Title: Senior Design I Automatic Announcer
1Senior Design I Automatic Announcer
EEL 4914 Spring 2002 Dr. Richie Class Group 8
- Members
- Zemian Deng
- Kim Pham
- Quang Tran
- Nick Zicchino
- Goals
- A Hardware and Software project that will be used
in a situation such as announcing student's names
in a graduation ceremony. - The project device will read barcode index cards
that serve as a student ID and it will match a
wave file stored in a database, and then the
software will automatically announce the student
name. - Motivation
- If successfully designed and built, this project
could be used at our own school. - The project involves both hardware and software
components, so it will give us ample
opportunities to exercise our knowledge acquired
during the past few years.
3System Architecture Overview
Barcode Card
Optical Reflective Sensor
Read Barcode
Barcode Value 8965
RS232 Interface ASM/Controller
Barcode Data TTL
Binary Code
Nick Quang
Assigned Member Research
Kim Nick
Zamien Quang
4Hardware Specifications
- Scanner Device Components
- Photo diodes that are able to read Code39 barcode
- Decoder that supports TTL and sends to RS232
- The Scanner Device is able to read in the barcode
printed on the index cards of size 2 x 3 - Scanner Device must operate with either 9V
battery or 120V AC - Scanner Device is about 5 x 2 x 3
5Barcode Design
Figure illustrates how a barcode is read.
- Barcode font Code 3 of 9 (Code 39)
- All upper case alpha characters (A-Z)
- All numeric characters (0-9)
- 7 special characters (- . )
- Discrete (code type)
- Bi-directionally Decodable
- Character Self-Checking
- Start and stop characters (asterisk
- character)
- Using Linear Barcode which holds about 16
- ASCII characters.
All Pictures reprinted with permission of AIM
Global Network
6Barcode Design (cont.)
Reprinted with permission of AIM Global Network
- The maximum density for barcode 39 is 9.4
characters per inch including 2 start - and stop characters.
- Choose X dimension from 10 to 25 mils. X
dimension is the narrowest bar or - space in a barcode.
- Quiet zone has to be 10x X dimension to keep
the scanner from picking up the - information not belong to the barcode.
Barcodes quiet zone is the clear area at - the beginning and at the end of barcode.
7Software Specifications
- Platform Windows family (98/2000/NT)
- Language C (MFC)
- Barcode System Standard 309 Barcode Font
- Database System Microsoft Access DB with
ODBC Interface - Development IDE Microsoft Visual Studio C
- Optional Tool Microsoft Access
- Database Programming Interface Microsoft MDAC
library. - The software must be able to accept the input
either from the barcode device or from the
keyboard. - The time to process data for one student must be
less than 1 second, and the software must be
ready to accept next input in less than 2
8Software Design Model
Three Easy User Interface Modes Design
Enter/Import All Student Names
Save the .WAV file into database
Record .WAV File
For each student
Mode 1
I.D. Card
Each student in database
Encode SSN
Print Barcode
Mode 2
Retrieve .WAV File
Barcode Scanner or Keyboard Input
I.D. Card
Mode 3
Read Barcode
Play .WAV File
Barcode Data
9Project Cost
- The Automatic Announcer is a great fit in a
graduation ceremony or any other occasion where
we need to announce some name list. - We are trying to automate this process as much as
possible. - We want our Device and Software to converge into
a user friendly and easy to-use package design. - We will study what has been done and what are
available out in the field, and try to redesign
our own version. - Hopefully this project will get us good grade and
some experience in the engineering field.