Title: Columbus Alternative High School
1Columbus Alternative High School
2What is the Parent Assistant Module?
- The parent assistant module is a means for
parents to access student grades through any
internet service provider
3How do I log-in?
- go to www.columbus.k12.oh.us
- on the top line click on the pull-down menu that
says schools - then click on high
- then click on Alternative (CAHS)
- go to the third link down and click on Parent
Assistant - that takes you to the log-in screen. When you
enter the username and password, access is
provided to the site (REMEMBER ALL USERNAMES AND
4This form is used to log in and select the
language you want to use. Currently the languages
available are English, Spanish and French
5When the Submit button is chosen, if there are
unread messages from the school a reminder
displays giving you the option to either continue
or to read the message right away. If you choose
to read the message, the School Message page
6When you log on to Parent Assistant the first
screen that displays is the Current Progress
7When the Details button is selected the following
screen displays and you can select the Reporting
Term to select
8This form is used to view information about bus
transportation or student parking and vehicle
9This form is used to view a students absence and
tardy/late records for a year
10This form is used to review the status of any
fees charged to a student for the Current,
Previous and Next school years
11This form is used to review any incidents that
the student may have been involved in
12This form is used to review any special programs
that a student is in, for any school year
13This form is used to review homework assignments
14This form displays more detailed information
(narrative and tips for parents) about the
homework assignment
15This form is a historical view of credits earned
for courses
16This form is used to review exam marks and final
marks for each course the student is taking.
Absences and lates are indicated for each course
17This form is used to review either only unread
messages or all messages sent to teachers by the
parent or student. Messages interface with
Teacher Assistant
18Teacher Message Details
19This form lists the messages sent to all parent
by the school
20This form lists the students teachers and
associated courses and can be used to send
messages sent to the teacher
21Use this form to send messages to teachers
22This form is used to establish a course plan for
your student for the next school year. School
messages can be read and parent messages edited
from this page
23View School Messages
24This form shows the students daily schedule
(where they should be located at any time in the
25Additional Information
- See the CAHS website for an additional User Guide
in .pdf format - A copy of this presentation is on the website as
well. - Link with Friends of CAHS
- E-mail cahs_at_columbus.k12.oh.us
26Thanks for staying connected!!!