Title: Diapositiva 1
1Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural
Latin American Center for Rural
Development Centre Latino-Américain pour le
Développement Rural
Round Pegs in Square Holes Civil Society
Organizations need a new institutional
architecture to do their job Julio A.
Berdegué June 2008
- Terms of reference
- Generate discussion on the changing roles (in
North and South) of actors in development
cooperation ... the request is you propose your
vision and recommendations on what these should
mean in practical terms
- Establish a reference point
- Present a simple model to identify constraints
and opportunities to improve the performance of
CSOs - Discuss some practical options
4Human Development Index
Fuente UNEP/GRID-Arendal
5Income level
Source UNEP/GRID-Arendal
6Income inequality (Gini coefficient)
Source World Policy Institute
lt0.25 0.25-0.3 0.3-0.35 0.35-0.4 0.4-0.45 0.
45-0.5 0.5-0.55 gt0.55 NA
7Infant mortality
Fuente UNEP/GRID-Arendal
8Gender differences in education
Source UNEP/GRID-Arendal
9Women in government
10Climate change impact on agricultural productivity
Source UNEP/GRID-Arendal
12Reference point
13Reference point
- Do we believe that the current institutional
architecture of development cooperation
fundamentally equips us to deal with these
problems in their real complexity and scale?
14Reference point
- No!
- We need deep changes, that alter in fundamental
ways the current institutional architecture of
development cooperation
15A simple model of what makes the system work
16A simple model of what makes the system work
- Consistency among the parts is needed for the
system to perform well - Ideas, incentives and capacities need to be
aligned with each other - Currently, they are not... and the gaps are
17Options Ideas
- The development cooperation system has lost its
focus on the structural causes of poverty and
social injustice - Development thought and practice are largely
depoliticized - From social change, human rights and social
justice, to implementers of official policies and
18Options Ideas
- But, there are important signs that this cycle is
coming to an end, or at least it is being
seriously questioned across a broad range of
political, economic, social and cultural actors - One such sign
- Policy Memorandum
- Civil Society and Structural Poverty Reduction
19Options Ideas
- Structural poverty reduction is the principal
objective - A more integrated concept of poverty
- Interaction between macro and micro issues
- Poverty is the product of denying people their
rights, opportunities to develop and access to
resources - Excessive donor intervention creates our civil
society - CSOs are not agents of government policy
- Knowledge partners in the South should be
encouraged.... - Project-based funding is not conducive to social
development - Social development is complex, non-linear, and is
difficult to ascertain what constitutes a
positive result - Increasing the capacity of civil societies in the
South... - Work together on an equal footing
- From development aid to international cooperation
20Options Ideas
- More than enough!
- Lets do it!
21Options Capacities
A coalition on fresh water issues
22Options Capacities
A value chain
23Options Capacities
Economic growth, poverty and inequality in a
24Options Capacities
- CSOs in the South and in the North are much
stronger that in the past... - But many of the capacities we have accumulated
- were useful in the past
- are less useful today
- and will be even less useful in the future
- We CSOs- have grown lazy in our comfort zones
because the rules reward laziness and compliance
with the politically correct status quo
25Options Capacities
- The new capacities
- To cooperate with very diverse actors
- To link local-regional-national-global and
micro-macro dimensions - To think and work long term
- To resist the mirage of blueprint thinking and
log-frames and to innovate and take risks - To link knowledge and practice
- To trust
26Options Incentives
- A fundamental problem of the current system is
that the incentives are not well aligned either
with the ideas we proclaim, or with the
capacities we want to develop - Incentives - the positive and negative changes
in outcome that individuals perceive as likely to
result from particular actions taken in a
particular physical and social context (Elinor
Ostrom et al. 2003)
27Incentives - Round pegs and square holes
28Incentives - Round pegs and square holes
29Incentives - Round pegs and square holes
30Aligning ideas, capacities and incentives
- Devolve authority over strategy and program to
those who live in underdevelopment and to those
who can effect change - Donors as enablers
- Strategy and program design by region-based or
issue-based coalitions extending well beyond NGOs
31Aligning ideas, capacities and incentives
- Programmatic approach
- Theory of change analysis of development
challenges - Why (micro, macro North and South)
- What needs to be done about it (North and South)
- Who can do what (North and South)
- How it can be done
- Multi-actor, medium term programs
32Aligning ideas, capacities and incentives
- Reinvent accountability
- Yes! We must be accountable, but in a way which
is consistent with the ideas we profess, the
goals we seek, and the capacities we need to
develop - Integral third-party certification
- Governance
- Management, finance and administration
- Accountability to society
- Partnerships, collaboration, networks
- Capacity for learning, innovation, analysis,
risk-taking - Institutional and programmatic effectiveness
33In summary
- We are in close agreement about the fundamental
ideas that inspire and should drive the system - We have greater capacity... but sclerosis is
setting in due to the rules under which we work - The greatest need is to radically change the
system of incentives that shape our behavior
34Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural
Latin American Center for Rural
Development Centre Latino-Américain pour le
Développement Rural
Round Pegs in Square Holes Civil Society
Organizations need a new institutional
architecture to do their job Julio A.
Berdegué jberdegue_at_rimisp.org June 2008
35Population with improved drinking water supply
Source UNEP/GRID-Arendal
36Recent increases in annual temperature relative
to 1951-1980
Source UNEP/GRID-Arendal