Title: SCANICT Morocco
Regional Preparatory Conference for the
WSIS Accra International Conference Center Accra,
Ghana 31 January 1 February 2005 Pre-Conferenc
e on Evaluation of the implementation of the
Geneva Plan of Action and Information Society
Indicators Report on the Outcomes of the
questionnaire to assess the implementation of the
Geneva plan of action
Regular monitoring and follow up of the WSIS
Geneva Plan of Action implementation by African
1- General objectives, goals and targets of the
action plan 2- The Role of Governments and all
Stakeholders in the Promotion of ICTs for
Development 3- Information and Communication
Infrastructure an Essential Foundation for the
Information Society 4- Access to Information
and Knowledge 5- Capacity Building 6- Building
Confidence and Security in the Use of ICTs
4Questionnaires (continue)
7- Enabling Environment 8- ICT Applications
Benefits in All Aspects of Life 9- Cultural
Diversity and Identity, Linguistic Diversity and
Local Content 10- Media 11- Ethical Dimensions of
the Information Society 12- International and
Regional Cooperation
5Results of the survey
6Geographic Repartition of the responses
- Questionnaires sent to All WSIS focal points
in ECA members States - Received 9 Responses (17)
8General Objectives, Goals and Targets of the
Action Plan
- - Availability of e-strategy 55
- Year 2002 and 2004
- Sectors covered by the implementation Plans
9General Objectives, Goals and Targets of the
Action Plan Role of Stakeholders in e-Strategies
10General Objectives, Goals and Targets of the
Action Plan Improving Connectivity
- The information collected in this section will be
useful to monitor at the national level, the
progress toward the implementation of the Plan of
Action in the areas - Connectivity and access
- Use of Web Sites and emails in Gov. Depart.
- Access to Television and Radio
- Use of the Local Languages in Internet
11General Objectives, Goals and Targets of the
Action Plan ICT in the Curricula
- ICT adopted in the Curricula of Secondary
Schools 55 - ICT adopted in the Curricula of
Primary Schools 33
12The Role of Governments and all Stakeholders in
the promotion of ICT for Development
13The Role of Governments and all Stakeholders in
the promotion of ICT for Development (Continue)
14Information and Communication Infrastructure
15Information and Communication InfrastructureParti
cipation to Regional Activities
16Access to information and knowledgeAvailable
17Access to information and knowledge (continue)
18Existing Capacity Building Initiatives
19Capacity Building (Continue)
20Capacity Building (Continue) Training programmes
in the use of ICTs
21Building confidence and Security
22 Building confidence and Security (Continue)
23Enabling EnvironmentExisting
24Enabling EnvironmentAvailable agencies charged
with activities
25 Enabling Environment Availability of agencies
charged with activities (Continue)
26ICT ApplicationsAvailable
27Cultural Diversity and Identity Addressed in the
ICT Policy
28Cultural Diversity and Identity(Continue)
29Cultural Diversity and Identity(Continue)
31Ethical Dimensions Available activities
32International and Regional cooperation
33International and Regional cooperation (Continued)
- The low rate of responses suggests a need to
precise the role of focal points in coordinating
the collect of Data from multiple national
sources - The available results shows efforts made by
member States to implement the WSIS Plan of
Action, and also areas were gaps still exist - - For harmonization purposes ECA to share with
members States the Data Base implemented for the
survey -
35 Thank you
for additional information http//www.uneca.org/a
isi Email mtimoulali_at_uneca.org
Development Information Services
Division Tel 251 1 51 14 08 - Fax 251 1 51
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