Title: Outline
1Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Outline
- Introduction
- Technology
- Database Design
- System requirement
- Implementation
2Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Introduction
- This is a online stock trading simulating system
that the traders can use to do the actual trading
on the internet - The traders can check information about stocks
and markets - The system is secure, reliable
3Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Introduction (Continue)
- The traders must register to do the trading
- The users can view the information about the
markets such as most active, top Gainers, etc.
and stock information such as Quote, Stock
Charts, Stock News, etc. - The users can view their portfolio, the
transaction history
4Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Technology
- JSP is responsible for providing look-and-feel
interface. - Java classes are developed on the backend to talk
to database, retrieve, update and delete the
record. This reduces the responsibility of the
JSP program.
5Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Technology (Continue)
- Java classes are developed to pick important
information such as stock quotes, news, latest
quote, charts, profile, etc. from other famous
sites. - Java technology is used to guarantee transaction,
security, and reliability
6Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Database Design
- The database provides significant support for the
web application. - The database developed is relational database.
- The database is developed on Microsoft SQL Server.
7Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Database Design (Continue)
- There are a few tables developed for this
application User, UserProfile, Account,
Holdings, StockClose, Lookup, Trading_History,
and QuoteData. - User table keeps the registration info such as
UserID, Address, etc. - UserProfile table records the login info.
8Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Database Design (Continue)
- Account records the users account info.
- Holdings table keeps the users open stocks.
- StockClose table keeps the info about the stocks
that have been sold for each user. - Lookup table keeps all valid stock symbols.
- Trading_History keeps all the users transactions.
9Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Database Design (Continue)
- QuoteData keeps the historical data for each
stock for the past few years.
10Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- System requirement
- This system can be run on Windows NT with IIS
supported by the application server such as JRun,
Websphere, etc. that has JSP engine.
11Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Implementation
- The following pages provide some sample web pages
for this application. To be simple, the user can
not access the trading and portfolio applications
until he logs in.
12Online Stock Trading Simulating System
- Main page where you can open an account, log in
or view other information about the stock
- You can register on this page to take part in
trading of stocks.
14Stock Information
- This is first page to introduce information about
stocks, you can view stocks quote, charts,news
and its company profile.
- You can view stocks quote on this page from here
you can view stocks chart, news, etc.
- You can view stocks chart at different period of
time such as 1 Day, 1 Month, 3 Months and 1 Year
- You can view the companys profile associated
with the stock
18Stock News
- You can view news about the stock at different
period of time with different number of news on
each page.
19Market Movers
- You can view most active, Top Gainers, Top
Losers, Top Gainers and Top Losers for
different exchange like NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX.
- You can view your portfolio on this page where
you can choose to sell the stock. Also you can
click on View Trading History to see all your
21Trading History
- View all your transactions on this page.
- You must register to enter this page.
- You can choose Buy or sell to buy or sell stocks
from this page. - You can view your portfolio or view your trading
history from this page.
23Preview Stock Order
- You can preview your stock order from this page
before you place your order. - You can also cancel your order on this page.
24Order Confirmation
- You can get a message about your order from this