Title: Key Services for the Medical Home
1Key Services for the Medical Home
2Why a Patient-Central Medical Home?
- Method to improve U.S. health care system
transforming change in health care financing and
delivery - Primary care practices will be more accessible,
promote prevention, proactively support patients
with chronic diseases - Engage patients in self-management and
decision-making - End result will be better care, lower costs to
payers and increased patient satisfaction
3Proposed Local Research in the Medical Home Model
- Phoenix Childrens Hospital is presently applying
for a grant to study medical home concept and
payer savings - Will use 10 pediatric practices/clinics to study
over a one-year period - Practices will be open evening hours, weekends,
and holidays, and use telephone triage services - Will compare total per member/per month costs,
hospital and ER utilization PM/PM, and the
average cost of all members per month of the
leading carriers in Arizona - Expect these practices to have lower costs for
the carriers compared to all practices
4Key Services for the Medical Home
- Evaluation and Management of Services
Non-Face-to-Face Services
5Why a Key Service for the Medical Home?
- About one third of care in a pediatric medical
home is delivered by telephone - Maintaining an excellent telephone system is
resource intensive both yours and your nurses
time thus a need for payment
6Reimbursement Keys
- These are new codes payment will be dependent
on billing volume, educating payers and employers
at multiple levels, and contracting
7AAP Policy Statement
- Payment for Telephone Care
- AAP supports payment for telephone care services
provided by pediatric providers triage and
advice, care coordination, patient education, and
chronic disease management. - Pediatrics 2006 118 1768-1773
8Pediatric Telephone Care
- 2,000 3,000 calls/year/MD
- 10 15 clinical calls/day/MD
- 27 of decisions to see a specialist made over
the phone - Significant chronic care disease management done
over the phone
9Telephone Care is Good Medicine
- Triage and Advice
- Disease and Case Management
- Medication Adjustments
- Acute Illness care
- Test Result Interpretation
- Counseling
- Patient Education
10Reasons for Increasing Use of the Telephone
- Ease everyone is attached to a cell phone
- Convenience no waiting in the office
- Safe
- Dual-working families
- Doctors pushed to see more patients
11Telephone Care is Safe
- Goal of study to assess
- Frequency of death or potential under-referral
associated with hospitalization within 24 hours
after a call - Factors associated with potential under-referral
- Results
- No deaths occurred within lt 1 week after-hours
calls - Rate of potential under-referral with subsequent
hospitalization was 0.2, or 1 case per 599
triaged calls - Source Pediatrics. 118(2) 457-63, 2006
12Patients Listen to Telephone Care
- Goal of study to assess
- Compliance with telephone triage nurse advice
- Results
- Rates of compliance with both urgent and home
care disposition recommendations were 74 - Rate of compliance with next day recommendations
was 44 - Source Pediatrics. 118(2) 457-63, 2006
13Cost of MD Taking Clinical Calls
- Direct costs
- 7,000 per pediatrician/yr.
- If other staff takes calls, increased expense.
- Opportunity Costs
- MD takes 3-5 min. (avg. 4) to answer each call
- Non-reimbursement time
- MD bills approximately 360/hr. (conservative) or
6.00/min. - Opportunity cost of MD doing triage is
240-360per day or at least 60,000/yr.
14Reasons to Change
- The provision of after-hours telephone care
results in an average savings for payers of 56
per call - Pediatrics 2007 119 e305-e306
- The provision of physician telephone care to
those patients a nurse refers to an ED (SLT)
decreases the number of ED visits by 50 leading
to savings for payers - Reducing After-Hours Referrals by an After-Hours
Call Center with Second-Level Physician Triage
Pediatrics, July 2000 106 226-230
15Physician Telephone Services 2008
- 99441 Telephone evaluation and management
service provided by a physician to an established
patient, parent, or guardian not originating from
a related E/M service provided within the
previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or
procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest
available appointment 5 -10 minutes of medical
discussion - 99442 11-20 minutes of medical discussion
- 99443 21-30 minutes of medical discussion
16Telephone Services Provided by Non-Physicians
- 98966 5-10 minutes of medical discussion
- 98967 11-20 minutes
- 98968 21-30 minutes
17Telephone Services Provided by Non-Physicians
- Clinical staff (RN) can report these codes
- Service provided must fall within the state scope
of practice laws - Established practice protocols are followed
- The physician group assumes responsibility for
the practice expenses quality and professional
liability of the telephone service provided or
via a legal contract with a telephone advice
entity - The patient is established (i.e., not a new
patient) - All patient charges originate only from the
physicians office or clinic and not from an
outsourced call center or other entity
18Online Services New for 2008 Category I
- 99444 or E-mail visit
- Online E/M service provided by a physician to an
established patient, guardian, or health care
provider not originating from a related E/M
service provided within the previous 7 days,
using the Internet or similar electronic
communication network
19Reasons for Supporting National Trend for
Telephone Care
- Equivalent healthcare outcomes at lower costs
- Affordable to payers and patients
- Widespread adoption of medical home model and
reliance upon PCP - Relieving pressures on overcrowded, understaffed
hospital EDs for non-urgent care - Expanded practice options and paid accessibility
for physicians - Patient-centered care (giving consumers
flexibility and options when the choice is safe,
reasonable, and appropriate) - Source A Model for Telephone Medical Consults
Guidelines for Decision-Makers, April 2008,
Tommy G. Thompson et al
20Making the Business Case to Payers
- Top 10 Reasons to Provide Telephone Care
- Telephone Care has been proven to
- Reduce costs for chronic care
- Reduce referrals to UCC and ED
- Reduce unnecessary office visits
- Increase compliance and patient satisfaction
- Be effective in patient education and training
- Improve adherence to treatment protocols
- Be an integral part of case management and the
medical home, prevent fragmentation of care - Improve accessibility to PCP services
- Give consumers more options
- Increase patient satisfaction with PCP, health
21Key Services for the Medical Home
- Evaluation and Management of Services Care
Plan Oversight
22Why a Key Service for the Medical Home?
