem pieces - ca. 10 cm long (picture)
- 200 stems distributed through the whole plot
- Sending samples to the laboratory as quickly as
possible. Store and send them cool in plastic
bags - Attention There is the highest risk to spread
the pathogen by tools, so careful disinfection is
necessary - Discussion in which use this method?
16Inspection for quarantine bacteria - volunteer
potato plants and weeds
- On farms infested with potato ring rot or brown
rot, check for volunteer potato plants and weeds
on the infested, and other, fields for 3 years
after detection (picture) - Eliminate volunteer potato plants and naturally
found host plants of the organism - Take an average sample of every species
distributed through the whole lot - Send the plants to the laboratory as quickly as
possible - Discussion which species are able to spread the
17Inspection for quarantine bacteria - other risk
- By-products and waste from industrial processing,
e.g. potato starch production, and stores with
grader or peeling machines - pulp
- fruit water
- peeling waste
- waste water
- sewage sludge
- sieved out soil and weeds
- Use plastic bottles with wide throat
- every sample 1 litre (picture) Attention fruit
water contents many foam - Send samples to the laboratory as soon as
possible - Store and send them cool
- Discussion how to deal safely with this material
18Inspection for quarantine bacteria - surface
- Rivers, streams, ditches, outlet channels flowing
in the direction of - farms which are infested by potato ring rot or
brown rot - premises with industrial processing, e.g. potato
starch production, and stores with grader or
peeling machines - Choose places for sampling which are
- important for using irrigation water
- Accessible and not dangerous
- Take 1 litre water samples using plastic bottles
with wide throat (picture) - to observe the spread of the pathogen
19Inspection and sampling - other quarantine pests
- Synchytrium endobioticum
- Meloidogyne chitwoodi
- Meloidogyne fallax (pictures)
- Potato plants have to been inspected to plant
pass and to recognition - In the case of other quarantine pests it is
appropriate to sample both objects together - During the sampling, and again during the
diagnosis, inspect the tubers visually - If symptoms are seen, a diagnostic test should
20Information Systems
- Record the samples
- on database
- on documents
- Information sent to the laboratory
- Laboratory sends results of examination and
findings with infestation to - the state office
- the regional inspector
- the farmer
- report the survey to Ministry
- report the survey to EU-Commission (via
Julius-Kühn-Institute - Federal biological
researching Institute in Germany) - report about findings with infestation showing