xml everywhere - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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xml everywhere


?xml everywhere? ''XML could turn the Web into one giant database for ... Wrox Press. Richards, Russ. Information Briefing to the ANSI XML Forum, Oct. 11, 2001. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: david1962
Tags: everywhere | wrox | xml


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: xml everywhere

lt?xml everywhere?gt
''XML could turn the Web into one giant database
for translating information wending through
disparate computer systems. XML could be the new
Rosettastone.'' Anthony J. Blake,
vice-president ATT Labs in Menlo Park, Calif
David L. Mainz
  • Session One (90 minutes)

XML Explosion All about XML
Break (30 minutes)
Session Two (40 minutes)
XML in the trenches XML in your business
Question Answer (20 minutes)
  • Assumptions
  • Heard the hype read the trade journals
  • Executive or Manager Perspective
  • Wondering how XML can benefit your
  • company
  • Goals
  • A concise intro to XML for perspective
  • Give a general idea where and how XML is
  • used and some examples of
  • Give understanding of benefits and risks of

XML Explosion
  • Proliferation of XML-based Technologies
  • XML Routers and Accelerators
  • XML Databases and RDB Support
  • Application Platforms .NET, J2EE
  • Web Services
  • XML-based Languages ebXML, VoiceXM
  • XML Tools Parsers, DOMs, Editors
  • W3C Central Focus
  • XML Books, Websites, Online Communities
  • Companies delivering XML products, services
  • IDC (research firm) By 2006, XML servers
    grow to over 3 bln market, tools to 400 MM

What is lt?XML?gt
  • eXtensible Markup Language
  • Markup Language-method of conveying
    metadatainformation about a dataset
  • Extensibleprovides a standard mechanism for
    extending itself create your own tags,
  • Text document that is self-describing,
    self-delimiting data using a set of HTML-like

XML Document
  • lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
  • lt! comments here ?
  • lt?xml-stylesheet type"text/xsl"
  • ltHEADgt
  • ltDATEgtN/Alt/DATEgt
  • ltPLACEgt
  • ltCITYgtFarmingtonlt/CITYgt
  • ltSTATEgtMichiganlt/STATEgt
  • lt/PLACEgt
  • lt/HEADgt
  • ltCURRENTgt
  • ltTEMP units"F"gt67Flt/TEMPgt
  • ltWEATHERgtSunnylt/WEATHERgt
  • ltRH units"percent"gt50lt/RHgt
  • ltWINDgt10 MPHlt/WINDgt
  • lt/CURRENTgt
  • ltPERIOD01gt
  • lt!CDATA Whatever gt

Prolog Processing Instructions Document
Element Properly Nested Child Elements Element
Attributes CDATA Sections Empty tag
Birth of a Meta-language
  • Based on Standard Generalized Markup Language
  • SGML adopted in 1986 as data and exchange
    standard by the ISO
  • SGML is powerful and extensible but considered
    too complex
  • Started in 1996 by the W3C, XML was designed to
    have the simplicity and mass appeal of HTML (also
    based on SGML) but with the power of
  • Current specification is XML 1.0 Recommendation
    (1998) with XML 1.1 advanced Candidate
    Recommendation earlier this month
  • W3C XML is the universal format for structured
    documents and data on the Web

Goals of XML
  • XML shall be straightforward to use over the
  • XML shall support a wide variety of applications
  • XML shall be compatible with SGML
  • It shall be easy to write programs which process
    XML documents
  • The number of optional features in XML is to be
    held to an absolute minimum, ideally zero

Goals of XML
  • XML documents should be human-legible and
    reasonably clear
  • The XML design should be prepared quickly
  • The design of XML shall be formal and concise
  • XML documents shall be easy to create
  • Terseness in XML markup is of minimal importance

XML Is a Family of Specifications
  • Namespaces
  • Disambiguate vocabularies
  • Application Program Interfaces
  • Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Tree-based
  • Simple API for XML (SAX)
  • Event-based
  • XML Schema or DTD
  • Describes structure and constraints of data
  • Extensible Style Language (XSL)
  • Specifies transformation and presentation of
  • XML Query Language (XQuery)
  • Query and retrieving XML elements
  • XLink, XPointer, XPath
  • Advanced linkage or navigation to other nodes
  • Remote procedure calls

  • Communicating your document structure
  • Distinguishes Valid from Well-formed
  • Document Type Definition
  • Formally and precisely delineates structure
    vocabulary, elements, attributes, relationships
  • DTDs fall short in providing rigorous structure
    declarations, such as data typing and namespace
    mixing, necessary for automated processing.
    Solution Schema

