Title: Application and interpretation of adjointderived sensitivities in synopticcase studies
1Application and interpretation of
adjoint-derived sensitivities in
synoptic-case studies
- Michael C. Morgan
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Linda Keller
- Kate La Casse
- Dr. Hyun Mee Kim (KMA)
- Daryl T. Kleist (NCEP/NOAA)
- Describe what an adjoint model is
- Demonstrate adjoint applications to
- Synoptic case studies
- Diagnosis of key analysis errors
- Data assimilation
- Discuss interesting research problems for which
adjoint-based tools might have some utility
- Provide synoptic interpretations for selected
forecast sensitivity gradients - Describe the evolution of sensitivities with
respect to the forecast trajectory - Present a useful technique to display
sensitivities with respect to vector quantities - Discuss interesting research problems for which
adjoint-based tools might have some utility
5Relationship between the nonlinear model and its
Nonlinear Model
Linear Model
Adjoint Model
6How might adjoints be used?
adjoint model
input perturbation
An adjoint model is useful in the estimation of
a change in response function associated with
arbitrary, but small changes in the input to the
linearized model.
7Application 1 Synoptic case studies
- Impact studies
- vs.
- Sensitivity studies
8Impact studies or what if? experiments
- Impact studies involve studying the effects a
specific initial and/or boundary perturbation
(x0) to an NWP model has on some aspect of a
forecast. - While these perturbations are often chosen based
on synoptic intuition, typically the precise
choice of the location and structure of the
imposed initial perturbations is not known. - The chosen perturbations may have very little
impact on the weather system of interest. - As these studies are performed to assess the
importance of a particular synoptic feature, many
integrations are needed to yield useful results.
9Modeling System Used
- MM5 Adjoint Modeling System (Zou et al. 1997)
with non-linear model state vector
- All sensitivities were calculated by integrating
the adjoint model backwards using dry dynamics,
about a moist basic state.
- The corresponding adjoint model state vector is
10Description of Case 1 and response functions
- Cold frontal passage over the upper midwest
during the 36h period beginning 1200 UTC 10 April
2003 - Sensitivity gradients were calculated for the 36
hour MM5 forecast from Eta model initial
conditions at 1200 UTC 10 April 2003 for three
response functions - 1) average temperature over WI
- 2) average north-south temperature difference
over northern WI - 3) average zonal wind over WI
11Mean sea level pressure and temperature (s0.85)
12Sensitivity with respect to initial conditions at
1200 UTC 10 April 2003
1336h temperature sensitivity evolution
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16700 hPa sensitivities with respect to u and v
valid at 1200 UTC 11 April 2003 (f24)
17700 hPa sensitivities with respect to u and v
valid at 1200 UTC 11 April 2003 (f24)
18Sensitivity with respect to derived variables
Adjoint of Inversion
19700 hPa sensitivity gradients valid at 1200 UTC
11 April 2003 (f24)
20Description of Case 2 and response function
21Impact study of McTaggart-Cowan (2002)
22Initial state (MSLP and 925hPa q)
23Initial state (250300 hPa PV)
24Forecast evolution
25Final state
26Sensitivity of 48h KE to vorticity
27Application 2 Identification of key analysis
If the response function chosen is a (quadratic)
measure of forecast error, the output of the
adjoint model provides a means of changing the
initial conditions to determine an initial
condition which will minimize the forecast error
11 April 1994 ECMWF forecast bust
Rabier et al. (1996)
29Control and perturbed analyses
30Evolution of key analysis errors
Rabier et al. (1996)
Rabier et al. (1996)
32Application 3 4DVAR data assimilation
33Application 3 4DVAR data assimilation
34Application 3 4DVAR data assimilation
1200 UTC 13 February 2001
NCEP final analysis (mslp) and ship and buoy
observations of wind (ms-1) and mean sea level
NCEP final analysis (blue) and 36 hour MM5
forecast (red) mslp
36Water vapor image andsatellite-derived wind
vectors (ms-1)
0600 UTC 12 February 2001 300 hPa (yellow) and
400 hPa (blue)
37Assimilation in sensitive regions
1200 UTC 13 February 2001
NCEP final analysis (blue) and 36 hour MM5
forecast (red) mslp
Observations in sensitive regions assimilated at
0600 UTC
All observations assimilated at 0600 UTC
38Assimilation in insensitive regions
1200 UTC 13 February 2001
36 hour forecast mslp (cont. assim.)
Number of observations
Observations in insensitive regions assimilated
at 0600 UTC
Real-time forecast sensitivities may be found at