Title: Discussion Questions from SAC 6
1Discussion Questions from SAC 6 1) Potential
Gateway enhancements Given that Blanchet House
will now be located in the NE corner of the
block, at Glisan and 3rd Avenues, and the
availability of the outdoor space along
Glisan How does this committee recommend
creating a gateway feel that honors the history
and culture of the neighborhood and is inclusive
of the districts diverse constituents? Some
issues to consider are maintaining an open
process, and physically not inadvertently create
new streetside queueing areas and management
challenges for the Blanchet House. 2) Block AN
was proven challenging as a potential site for
Blanchet and/or TPIs relocation. It has been
identified as a potential site for the districts
parking needs, but, What are other uses that
might take advantage of the locations unique
attributes, helping activate the ground floor
level, and may possibly be economically
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
2District Northern Gateway earlier
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
3District Northern Gateway earlier
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
4District Northern Gateway - earlier
recommendations and new relationship to Blanchet
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
5District Northern Gateway Concepts and Case
Hardscape Plaza Animated with water and
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
6District Northern Gateway Concepts and Case
Landscape Plaza Non-occupied, visual greenspace
only, Abstracted gateway elements
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
7District Northern Gateway Concepts and Case
Building over Right-of-Way Block 25 building
volume extends over plaza space, Blanchet not
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
8District Northern Gateway Concepts and Case
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
9District Northern Gateway Concepts and Case
Pavilions within Plaza Buildings and
activity within the plaza as amenity to
district and gateway corner
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.
10District Northern Gateway Concepts and Case
SAC meeting 7 Implementation Plan and
Surrounding Block Studies
North OldTown/Chinatown Redevelopment Strategy
Portland Development Commission
DAO Architecture LLC / E.D Hovee Company, LLC
/ Barney Worth, Inc.