Advantages of XML
  • Standards-based and Open
  • Portable and Interoperable
  • Platform, Application, Vendor Neutral
  • Increases Reliability as user agents automate
    processing of documents
  • Saves training and development costs by having a
    singe format with many uses
  • Robust, Inexpensive, Optimized Toolset
  • Reuse of data/multiple formats
  • Human Readable
  • Web Enabled

XML Concerns
  • Steep learning curve for tools and related
    technologies like XSL not really simple
  • Developers must code own processing applications
    learn new tools, languages
  • No standardization on schemas or tagssome
    industry fracture
  • Immaturity of products, standards, and security
  • XML is verbose high storage, bandwidth, cpu cost
  • Acronym proliferation XML, XSL, XHTML
  • Is XML another IT fad???

XML Security
  • XML not designed with security in mind
  • Need to secure documents (or portions) and
    exchange thereof
  • XML enc encryption of data and tags or selected
    parts of document using keys
  • XML-Signatures similar to security certificate
    to ensure no tampering
  • XKMS XML Key Management Spec register and
    distribute keys used by XML-Sig
  • XACML eXtensible Access Control ML used to
    control access to documents
  • SAML Security Assertion ML authentication

General Application Classes
  • Extension (new language, vocabularies)
  • Exchange (A2A, B2B, B2G)
  • Transformation and Processing

Commerce Industry
  • BPML Business Process Markup Language
  • Web Services Fortune 1000 Aggressively
    adopting web services FactPoint Group and
    Outsource Research Consulting
  • Amazon.com web service allows searching on
    author, title, publisher, etc., and returns
    results in XML
  • Ebay Price Watcher web service
  • Fedex Package Tracker
  • Supply Chain Major retail chains like
    Wal-Mart are working on standards for
    synchronization between trading partners based on

  • eGovernment Initiatives
  • US OMB publishes Business Reference Model for
    its Federal Enterprise Architecture XML
    document that describes federal business areas,
    functions, lines of business. Designed to
    facilitate efforts to transform govt to be more
    citizen-centered, results-oriented, market-based
  • IRS XML Developers Forum for Employment Tax
    E-File System- provides info to develop
    applications for E-file
  • Edgar Online promulgates eXtensible Business
    Reporting Language for companies to distribute
    financial reports in a portable way

Science Education
  • edXML focuses on complex PK12 requirements
    standards setting for best practices
  • MathML describes mathematical notation
    structure and content
  • Molecular Dynamics ML (MODL)- chemical
  • NeuroML describes models and networks of
  • eXtensible Scientific Interchange Language
    transport language for scientific data objects
  • Turing Machine Markup Language describes
    Turing machines
  • RiboML used for ribosomal science

Semantic Web
  • WWW designed for simplicity, not information
  • Vision of the next generation network
  • Content publishers provide notation to
    categorize content
  • Autonomous agents use that notation to gather,
    filter, organize desired information
  • Resource Description Framework (XML language)
  • Long way off Fraught with many difficulties
    complexity, spam, proper categorization

XML in the Trenches
  • How are XML solutions implemented?
  • Design or acquire XML document/schema/DTD
  • XML Editors, Schema generator
  • XML Parsers (SAX, Forward Only, In-Memory)
  • XML DOM / DOM object
  • XSL/T
  • Biztalk, Web services

XML in Your Business
  • What are your questions?
  • Should I be using XML? Where? What tools should
    I be using? Where do I start? Why are you
  • Become an XML expert (or find one)
  • Start small and proceed incrementally
  • Understand your data
  • Do you have data you exchange with outside
    partners, branches, or departments
  • Do you have partners already using XML
  • Do you need to support multiple views or devices
  • Can you find inefficiencies in your organization
    that could be addressed by XML

  • Martin, Didier, et al., Professional XML. Wrox
  • Richards, Russ. Information Briefing to the ANSI
    XML Forum, Oct. 11, 2001.
  • WWW Consortium (W3C)
  • Doll, Shelley. XML Security Whos Who.

  • www.w3c.org/xml
  • www.xml.org
  • www.xml.com
  • www.xmlmag.com
  • msdn.microsoft.com
  • www.perfectxml.com
  • www.topxml.com
  • xml.coverpages.org
  • Question Answer (20 minutes)

Break (15 Minutes)
  • Next Up
  • x
  • x
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