Title: SIS 186 Charge Separator W. Barth
1SIS 18-6 Charge SeparatorW. Barth
L. Heyl, J. Glatz, M. Kaiser, Ch. Will ...
- Introduction
- Present Charge Separation System
- Advanced Beam Dynamics Layout
- Technical Layout
- Project Status
- Modified working plan
- Manpower, Costs
2The GSI UNIversal Linear ACcelerator
Single Gap Resonators
High Current Injector
3Transfer Line to the SIS 18
Single Gap Resonators
Charge State Analysis
to SIS 18
FAIR 40 emA (1490 kW)
4Present Charge Separation System
- Stripper-system consisting of 3 pathways
- 25m space charge dominated beam transport for the
stripped beam (multi charge state beam) leads to
significant emittance growth - Charge analyzing system (11?-dipole) with a
resolution of 1.5 is sufficient for low
intensity beams with only small emittance areas - Difficult beam optimization for transport from
the stripper to the charge separation.
5New Charge Separator-Concept
- Compact (6m) system of four vertical 35?-1.6
T-dipole magnets (field homogeneity ? 1.5 ) - Sufficient for pulse operation 3 Hz pulsed mode,
5 Hz demand mode - Dipole chamber with low eddy currents in pulse
operation, copper walls and apertures for low
radioactivity from the impact of unwanted charge
states, cooling and protection from thermal
stress - Stripper-system integrated
- Short (space charge dominated) beam transport
(multi charge state beam) 1m - less emittance growth
- Intensity gain inside SIS-acceptance ?? 20
- Charge-resolution 1
- Improved beam operating
6Stripper Concept with (more than) 3 Pathways
Foil exchanger (20 stripper foils)
1. 2. 3.
Low Current Operation
High Current Operation
No Stripping
High Current Operation (FAIR)
7New Charge Seperator Beam Dynamics I
Stripper Foil for high current heavy ion
operation (sweeper)
... for medium current operation (sweeper)
Kicker 2
... for low current operation (kicker)
Sweeper 2
8New Charge Seperator Beam Dynamics II
9New Beam Diagnostics Test Bench
profile grid
quadrupole duplett
hor./vert. slit
- ion current
- beam profile
- position (correction)
- beam emittance
- bunch structure (non destructive)
- beam energy
10Technical Layout/Overview
no change
no change
reused components
beam transformers phase probes
(double-) kicker 3
kicker 2
beam dump
dipole 34
dipole 12
beam diagnostic boxes (emittance measurement)
beam diagnostic box (profile grid, analyzing slit)
11list of components
12Status/component list
13Dipole magnets
- 01/2006 specification
- 02/2006 call for tender
- 04/2006 ordering
- 12/2006 delivery to GSI
segment (for dipole 1)
dipole 3
dipole 4
dipole 2
dipole 1
14Dipole chambers
water cooling
copper layers
copper layers
copper layers
15Technical Layout
Charge separator system
New beam diagnostics test bench
16Project Status
cooling water (esimated for LASEPbeam
diagnostics bench)
- advanced beam dynamics fixed
- new beam diagnostics test bench design/techn.
layout - dipoles ordered
- most of the components in house/ordered
- dipole chamber (specs, call for tender,
ordering) 2007 - carriage system (specs, call for tender,
ordering) 2007 - preparation of controls system
- additional beam diagnostics defined, partly
ordered - technical layout/drawings of the whole beam line
- shutdown planning 2007
- planning of infrastructure (media, cable)
started - no show stoppers
17Working Plan
(pre-)assembly of the complete charge separator
Insertion in the transfer line
18Investment, personnel
- steerer (24 k)
- phase probe (5 k)
- SEM-grid (11 k)
- High current slits (23 k)
- techn. layout/ext. (15 k)
(basic approach 465 k)
EU-personal hired
- techn. (3Y), 01/03/2006
- eng. (3 Y/50), 01/02/2006
GSI-personal - scientist (50 ) - task
5/senior scientist (temporarily)
19Beam Dynamics III
Emittance Growth
L. Groening
Charge Separation