Title: 50 Years of Thunderbird Traditions
150 Years of Thunderbird Traditions
2Roy J. Wasson High School
In the beginningthere was an idea, a complex
plan took form. But that was not the end. From
the plan evolved the creation of the Roy J.
Wasson High School. Over three and a quarter
million dollars and two years of work were not
enough, however, to fully create a school.
Students were needed, and they came and they
built traditions. From the Wahian, Vol 1,
3The New Campus
(noticethere are no treesor surrounding houses
for that matter)
Picture from http//www.wassonalumni.com/
4(No Transcript)
5T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Veterans
- Steve Clark (1968) United States Navy - Seabees
- Steve Kilpatrick (1968) United States Navy -
Seabees - Mike Konshak (1968) United States Navy USS
Coral Sea - Lance Newcomer (1968) United States Marine Corps
- Gary Shrewsbury (1968) United States Army
- Wayne Stuchlik (1968) Unites States Marine Corps
- Charles J. Wray, Jr. (1968) United States Army -
Aviation - Kenyon D. Brooks (1971) University of Northern
Colorado (1975) United States Air Force Pilot
American Airlines Pilot - filler
6Thunderbird Pride Plaza Donated by Student
Governments of 1989-1990 1990-1991 Steve
Herzberg - Sponsor
7T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Active Duty
- JR Rockmore (2000) Colorado State
University-Pueblo graduate Deployed to Iraq in
2006 where she won the Iraqi Karaoke contest as
she served her country in Baghdad. - Tyler D. Smith (2001) United States Air Force
Academy (2007) United States Air Force Pilot - Cory A. Smith (2003) United States Air Force
Academy (2007) United States Air Force Pilot - Andrew E. Smith (2006) United States Navy - Navy
Nuclear Power Training - filler
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9T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Educators
- Paula J. Elmers (Brooks) (1969) University of
Northern Colorado (1972) Retired 5th Grade
Teacher - Deborah Kirwin (1979) Works for the Pikes Peak
Library District - Lisa Osban-Heald (1979) Works for District 11
also has 3 Wasson Alums - Bethany Beckett-Wessel (1996) Colorado State
University-Pueblo (2000) Elementary Music
Teacher in Denver - Rich Bragg (1997) Colorado State University
(2002) Wasson Science Teacher - Kelly Rigney (2005) Wasson Girls Diving Coach
- filler
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11T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Scientists/Engineers
- Monika Matthews (2002) George Washington
University DC (2007) Photographer for an
international magazine - 1 ranked underwater photographer in the world
4 ranked educational terrestrial photographer in
the world - Casey Korejwo (2003) Colorado School of Mines
(2007) Petroleum Engineer, Encana Oil Gas - Nik Sunde (2003) Colorado School of Mines (2008)
- Nuclear Physics Systems Engineer, Orbital
Science Corporation, Chandler Arizona - Medical Field
- Mitch Liester (1977) Psychiatrist in Monument
- filler
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13T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Journalists
- Thomas Young (2005) University of Colorado
(2009) -- internship with ABC this year - Isaac Blancas (2005) Colorado State
University-Fort Collins Photo journalist for
KKTV Channel 11 - Ryan Lowen (2002) Sports Reporter for KRDO
NEWSCHANNEL 13 - http//www.krdo.com/global/story.
asp?S6363385 Still holds the Wasson school
record for the 3200 m boys relay - Politicians
- Melanie Mays (xxxx) Works on Capital Hill in
Washington, DC and is the lead for the Senate
Capital Punishment Initiative. - filler
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15T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Entrepreneurs
- Jason Guldon (xxxx) Worked for El Pomar
Foundation -Â non-profit organization - Rod Anthony Little (xxxx) Have formed their
own comic book publishing house, Pantha Comics
and BlackJack Productions, Inc. - Zach Waugh (2005) University of
Colorado-Colorado Springs (2008) Financial
representative for Agora Wealth Management - filler
16Courtyard Bricks
17T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Collegiates
- Joey Young (2001) University of Northern
Colorado - Masters degree in Music. He stars in
many Broadway musicals, Choir performances and
Operas in and around Greeley, Colorado. He also
worked with Ms. Tabet here at Wasson in 2005 on
his student teaching for his Bachelors degree in
Music Education. - Kelly Fowler (2003) University of Colorado
(2007) University of Colorado Foundation -
Development Associate - David Andrew Wood (2003) Colorado State
University (2007) Medical Student in Ohio - Ben DeRiggi (2005) United States Air Force
Academy - Appointee - Blake Hammond (2005) Colorado College (2009) -
Student Body President - filler
18Courtyard Bricks
19T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Collegiates
- Nicki Chen (2008) University of Denver Daniels
Scholarship Winner - Yungda Chen (2008) Colorado School of Mines
Daniels Scholarship Winner - Nichole Lindberg (2008) Won a scholarship to
study hotel and restaurant management in a school
near Hamburg, Germany - Ben Rosen (2008) Colorado School of Mines
- Tony Sanchez (2008) Colorado School of Mines
Daniels Scholarship Winner - Brian D. Smith (2008) Pikes Peak Community
College - filler
20Courtyard Bricks
21T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Entertainers
- George Merkert (xxxx) Works in the film industry
(Sony Picture Works) and television (Falcon
Crest) and was one of the members of the visual
FX crew that won the Academy Award for the
skeleton sequence in the film Terminator 2. - Kynton Chan (2000) University of Colorado
Boulder - Journalism. While in Boulder he was a
member of the mens a cappella ensemble, In The
Buff and performed many concerts throughout the
state of Colorado. He currently sings annually
with them during their Anniversary performance.Â
For 2008, the 15th Anniversary for In The Buff
, will be Saturday, February 21st at The Boulder
H.S. auditorium at 7 p.m. - TJ Wilson (2001) University of Northern
