Title: AOSD: Agile Offshore
1AOSD Agile Offshore
- Agile Offshore Software Development (AOSD)
- Team organization
- Infrastructure
- Communication tools
- Delivery Management
- Active Quality
- Return of experience
- Agile Offshore Software Development (AOSD)
- Team organization
- Infrastructure
- Communication tools
- Delivery Management
- Active Quality
- Return of experience
4Types of offshore projects
- There are 2 main types of offshore projects
- Fixed-price projects
- Black box for the customer
- Well-defined specifications
- Not at heart of Customers Information System
- - Or highly risky if they are!
- Collaborative/Agile projects
- Moving specifications
- IT teams on both sides
- Possibly developers on both sides
- Possibly Architects/Framework on one side and
development team on the other side
- Minimal project duration required
- For processes/tools/communications to settle
- For people interactions to reach a satisfactory
- Can tackle complex projects (and with higher
satisfaction levels)
- This presentation is about Collaborative/Agile
5AOSD Agile Offshore Software Development
- Visibility at all levels
- Code, Quality, Productivity, Risk management
- Based on XP, RUP and Open Source practices
- Applied to the offshore context
- Communication - Development - Planning
- Specifications - Developments - Delivery/Integ
- Bug corrections/Change Requests
Collaborative Tools
Best Practices
Project Organization
6AOSD is flexible
- Best practices from XP, RUP and Open Source
- XP
- Continuous Integration
- Strong Quality
- Short iterations
- UML notation to formalize specifications
- Open Source
- Collaborative tools and associated practices
- Different versions
- AOSD Java, AOSD .Net, AOSD SAP, etc
- We will focus on AOSD Java in this presentation
- AOSD is a modular methodology
- Integrates well into an existing context
- Allow progressive and continuous adoption of its
practices to improve communication/quality/product
7AOSD core values
- Continuous improvements
- Establish a team spirit with virtual teams
- Automation as much as possible
- Continuously improved during project lifecycle
- Continuous communications
- Shared expectations
- Agile Offshore Software Development (AOSD)
- Team organization
- Infrastructure
- Communication tools
- Delivery Management
- Active Quality
- Return of experience
9Team Organization (Logical model)
Depending on the size there can be one or several
Offshore Project Manager
10Coordinator role
- Neutral stance as much as possible
- Administrative tasks
- Arrival/Departure administration (e.g. Secure id
card, Star Team account, Test Director account,
Wiki account, JIRA account, mailing lists
accounts, etc) - Organization of visits (identification of
requirement, dates, agendas, people) in both
- Visa handling
- Infrastructure for offshore
- Infrastructure coordination improvements
(monitor performances, tune tools) - with help
from customers infrastructure team
- Organisational
- Weekly technical and management conf calls with
all the teams (dev team integration team tech
team) follow up from these calls
- Management meetings
- Communication facilitators related
communication improvements
- Offshore team selection (senior members mostly)
- Offshore training programme improvements
- Crisis escalation investigation handling
- Accompany Onsite members during offshore visits,
ensuring success of agenda/visit.
- Good to have Methodology/Expertise
- Definition of Project Development Process with
offshore in mind and continuous improvements
(e.g. short iterations introduction, usage of
JIRA for detailed plannings, acceptance criteria
for code delivery, wiki setup, etc). - Work inside the teams to implement the
collaborative development process.
- Quality suggestions improvements (testing
strategy / build improvements for quality
11Team organization lessons No Micromanagement
Local Project Lead
Project Lead
Project Manager
12Role diversity in offshore
- Same roles on both sides as much as possible
- To prevent feeling of superiority from one side
/ Help teams jell
- To spread overall knowledge which helps improve
- Because of distribution cost
- A technical Guru only on one side will have
difficulties helping across distance
- Examples of possible offshore roles
- Integration team Tests
- Business conception
- Detailed design
- Architecture relay / Build guru
- Agile Offshore Software Development (AOSD)
- Team organization
- Infrastructure
- Communication tools
- Delivery Management
- Active Quality
- Return of experience
Intranet (Wiki, Build results, Issue tracker)
Source Repository
Continuous build
DMZ reachable from offshore
VPN over internet
- Agile Offshore Software Development (AOSD)
- Team organization
- Infrastructure
- Communication tools
- Delivery Management
- Active Quality
- Return of experience
16Communication tools
Value in team knowledge sharing
Word doc
Mailing list/forum
Video Conf.
Usage frequency
- Travels Every 1.5 months (3p per trip)
- Word docs 1 every month
- Phone 3 calls per week (for 10p)
- Wiki 1 topic modified per day (for 10p)
- Email several times per day
- Through builds every 2 hours
- Chat continuously
17How to share functional knowledge?
