Title: Privacy and Biometric Technologies
1Privacy and Biometric Technologies
- Barry Steinhardt
- Director Technology and Liberty Program
2Some Biometrics are Familiar Fingerprint and
Iris Scanning Technology
- Once somebody has you identified by your thumb
print, theyve got you for life you cant
reset your fingerprints
3Others Are Not DNA
- Reveals many of our most intimate details
- Reveals things about our family members too
- Like fingerprints, can never be reset once
4 Many technologies have good uses
- ACLU supports the use of reliable biometrics to
authenticate access to secure locations - DNA analysis of crime-scene evidence
- X ray of air cargo and baggage
5ACLUs 3 principles for invasive technologies
- New technologies must be genuinely effective
- The level of intrusion must reflect the level of
risk and effectiveness - Security should be applied in a
non-discriminatory manner
6 Some unjustified uses of technology
- Large-scale collection of biometrics (all airline
passengers, all arrestees) - Facial recognition on cameras in public places
7Why oppose large-scale collection of biometrics?
- Wont prove identity. Garbage ingarbage out
- Equivalent to a National ID system
- Will require a massive national database
- No legal structure to protect Americans from
8Why oppose facial recognition?
- Our principle New proposals must be genuinely
effective - Its intrusiveness is disproportionate to its
benefit - False sense of security
- Genuinely innocent will be subject to harassment
or worse.
9Many Americans were shocked at the use of
10Real-world experience with facial recognition
11ACLU Obtained Tampa Police Face-Recognition Log
12A Sample of the Results
13But most logs looked like this
14Conclusions From Tampa
- Failed to correctly identify a single person in
the database - Many false positives, including obvious mistakes
- The Tampa PD stopped using it after less than six
15Tampas experience not surprising
- Other studies found high false positives and
negatives - Systems are easily fooled
- No good photo database of terrorists
- Not one single suspect correctly IDed in US.
16How do we confine invasive technologies to
appropriate uses?
17- Dont Use Them If They Fail the First Test If
They Dont Make Us Safer!
18The Fair Information Principles
- Notice
- Consent
- Limitations on Secondary Usage
- Access and Right to Correct
- Security