Title: Are you an energy saver
1- Are you an energy saver?
- How much energy do we use at home?
- Details of the survey
- Number of interviewed people 11.
- Ages from 15 to 38.
- Occupations Students and teachers.
- Home Alcanar.
3- How do we light up our houses?
4Normal light bulbs
5Energy efficient light bulbs
6Fluorescent lights
7Conclusions about light bulbs
We saw that most of people use normal light bulbs
and fluorescent lights, and only a few people use
energy efficient light bulbs.
8 9Type of boiler
10How do we keep warm?
In conclusions about hot water and warming, we
saw that all the people interviewed use
non-renewable energy and do not use renewable
energy, such as solar energy.
11- Which electrical appliances have we got?
12- In this section, we can see
- People have a lot of electrical appliances, more
than they need. - People spend more energy than the necessary.
- The society is very adapted with new
13 14Type of house
15Age (years)
16Surface area
17 18Consumption per year
19 20Consumption per year
21- In this section, we saw that everybody uses a lot
of electricity. However, people do not use much
gas or diesel. - A reason for using a lot of electricity can be
that people spend more than they need, and they
are not energy savers. However, they use the
necessary gas or diesel. -
22 23- What do you think about energy saving?
- We think this is very interesting, because if
people do energy saving, in the future the world
can change - So we can fight to prevent the fatal change.
24- Are you an energy saver?
- In this question everybody says Yes, I am an
energy saver. However, we think that a lot of
people are not energy savers. - So we say You can be an energy saver!
25- Being aware of how much energy we use is being
on the way to using less. - By Adrià Sànchez, Albert Forcadell, Laura Royo,
Núria Reverter, - Judit Moreno, Balma Ortí, Paulina Carrión, Laia
Forcadell (4th ESO).