- Travels in both directions
- Functional training for Project Leads
- Especially before new subjects
- Have Project Leads do the business conception
- As much as possible
- Have Project Leads do the detailed design
- Open chat channels with functional persons
- We have dedicated functional persons. 1 per team
1 person per 10 developers roughly. Can
decrease with time.
- Helpful to have onsite coordinators in teams
- Send functional tests along with use cases
- Have a separate team script and automate them
- Agile Offshore Software Development (AOSD)
- Team organization
- Infrastructure
- Communication tools
- Delivery Management
- Active Quality
- Return of experience
19Iteration planning (Time-boxed)
Meetings every week
Continuous build(2 hours)
Phase start
Phase end
Iteration(2 weeks)
Work Packet 1
Work Packet N(6-7 weeks)
Production delivery
Functional delivery
- Fixed iteration delivery dates (Time-Boxing)
- Must not be changed, content can change
- Iterations must list all tasks taking ½ day or
- To prevent misunderstanding
- To allow easy progress follow up
- To generate release notes automatically
- Done using Issue Driven Development
20Issue Driven Development
- Every task is visible as an issue in the issue
- If a task is not there, add it before checking in
and add task id in check-in comment
- It is critical that the iteration issues are up
to date continuously
- Otherwise, leads to expectation gaps which itself
leads to frustrations on both sides
- If a task cannot be performed in time for the
iteration or if it is changed or a new task
added, trigger a CCB conf call
- CCB Change Control Board
- Made of representative of the different streams
(business, architecture, developers, management,
- Agile Offshore Software Development (AOSD)
- Team organization
- Infrastructure
- Communication tools
- Delivery Management
- Active Quality
- Return of experience
22Active Quality
- Goal share quality concepts through build
- Contrasts with Documentation-driven quality
- Automated
- Preventive instead of curative
- Automation through builds/continuous builds and
make the build fail as much as possible
- Tests
- Unit tests, Integration tests, Functional tests
- Clover/Emma/JCoverage
- Code quality
- Checkstyle/PMD/Findbugs, Pattern Testing
- Others
- Metrics (NCSS, JDepend, etc)
- Each tool requires an associated strategy
- Otherwise useless!
- Requires trained coachs and evangelization
- Need to develop culture of excellence
- Continuous integration requires a Build
manager/engineer (full time job)
23Continuous build platforms
Accessed from offshore
IST platform
Pre-UAT platform
UAT platform
Developer platform
Developer workstation
Assembly machine
- Unit tests (mocks) - Some integration tests (Db
- Integration testing (manual)
- Functional tests by developers (manual)
- Technical / Functional tests (manual)
- Performance testing (manual)
- Functional tests by IT users (manual)
- Functional tests by end users (manual)
Automated f.e. with Abbot for Swing apps
- Agile Offshore Software Development (AOSD)
- Team organization
- Infrastructure
- Communication tools
- Delivery Management
- Active Quality
- Return of experience
26Lessons learnt (1/2)
- Require good mediators/coordinators
- To solve communication issues due to language and
cultural differences
- To suggest improvements continuously
- To act as harmonizers
- Ex prevent productivity measurements and
associated disastrous communications
- To shield teams from the wearing effect of
working from a distance
- Lots of travels/exchanges
- Hard to work with someone you havent seen
- Leads to misunderstandings
- Help share knowledge at all levels
- At all levels
- Managers, Project Leads, Lead Developers/Gurus,
- Lots of discipline
- To follow development methodology
- JIRA issues and update
- The Build Must Pass! (requires developing a build
- Weekly meetings
27Lessons learnt (2/2)
- Share activities between onsite/offshore
- Not just development, but also
- Business Conception, Detailed Design, Testing,
- Improve team spirit/job satisfaction
- Allow offshore people to progress
- Share the global knowledge and thus improve
- Write functional test cases before development
- Helps transfer business knowledge
- Easy way to know requirements have been
- Can then be scripted/automated by testing team
- Dedicated offshore support persons in each team
- To minimize question round trips
28The Right Attitude
- Always give the benefit of the doubt to the
distant party
- Is it possible that it is me who has not
- Cross-check what you have understood
- Look for reasons instead of only consequences
- Dig into the reasons to find root causes
- Think of the distant party as we instead of
them and us
- Always try to improve processes/tools so that the
global solution works better
- Why do this?
- Because if you have accepted the situation
theres no point in dragging your feet. Either
dont accept it or do it well!
- Interesting human experience
- International exposure and competencies (valuable
on the market)
29Benefits of distributed teams
- Today the main driver is cost
- Exchange of knowledge in both directions
- On how to develop software
- On cultures / languages
- Broadening of vision for all participants
- Key skill for participants working in an
international team
- Organization are more and more distributed
- Will require practices for working from a
- Ex Mars/Earth
- Ability to find talents/skills
- Ex Open Source (pushed to the extreme)