Title: Chapter 8: The Vitamins
1Chapter 8 The Vitamins
- Essential organic substances
- Yield no energy, but facilitate energy-yielding
chemical reactions - If absent from a diet, it will produce deficiency
signs and symptoms
3Function of Vitamins
- Coenzyme
- Antioxidant
- Structure and formation of tissue
- Recommended Dietary Allowances
- Established for Average, HEALTHY Populations
- Set higher than actual needs so most could meet
needs by only consuming only 75 of RDA - What about taking more than RDA?
5Fun Facts
- Named in order of discovery
- Plant and animal foods provide vitamins
- Scientists believe they have discovered all the
- Water Soluble
- C
- Bs - B1, B2, B3, B6, B12
7Fat-Soluble Vitamins Overview
- Dissolve in organic solvents
- Not readily excreted can cause toxicity
- Absorbed along with fat
- Concern for people with fat malabsorption
8Vitamin A
- Deficiency is most common cause of non-accidental
blindness - Preformed
- Retinoids
- Found in animal products
- Proformed
- Carotenoids
- Found in plant products
9Functions of Vitamin A
- Night blindness
- Cell health
- Growth, development, reproduction
- Cardiovascular disease prevention
- Cancer prevention
10Vitamin A and Your Skin
- Topical treatment and oral drug
- Accutane (oral) and Retin-A (topical)
- Can induce toxicity symptoms
- Not recommended for pregnant women
- Use only under supervision of a physician
11Vitamin A from the Food Guide Pyramid
12Deficiency of Vitamin A
- Night blindness
- Irreversible blindness
- Follicular hyperkeratosis
- Bumpy, rough, and dry, flaky skin
13Who is at Risk For Deficiency
- Breast fed infants
- Those with poor vegetable intake
- Urban poor and the Elderly
- Alcoholics and people with liver disease
14Toxicity of Vitamin A
- Large intake of vitamin A over a long period
- Bone/muscle pain, loss of appetite, skin
disorders, headache, dry skin, hair loss,
increased liver size, vomiting - Spontaneous abortion, birth defects
- May occur with as little as 3 x RDA of preformed
vitamin A
15Toxicity of Carotenoids
- High amounts of carotenoids in the bloodstream
- Excessive consumption of carrots/squash/beta-carot
ene supplements - Skin turns a yellow-orange color
16Vitamin D
- Prohormone
- Derived from cholesterol
- Synthesized in skin with adequate sun exposure
for Caucasians and other light skinned races
17Functions of Vitamin D
- Regulates blood calcium
- Influences cell differentiation
18Role in Bone Formation
- Vitamin D causes Ca Phos to deposit in the
bones - Strengthen bones
- Rickets- children
- Osteomalacia (soft bone) is rickets in the adult
19Food Sources of Vitamin D
- Fatty fish (salmon, herring)
- Fortified milk
- Some fortified cereal
20The Adequate Intake (AI) for Vitamin D
- 5 ug/d (200 IU/day) for adults under age 51
- 10-15 ug/day (400 - 600 IU/day) for older
Americans - Infant are born with enough vitamin D to last 9
months of age.
21Toxicity Warning
- Vitamin D can be very toxic
- Regular intake of 5-10x the AI can be toxic
- Result from excess supplementation (not from sun
exposure or milk consumption)
22Vitamin E
- Fat-soluble antioxidant
- Resides mostly on cell membranes
- Protects the cell from attack by free radicals
- Protects PUFAs within the cell membrane and
plasma lipoproteins - Prevents the alteration of cells DNA and risk
for cancer development - Prevention of ischemic heart disease
23Vitamin E, An Antioxidant
24The More The Better?
