Title: Paricle Correlations and Femtoscopy at RHIC
1Selected results on strong- and coulomb-induced
correlations from STAR experiment
Michal umbera Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR
WPCF 2006, São Paulo, 9th 11th September, 2006
- Space-time structure of multi-strange baryon
source via ?-? correlations - (Petr Chaloupka)
- Motivation
- Update on previous analysis
- Comparison with predictions from UrQMD(?)
- Identical pion correlations
- (Michal Bysterský)
- Motivation/summary of previous analysis
- 1D imaging analysis of AuAu and CuCu STAR data
on identical pions
3RHIC femtoscopy matrix Mikes table (M. Lisa,
ISMD, Kromerí 2005)
P. Chaloupka, J.Phys. Gxx
,2006, in print Nucl.Phys.A774603-606,2006
AIP Conf.Proc.828610-614,2006
? ? prelim or final result available
4Why p-X correlations?
- Why is X elliptic flow comparable to other
hadrons? Is that all suggesting early partonic
collectivity? - X (as well as other multi strange baryons) may
have thermal freeze-out behaviour differing from
the other hadrons e.g. early decoupling? - What is the production mechanism of X (1530)
5X -production _at_RHIC elliptic flow
AuAu vsNN200 GeV
Sevil Salur QM05 Nucl.Phys.A774657-660,2006
6X -production _at_RHIC radial flow
Most Central Collisions
- Temperature Tfo is higher for baryons with
higher strange quark content for Blast-wave fits. - Spectral shapes are different.
Temperature Tfo (GeV)
- p,K, p lt?Tgt at 200 GeV gt 62 GeV Tfo at
200 GeV 62 GeV - X, W lt?Tgt at 200 GeV 62 GeV Tfo at
200 GeV gt62 GeV
Sevil Salur _at_ QM05 Nucl.Phys.A774657-660,2006
7What the hydro tells us about multistrange
baryons at RHIC
Heavy hadrons, which are particularly sensitive
to radial flow effects, require the additional
collective push created by resonant
(quasi)elastic interactions during the fairly
long-lived hadronic rescattering stage between
Tcr and Td
) e.g. ??? ? ???
U. Heinz, J. Phys. G31,S717, 2005
8Influence of the hadronic phase succeeding the QGP
C. Nonaka, S. Bass nucl-th/0607018
9Resonant states in p-X system
Life time fm/c ? (1020) 47
L(1520) 13 S(1385) 5
K(892) 4
? (1530) 22
10 Recent development (since WPCF05)
- Re-run of ?? HBT analyses in order to extract ?
in low kT bins 125 MeV/c ? pT ? 1GeV/c) - Increased acceptance for pions from ???? 0.5 to
???? 0.8 - 2D-binning 10cm wide vertex bins ? multiplicity
bins replaced by 3D-binning - 10cm wide vertex bins ? multiplicity bins ?
- 5 event plane bins
11 (Re)analyzed data
200GeV AuAu, run IV data 41.4M events
out of which 26.4M are from central trigger
12 dE/dx electron cut ?-? purity
2 ? cut around electron band
dE/dx eV/cm
dE/dx eV/cm
13STAR preliminary
14STAR preliminary
15 Conclusion 1 dE/dx electron cut influnces ? but
not the emission radii Rout, Rside or Rlong
16AuAu _at_ 200GeV, centrality 0-5
STAR preliminary
17AuAu _at_ 200GeV, centrality 0-5
STAR preliminary
18AuAu _at_ 200GeV, centrality 0-5
STAR preliminary
19AuAu _at_ 200GeV, centrality 0-5
STAR preliminary
20 Conclusion 2 Using two different pion purities
we get to the same final C(k) ? the systematic
error from pion purity is under control
21 From m?? to C(k)
STAR preliminary
200 GeV AuAu 40-80
22Reaction plane binning improvement
62 GeV AuAu
Without reaction plane binning
With reaction plane binning
23p-X correlations in AuAu
- Coulomb and strong ( X1530 ) final state
interaction effects present. - Centrality dependence observed, particularly
strong in the X region
24p-X systematics the summary
- No significant energy dependence
25Petr Chaloupka WPCF05
26Measuring production offset by kinematic selection
- If space-time ordering, select between two
configurations - A) Both particles are moving away from each other
- B) One particle is catching up
- Final state interactions yield different
correlations for these two configurations
27Spherical harmonics decomposition of
non-identical particle correlations
Z. Chajecki , T.D. Gutierrez , M.A. Lisa and M.
López-Noriega, nucl-ex/0505009
28Spherical harmonics decomposition of
non-identical particle correlations
- Different Alm correspond to different
symmetries of the source - A00 - monopole ? size
- A11 - dipole ? shift in out-direction
- A2m quadrupole ? shape
- .....
29Petr Chaloupka WPCF05
30200GeV AuAu central
- A11 ? 0 - shift in the average emission point
between p and X could be clearly seen showing
that pion is catching up with the X in
qualitative agreement with transversally
expanding source.
