Title: 18th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics
1Suppression of high pt hadrons from Au-Au
collision at 130GeV/c
- Introduction
- Experimental Setup
- Suppression Results
- Centrality Dependence
- Summary and Outlook
- At RHIC we reach a new energy regime
- (Mini-) Jet production contributes substantially
to the particle production - Initial production rate can be calculated in pQCD
- Early phase of the collisions can be investigated
Use Jets as a calibrated source to study
the property of the medium
3Spectra Predictions
Several predictions have been done on what to
expect in the ultra-high-density medium formed in
RHIC collisions. -- Partonic energy loss
M.Gyulassy, I.Vitev, X.N.Wang PRL 86 (2001) 2557
4Ratio Central/Proton-Proton
- ratio of charged hadron spectra in central Au-Au
_at_ 200GeV/c over p-p collisions normalized by the
average number of binary collisions
X.N.Wang PRC 61(2000) 064910
5Centrality dependence
X.N.Wang PRC 63 (050821)01
- Our Observables
- Charged particles
- Neutral pions
- BBC and ZDC trigger up to 92 of the total cross
section - Precise centrality selections using correlation
between ZDC energy and BBC charge - Glauber model
- to extract the Number of Participants and Number
of Collisions
8Charged Particles
- For this analysis
- 1.5M minimum bias events
- EAST arm DC, PC1 and PC3
- ?? 90 degree and ?? 0.7
- Momentum resolution 3.6 p (GeV/c)
- Pro
- single track, no combinatorial background
- Contra
- at high momentum difficult PID analysis
- contribution from different species
- (RiCh detectors)
9Neutral Pions
- For this analysis
- 1.17 M minimum bias events
- 2 sectors EMCal in the WEST arm
- (2 sector PbGl in the EAST arm)
- ?? 45 degree and ??0.7
- Pro
- invariant mass reconstruction up to very high pt
- Contra
- large combinatorial background
- need a lot of events
- hard at low pt, much easier at high pt
10Peak extraction
- Example of extraction of peak
- central collisions
- pt 1.5 GeV/c
- At higher pt the analysis gets easier
- pt gt2 GeV/c
- asym lt0.8
- M 136.7 MeV
11What to compare to ?
- Reference N-N spectra at 130GeV/c
- (h h-)/2 and neutral pions ( ?/h 1/1.6 ratio
from ISR) - Fit
Power Law
?pp d2N/dpt2 A (p0pt)-n
Scaling by number of binary collisions in Au-Au
12Pt spectra
- Charged particles and neutral pions spectra at
mid-rapidity for two different centrality bins - 0-10 and 60-80
- Pions two data sets (PbGl and PbSc)
- Comparison to Nbinary scaled reference of NN
Phys. Rev. Lett. (88) 2002
Central collisions show deficit
Peripheral collision are described at high pt
13Nuclear Effects (I)
- Modification due to nuclear effects have a long
history started in 1975 - - p-A measurement
- - a (pt)
- -shadowing below 1.5 GeV/c
- -anomalous Cronin effect (initial state
multiple scattering) above.
Cronin Effect
14Nuclear Effects (II)
At lower energies (SPS) , Cronin effect
ordinary anomalous nuclear effect
Compilation of X.N. Wang
Plateau at 2.
Crossing at 1.5 GeV/c
15Nuclear Modification Factor
- RAA shows
- Charged particles
- Increase up to 2 GeV/c
- Saturation at 0.6
- Neutral pions
- Roughly constant at 0.4
- RAA shows
- Charged particles
- Increase up to 2 GeV/c
- Saturation at 0.6
- Neutral pions
- Roughly constant at 0.4
- RAA shows
- Charged particles
- Increase up to 2 GeV/c
- Saturation at 0.6
- Neutral pions
- Roughly constant at 0.4
Brackets and bands represents sums of all
systematic errors Reference NN, corrections ,
binary Total 30-50
16(No Transcript)
- Ratio of most central spectra (0-10) to the
peripheral sample (60-80) appropriately scaled
by the number of binary collisions
Particle composition Changing with centrality
Binary Scaling
Charged particles
Neutral pions
pT (GeV/c)
18Centrality evolution of spectra (I)
- Centrality dependence of the pt distributions in
the range of 0.3 and 5 GeV/c - Pronounced power law in peripheral collisions
- More exponential trend in central collisions
PHENIX preliminary
19Centrality evolution of specta (II)
- Ratio to minimum bias
- Pronounced curvature in peripheral collision
- Curvature decreasing with increasing centrality
- Change of curvature in most central collisions
PHENIX preliminary
Central (0-5)
Peripheral (60-92)
20Change in shape
- To quantify the change in shape vs centrality
(Npart) - Inverse slope or
- Mean pt (above a pt cut ) ?pT? - pTmin
Directly connect with the inverse slope
At high pt ltptgt decreases with Npart
PHENIX preliminary
NB at smaller pt, the trend is reversed
21Nuclear Modification Factor Evolution
- Gradual modification of the spectra with
increasing centrality - - Monotonic increase vs pt for peripheral data
Cronin or proton contribution ? - - Strongest Suppression for central data
Relative systematic error (mostly Nbinary)
Common systematic scale error
Peripheral (60-92)
Central (0-5)
22Which scaling ?
- Testing two scaling behaviours
- Soft production scales as Npart
- Hard processes scale as Nbinary
Nx Nbin
13 10 7 5 2 b(fm)
Nx Npart/2
0 1 2 3 4
- We measured neutral pions and charged particles
up to a pt 4-5GeV/c - Suppression relative to the Binary scaling of
proton-proton collisions - Suppression relative to expected ordinary
anomalous Cronin effect - And to peripheral interactions.
- Suppression evolves gradually as function of
centrality. - Soon on your screens
- 170 million Au-Au at 200 GeV
- A continuously increasing number of proton-proton
collisions at the same energy. - A much better detector
- More detailed centrality dependence of
suppression - Separate study for the mesonic and barionic
components of the spectra. - Particle ratios at high pt
24Centrality Selections