Colorado He is working as a sound engineer for
1st Presbyterian Church in Greeley, Colorado. He
came back to Wasson for our 2006 musical and took
on the job of sound engineer for Seussical The
Musical. - filler
22Courtyard Bricks
23T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Entertainers
- Erik Bryan (2002) Has studied in New York City
and is currently singing in local, state and
national Opera houses around the country. His
major role was lead for the opera, Night in the
Piazza, in St. Louis, Missouri. He will star in
the next Opera Theatre of the Rockies Night
Scene at The Pikes Peak Center the weekend of
February 27th through March 1st. - Brent Charlesworth (xxxx) former Mass Media
student, works in the comic book industry in Oak
Park, Kansas (Marvel Comics). - David Didder (xxxx) former Mass Media student
who works in the film industry right now, has his
Screen Actors Guild (SAG) card which is the
hardest union to get into the film industry. He
is a photographer for Lucas Works (George Lucas,
creator of the entire Star Wars saga). - filler
24Shirley Snyder Memorial
25T-Bird Spot-Lights
- Athletes
- Rich (Goose) Gossage (1970) Baseball Hall of
Fame Pitcher New York Yankees - Dan Audick (1972) University of Hawaii (1976)
NFL Lineman San Francisco 49ers - Rob Akey (1984) Weber State University (1988)
Currently the head coach at the University of
Idaho - Derick Lemuel (2000) Played semi-professional
basketball for a team in Seattle - Roc Alexander (2000) University of Washington
(2004) Played for the Denver Broncos - Raymond Chard (2006) Currently playing for
Colorado State University - filler
26Courtyard Bricks
27Technology Then Now
Picture from http//www.wassonalumni.com/
28Courtyard Bricks
29Additions and Upgrades
- Wasson Arts Magnet
- Dance Studio
- Black Box Theater
30Courtyard Bricks
31Additions and Upgrades
- Consumer and Family Science
- Newly renovated class rooms
32Courtyard Bricks
33Additions and Upgrades
- Science Career Pathways
- 1.6 million in renovations
- Seminars college courses available
- www.WassonScience.com
34Courtyard Bricks
35Unique College Courses
- A Computer Repair
- Astronomy
- Calculus B/C
- Environmental Science Oceanology
- Horticulture
- Mass Media
- Scientific Methods Technology
- Zoology
- Senior-to-Sophomore Program with CSU-Pueblo
- Wasson offers 15 classes students can take for
college credits while still in high school - filler
36Courtyard Bricks
- State recognized high achieving Math,
Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Club - Nov 08 3rd Place in state competition
- ONLY D-11 High School winner!!!
- Mayors 100 Teens
- Wasson consistently has the highest number of
students in the district and city nominated to
this program - 11 this year
- 12 last year
- National Honors Society Active Citizenship
Program - filler
38Courtyard Bricks
- Advanced Placement (AP) Scholars
- Based upon receiving 3 or higher on a 1-5
scale on 3 or more AP examinations - We have two AP scholars from last year
- Michael Fitch
- Ben Rosen
- Wasson has a Power Library
- Colorado Department of Education distinction as a
high performing library - Foreign Exchange Students choose Wasson - Highest
number in the district - filler
40Courtyard Bricks
- Our Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
(NJROTC) was selected by Representative Doug
Lamborn to present The Colors at a ceremony
recognizing new USAFA appointees. - They were selected for their professionalism and
conduct - We had three students placed on the All-State
Classical Choir - Additionally, we had 2 of 17 students placed in
the All-State Jazz Choir - filler
42Courtyard Bricks
43Recognition - Faculty
- National Board Certifications
- Margaret Engler Social Science
- Janet Giddings Science
- Rotary Diamond Award Winners
- Christopher Hartman     2001-2002 (English)
- Janet Giddings              2002-2003 (Science)
- Nancy Vogel                 2003-2004 (Arts)
- Brett Derickson         2006-2007 (Social
Science) - Chris Matthews             2007-2008 (Science)
- filler
44Courtyard Bricks
45Innovative Programs
- Area Vocation Program (AVP)
- Prepares students for vocational careers after
high school - Teacher Cadet Program
- Trains and instructs students interested in
joining the educational field. - ProStart Culinary Arts
- Top notch culinary programPrepares and trains
students for working in this field. These
students just did a community dinner at Ft.
Carson. - Service Learning Advisory Council (SLAC)
- Only high school in D-11 with this program
- Plans, organizes, runs events to help our
community - filler
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47More Innovative Programs
- Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
- Provides students with skills necessary to attend
and excel in college - Targets those students in the middle and who
otherwise might not attend college - GEAR UP
- Saturday Academy
- Serves 50-80 students each week offers extra
assistance to students in core content classes - Teen Court
- Implements restorative justice at Wasson
- filler
48Aerial View of Wasson c2005
(notice the trees and surrounding houses
49Words from Mr. Wasson (1959)
- To the students of Wasson High School, both
those of the present and of the future, I am
proud to have my name associated with your
school. I trust you may find some of the joy and
satisfaction in work that I have always found.
It is a great blessing. But what reputation
Wasson High School earns in the future can in no
way be assured by its name, even if it were the
most illustrious name in history.
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51Words from Mr. Wasson (1959)
- The opportunity is yours to create a tradition
and make a reputation for your school it is
yours to write on the blank pages of the future.
May I say I think the students this year are
making a fine start and showing a fine spirit
under the guidance of a wise and capable
principal and faculty and such an example will
make it easier for classes of the future to
follow successfully.
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