31Summary on p-X correlations
- High statistics measurements of p-X correlations
were presented. - Coulomb and strong FSI were observed.
- Very good sensitivity to source size in X peak
was found. More theoretical is input needed. - Spherical harmonics representation of data allows
to observe that pion is catching up with the X
in qualitative agreement with transversally
expanding source. - Prospect for the same type measurement after
STAR detector upgrades and also with ALICE at LHC
seems good!!
322. Identical pion correlations
33Fabrice Retière WPCF05
34Fabrice Retière WPCF05
35(No Transcript)
36Michal Bysterský WPCF05
37Imaging a short introduction
N.B. prime means in the pair CMS frame
38Inverting expression for angle averaged
correlation function
- Task of imaging is to determine the source S(r )
from C(q) by inverting the Koonin-Pratt integral
D. A. Brown and P. Danielewicz, Phys. Let
B398(1997)252 Phys. Rev C, 57 (1998) 2474
Code for inverting the angle averaged correlation
function can be downloaded from
39S.S. Adler et al., (Phenix coll.)
The source parameters extracted from these
functions at low kT , give first indications of a
long tail for the pion emission source. The
source extension cannot be explained solely by
simple kinematic considerations. The possible
role of a halo of secondary pions from resonance
emissions is explored.
40Testing the reproducibility 1/2
RQMD, assuming isotropic Gaussian source, R5fm,
41Testing the reproducibility 2/2
- Reproduction of the input parameters is not very
good ?RG/RG ? 5, ??/? ? 25(!) (may be due to
finite statistics, fit parameters effect, code
itself?) - The shape of the distribution is reproduced
rather well
42 The same data cuts as in the previus pion purity
analysis were used except for the dE/dx
electron cut
N.B. All experimental data processed with single
set of input parameters Ndata28,Nmodel12,Neqcon
43Comparing STAR data to PHENIX
44Two simple source parametrizations
N.B. Have not tried spheroid fit, yet
45AuAu 3 centrality bins
46AuAu 3 centrality bins
47AuAu 0-5
48AuAu 0-5
49AuAu 0-5
50AuAu 0-5
51AuAu 0-5
52AuAu 0-5
53AuAu 0-5
54AuAu 0-5
55AuAu 0-5
56AuAu 10-40
57AuAu 10-40
58AuAu 10-40
59AuAu 10-40
60AuAu 10-40
61AuAu 10-40
62AuAu 10-40
63AuAu 10-40
64AuAu 10-40
65AuAu 40-80
66AuAu 40-80
67AuAu 40-80
68AuAu 40-80
69AuAu 40-80
70AuAu 40-80
71AuAu 40-80
72AuAu 40-80
73AuAu 40-80
74Summary on double gaussian fit
STAR preliminary
75Comparison ? from imagining and from 3D fit to
STAR preliminary
The same undershoot like for the RQMD case
76CuCu 3 centrality bins
77CuCu 3 centrality bins
78CuCu 0-10
79CuCu 0-10
80CuCu 0-10
81CuCu 0-10
82CuCu 10-40
83CuCu 10-40
84CuCu 10-40
85CuCu 10-40
86CuCu 40-60
87CuCu 40-60
88CuCu 40-60
89CuCu 40-60
90Summary on double gaussian fit
STAR preliminary
91Summary on identical pion correlations
- Particle source imagining technique was applied
to correlation functions C(qinv) of identical
charged pions produced at mid-rapidity in AuAu
and CuCu collisions at ?sNN200 GeV. - High statistics of analyzed data allowed us to
study centrality and kT-dependence of extracted
emission source functions with useful accuracy
out to relative pion separations of about 30 fm. - Source functions can not be described by a single
Gaussian due to substantially wider shape of the
relative pion separations distribution.
92The STAR Collaboration
U.S. Labs Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley, and
Brookhaven National Labs U.S. Universities
UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, Caltech,
Carnegie Mellon, Creighton, Indiana, Kent State,
MIT, MSU, CCNY, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue,
Rice, Texas AM, UT Austin, Washington, Wayne
State, Valparaiso, Yale Brazil
Universidade de Sao Paolo China IHEP -
Beijing, IPP - Wuhan, USTC, Tsinghua, SINAP, IMP
Lanzhou Croatia Zagreb University Czech
Republic Nuclear Physics
Institute England University of Birmingham
France Institut de Recherches Subatomiques
Strasbourg, SUBATECH - Nantes Germany Max
Planck Institute Munich University of
Frankfurt India Bhubaneswar, Jammu, IIT-Mumbai,
Panjab, Rajasthan, VECC Netherlands NIKHEF/Utrec
ht Poland Warsaw University of
Technology Russia MEPHI Moscow, LPP/LHE
JINR Dubna, IHEP Protvino South
Korea Pusan National University
Switzerland University of Bern