- Allows reimbursement for managing chronic illness
and behavior - Pays for all non face-to-face time not billed
with other non face-to-face codes - Reimbursement Keys
- These codes are paid at the 30 minute level by
most payers - Will need a system for tracking/reporting time
23Care Plan Oversight Implementation
- Develop a tracking system
- Document all CPO activities in chart based on
time - Maintain a list of patients with CPO activity
- Pull charts and tally all minutes at the end of
the calendar month - Educate families about billing
24Care Plan Oversight
- Care Plan Oversight Services are reported
separately from codes for office/outpatient,
hospital, home, nursing facilities or domiciliary
services - The complexity and approximate physician time of
the care plan oversight services provided within
a 30-day period determine code selection - Can only be reported by one physician
(PCP/Medical Home Provider) to reflect that
physicians sole or predominant supervisory role
25Care Plan Oversight Activities
- Review of subsequent reports of patient status
- Review of related laboratory and other studies
- Communication (including telephone calls) for
purposes of assessment or care decisions with
heath care professional(s), family member(s),
surrogate decision maker(s) (e.g., legal
guardian) and/or key caregiver(s) involved in
patients care - Integration of new information into the medical
treatment plan and/or adjustment of medical
therapy, within a calendar month
26Care Plan Oversight Home Health
- Physician supervision of a patient under care of
home health agency, in home, domiciliary or
equivalent environment requiring complex and
multidisciplinary care modalities involving
regular physician development and/or revision of
care plans, etc., within a calendar month - 99374 15-29 minutes
- 99375 30 minutes or more
27Care Plan Oversight for the Rest of Us
2006 New codes added for domiciliary, Rest Home
(e.g. Assisted Living Facility), or Home Care
Plan Oversight Services
- 99339 Individual Physician supervision of a
patient (patient not present) in Home,
domiciliary or rest home (e.g. assisted living
facility) 15-29 minutes calendar month - 99340 30 minutes or more
28Key Services for the Medical Home
29Why a Key Service for the Medical Home?
- Allows reimbursement for keeping your office open
expanded or after hours - Parents and payers should find value in avoiding
the ER waits/ cost and being seen after hours or
urgently by their own physician - Reimbursement Keys
- Some of these codes are new and underutilized
- Will need a system for tracking/reporting time
- Medicare pays for none
- Payment is proportionate to their use and
contracting - Always add on to the base E/M service
30Special Services
- 99050 Service provided other than regularly
scheduled office hours or on days when office is
normally closed - 99051 Service provided during regularly scheduled
evening, weekend and holiday hours, in addition
to basic services - 99058 Service provided on emergency basis which
disrupts other scheduled office services, in
addition to basic service
31When 99051 is Being Used
- After hours (e.g., after 530 pm)
- Saturdays
- Sundays
- Holidays (including legal holidays such as Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day, Veterans Day, Independence
Day, and Labor Day) - Communicate With Parents
- Inform the patients/parents when they are
scheduling the appointment about the charge,
especially if the office is open and seeing
patients (e.g., patient will be seen on Labor
Day, when the office is normally open, but will
be charged a surcharge) - Post a sign in the waiting room
- In cases in which insurance companies place
financial responsibility on the subscriber, be
sure to let the parents know about the surcharge
you may also want to have them sign an advance
beneficiary notice - Be sure to have your current office hours on file
with your carrier as well as posted in your
office and on your business cards you may also
want to have them on your office voice mail
I understand that ______________ insurance does
not provide benefits coverage for the fee for
physician visits that take place during evening
hours or on a weekend or holiday. If my child is
see by physician of _____________ on a weekend or
holiday, I will be responsible for the payment of
the service. Signature Guarantor/Guardian
_________________________ Date
_________________ Signature Witness
Date _________________