- Vitamin E is only one of many antioxidants
- It is likely that the combination of antioxidants
is more effective - Diversify your antioxidant intake with a balanced
and varied diet - Megadose of one antioxidant may interfere with
the action of another
25Food Sources of Vitamin E
- Plant oils
- Wheat germ
- Asparagus
- Peanuts
- Margarine
- Nuts and seeds
26RDA for Vitamin E
- 15 mg/day for women and men
- (22 IU of natural source or 33 IU of synthetic
form) - Average intake meets RDA
- 1 mg d-?-tocopherol 0.45 IU (synthetic source)
- 1 mg d-?-tocopherol 0.67 IU (natural sources)
27Deficiency of Vitamin E
28Toxicity of Vitamin E
- Inhibit vitamin K metabolism and anticoagulants
- Possible hemorrhage
29Vitamin K (Koagulation)
- Synthesized by the bacteria in the colon and are
absorbed - Role in the coagulation process
- Calcium-binding potential
30Drugs and Vitamin K
- Anticoagulant
- Lessens blood clotting process
- Antibiotics
- Destroy intestinal bacteria
- Inhibit vitamin K synthesis and absorption
- Potential for excessive bleeding
31Food Sources of Vitamin K
- Liver
- Green leafy vegetables
- Broccoli
- Peas
- Green beans
- Resistant to cooking losses
- Limited vitamin K stored in the body
32Overview of Water-Soluble Vitamins
- Dissolve in water
- Generally readily excreted
- Subject to cooking losses
- Function as a coenzyme
- Participate in energy metabolism
33Enrichment Act of 1941 and 1998
- Many nutrients lost through milling process of
grains - Grain/cereal products are enriched
- Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, iron
- Enriched grains still deficient in B-6, magnesium
and zinc
34Thiamin B1
35Deficiency of Thiamin
- Beriberi
- Weakness, nerve degeneration, irritability, poor
arm/leg coordination, loss of nerve transmission - Edema, enlarge heart, heart failure
- Occurs where polished rice is the only staple
36Food Sources of Thiamin
- Wide variety of food
- White bread, pork, hot dogs, luncheon meat, cold
cereal - Enriched grains/ whole grains
37RDA For Thiamin
- 1.1 mg/day for women
- 1.2 mg/day for men
- Most exceed RDA in diet
- Surplus is rapidly lost in urine non toxic
38Riboflavin B2
- Coenzymes
- Participate in many energy-yielding metabolic
39Deficiency of Riboflavin
- Seborrheic Dermatitis
- Dermatitis around noses
- Cracked lips, tongue
40Food Sources of Riboflavin
- Milk/products
- Enriched grains
- Liver
- Oyster
- Brewers yeast
- Sensitive to uv radiation (sunlight)
- Stored in paper, opaque plastic containers
41RDA for Riboflavin
- 1.1 mg/day for women
- 1.3 mg/day for men
- Average intake is above RDA
- Toxicity not documented
42Niacin B3
- Coenzyme
- Metabolize CHO, Protein, Fat
- Tissue respiration
- Exchange of O2 and CO2
43Deficiency of Niacin
- Pellagra
- 3 Ds
- Occurs in 50-60 days
- Decrease appetite weight
- Prevented with an adequate protein diet
- Enrichment Act of 1941
- Only dietary deficiency disease to reach epidemic
proportions in the U.S.
44Food Sources of Niacin
- Enriched grains
- Beef, chicken, turkey, fish
- 60mg tryptophan can be converted into 1 mg niacin
45RDA for Niacin
- 14 (mg) NE/day for women
- 16 (mg) NE/day for men
- Upper Level is 35 mg
- Toxicity S/S headache, itching, flushing, liver
and GI damage - Megadose can lower LDL and TG and increase HDL
46Pantothenic Acid
- Essential for metabolism of CHO, fat, protein
- Deficiency rare
- Usually in combination with other deficiencies
- Metabolism of CHO and fat
- Help break down certain amino acids
- DNA synthesis
48Vitamin B-6
- Coenzyme
- Activate enzymes needed for metabolism of CHO,
fat , protein - Synthesize nonessential amino acid
- Synthesize neurotransmitters
- Synthesize hemoglobin and WBC
- Reduces Homocysteine levels
49Food Sources of Vitamin B-6
- Meat, fish, poultry
- Whole grains (not enriched back)
- Banana
- Spinach
- Avocado
- Potato
- Heat sensitive
50RDA for Vitamin B-6
- 1.3 mg/day for adults
- 1.7 mg/day for men over 50
- 1.5 mg/day for women over 50
- Daily Value set at 2 mg
- Average intake is more than the RDA
- Athletes may need more
- Alcohol destroys vitamin B6
51B-6 As A Medicine?
