Title: Aircraft Memory Unit Data Visualization Tool
1Group 4 Aircraft Memory Unit Data Visualization
Tool James Dennig Nick Clark David Korthuis
Mike Prince Hyun-Soo Kim
2Our Client Don Akers The Boeing Company
3The Aircraft
4Memory Unit Flight information is collected
during flight by the Memory Unit (MU)
- Air Speed
- Altitude
- Pitch
- Roll
- Weapon Store
- Etc.
5What They Have An application that can display
raw MU data.
6What We Provided An application that can
visualize the MU data.
7Features Graphically display the aircraft using
the following parameters
8Features Display, in real-time, (up to 5 of) the
following parameters
- Altitude
- Heading
- Pitch Angle
- Pitch Rate
- Roll Angle
- Speed
- Time
- Yaw Rate
- G-Force (sometimes)
9Features Ability to change playback speed from 1x
to 25x Visual indication of cautions,
advisories and warnings Audible indication of
cautions, advisories and warnings
10Features Display weapon inventory Visual
indication of weapon release
11Development Programming Environment Visual
C .Net 3-D Visualization OpenGL Additional
Support Microsoft Access Lots of typing
12Problems Database problems Interpolation of the
data Communication (Accurate explanation of
technical issues) Weapons inventory