Title: Thomas Culpepper, were you not suspicious of his attention
1Thomas Culpepper, were you not suspicious of his
attention to Queen Katherine Howard
Not at all, it took me by complete surprise to be
told of his infidelity with my wife Katherine. I
was pretty broken up by the whole affair, it was
the only time I ever cried in front of my court
when they told me about the sordid details. Of
course it was her that encouraged the affair, she
was carrying on behind my back for a while, she
even got her Lady-in-waiting, Lady Rochford, to
help her with the subterfuge. Culpepper, was my
favourite courtier at the time and accompanied
both myself and the Queen on many journeys,
obviously giving them both the opportunity to
disgrace me at the same time. After extensive
interrogation another lover was cited, Francis
Dereham, and her music teacher when she was
younger, Edward Manox . Heads rolled and the
hangman collected the dues for such a crime
against me and England. .
Katherine Howard Beheaded
Thomas Culpepper Beheaded
Lady Jane Rochford Beheaded
Francis Dereham Beheaded
Punishment came soon for Katherine, as well as
her ex-lovers. On November 22, 1541, she was
stripped of her title of Queen and awaited the
trial that would determine her fate. The
following month, both Culpeper and Dereham were
tried for treason, as well as adultery. Manox was
a previous boyfriend, but still received the
wrath of the King.
Edward Manox Hung, draw and quartered
The whole episode broke my heart
Howard website