- B-6 to increase the level of serotonin
- Not a reliable treatment
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Toxicity potential
- Can lead to irreversible nerve damage with 200
mg/day - Upper Level set at 100 mg/day
- Coenzyme
- DNA synthesis
- Homocysteine metabolism
- Neurotransmitter formation
53Deficiency of Folate
- Similar signs and symptoms of vitamin B-12
deficiency - Pregnant women
- Alcoholics
- Megaloblastic Anemia
54Neural Tube Defects
- Spina bifida
- Anencephaly
- Importance of folate before and during pregnancy
55Food Sources of Folate
- Liver
- Fortified breakfast cereals
- Grains, legumes
- Foliage vegetables
- Susceptible to heat, oxidation, ultraviolet light
56RDA for Folate
- 400 ug/day for adults
- (600 ug/day for pregnant women)
- Average intake below RDA
- FDA limits nonprescription supplements to 400 ug
per tablet for non-pregnant adults - OTC Prenatal supplement contains 800 ug
- Excess can mask vitamin B-12 deficiency
- Upper Level set at 1 mg
57Vitamin B-12
- Role in folate metabolism
- Maintenance of the myelin sheaths
- RBC formation
- Pernicious anemia (associated with nerve
degeneration and paralysis)
58Deficiency of Vitamin B-12
- Pernicious anemia
- Never degeneration, weakness
- Tingling/numbness in the extremities
(parasthesia) - Paralysis and death
- Looks like folate deficiency
- Usually due to decreased absorption ability
- Alzhiemers like symptoms in elderly
- Injection of B-12 needed
- Takes 20 years on a deficient diet to see nerve
59Food Sources of Vitamin B-12
- Synthesized by bacteria, fungi and algae
- (Stored primarily in the liver)
- Animal products
- Organ meat
- Seafood
- Eggs
- Hot dogs
- Milk
60RDA for Vitamin B-12
- 2.4 ug/ day for adults and elderly adults
- Average intake exceeds RDA
- B-12 stored in the liver
- Non-toxic
61Vitamin C
- Synthesized by most animals (not by human)
- Decrease absorption with high intakes
- Excess excreted
62Functions of Vitamin C
- Reducing agent (antioxidant)
- Iron absorption
- Synthesis of collagen
- Immune functions
- Can donate and accept hydrogen atoms readily
- Needs are higher for smokers
64Deficiency of Vitamin C
- Scurvy
- Deficient for 20-40 days
- Fatigue, pinpoint hemorrhages
- Bleeding gums and joints. Hemorrhages
- Associated with poverty
- Depressed Immune
- Cuts dont heal quickly
65Food Sources of Vitamin C
- Citrus fruit
- Potato
- Green pepper
- Cauliflower
- Broccoli
- Strawberry
- Romaine lettuce
- Spinach
- Easily lost through cooking
- Sensitive to heat
- Sensitive to iron, copper, oxygen
66RDA for Vitamin C
- 90 mg/day for male adults
- 75 mg/day for female adults
- 35 mg/day for smokers
- Average intake 72 mg/day
- Fairly nontoxic (at
- Upper Level is 2 g/day
- Newest essential nutrient
- All tissues contain choline
- Precursor for acetylcholine (neurotransmitter)
- Precursor for phospholipids
- Some role in homocysteine metabolism
68Food Sources of Choline
- Widely distributed
- Milk
- Liver
- Eggs
- Peanuts
- Lecithin added to food
- Deficiency rare
69Needs for Choline
- Adequate Intake is 550 mg/day for adult males
- Adequate Intake is 425 mg/day for adult females
- Normal consumption is 700-1000 mg/day
- High doses associated with fishy body odor,
vomiting, salivation, sweating, hypotension, GI
effects - Upper Level is set at 3.5 g/day (3500 mg/day)
70Vitamin Supplement?
- Myths
- Insurance
- What to buy
- Overdose vs Megadose
- Synergistic Effect
- Phytochemicals
71Food Guide Pyramid
- Grains
- Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin
- Veggies
- Vit A, K, C and Folate
- Dairy
- Vit D, B12 and Riboflavin
- Meat, Fish, Eggs, Legumes
- Thiamin, Riboflavin, Biotin and Vit B6, B12
- Fats, Sweets, Oils
- Vit E
72Role of Diet on Cancer Risks
- Excessive intake of calories increases the risk
of cancer - Excessive body fat affect sex hormone production
- High intake of fruits and vegetables is
associated with lower risk - High intake of meats and protein is associated
with higher risk - Excessive alcohol increases the risk
- Excessive charcoal broiling increases risk
- Nitrosamines (from nitrite) increases risk
- Mycotoxins (from fungi) increases risk
73Fat and Cancer
- The National Academy of Sciences recommend 30
of total calories from fat - Excessive intake is a likely cause of growth of
cancerous cells
74Recommendations to Reduce the Risk for Cancer
- Remain physically active
- Avoid obesity
- Engage in physical training that promotes lean
muscle mass - Consume abundance of fruits and vegetables
- Consume plenty of low-fat/nonfat dairy products
- Avoid high intakes of red meat and animal fat
- Avoid excessive alcohol
75Warning Signs
- Early detection is critical
- Unexplained weight loss
- A change in bowel or bladder habits
- A sore that does not heal
- Unusual bleeding or discharge
- A thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere
- Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
- An obvious change in a wart or a mole
- A nagging cough or hoarseness